Will someone please coach TJ on earning credibility before posting advice and/or coaching “sales” Win a few p-clubs before you give advice. Once again.. a DEI hire.. via TM and Shanster.

Will someone please coach TJ on earning credibility before posting advice and/or coaching “sales” Win a few p-clubs before you give advice. Once again.. a DEI hire.. via TM and Shanster.
TJ quit posting on LinkedIn with your “sales” propaganda. You have never won once in your entire career.. noone cares about you. STFU..

Will someone please coach TJ on earning credibility before posting advice and/or coaching “sales” Win a few p-clubs before you give advice. Once again.. a DEI hire.. via TM and Shanster.
Let’s take a poll.. should a SAT score above 1000 mandatory to vote? That rule would completely put peeps like TJ (male or female) right back to sitting in the back of the bus. Thank you DJT!!

Be careful talking smack about the LION! Remember, They were an “MVP in 2023”. Hahaha. Not sure what that even means. JMR and TC have “interesting” LinkedIn profiles as well. A lot of “consultants” on our management team. LilTimmie finds these bums, so they won’t question his lackluster career. Kinda like the LION and SN, just post a bunch of borrowed advice on your socials, and call yourself a thought leader or a consultant and you’re hired. Big G just wants lemmings that admire his junior high football stories and his “big hands”. Fortunately, I have a few prescribers, so I just keep collecting these checks! For the record, 1800mg of sodium before bed is terrible for you! Carry on soldiers, once nightly!!!!! 80%coverage worldwide!!!!!!!

I feel bad for JMR. TC and the other “management” team call her the “ice princess” because of her attire. Yes, obviously she smokes, but so does the shanster. At least she has maintained employment “recently ish”. Why so many fired “leaders” in the west? BaldTimmie hasn’t worked in years. “Consultant”. Super glad to be in the East! This ship sank!!!!!! If you have a few writers, ride this train!!!! It’s easy at the top!!!!!!!

I feel bad for JMR. TC and the other “management” team call her the “ice princess” because of her attire. Yes, obviously she smokes, but so does the shanster. At least she has maintained employment “recently ish”. Why so many fired “leaders” in the west? BaldTimmie hasn’t worked in years. “Consultant”. Super glad to be in the East! This ship sank!!!!!! If you have a few writers, ride this train!!!! It’s easy at the top!!!!!!!

This thread is vicious. 0 sense of awareness on what’s really happening
Really.. are you the dumbass that actually believes that anything posted on this site is actually 50% true. Let me mess it further.. all is fantastic at Avadel. They have amazing leaders.. and the leadership team is outstanding!! Tim left to be the CEO of his own wine company.. he didn’t really need the 400k per year. Are you happy know.. last poster?? You are probably in sales training and could never sell.

Really.. are you the dumbass that actually believes that anything posted on this site is actually 50% true. Let me mess it further.. all is fantastic at Avadel. They have amazing leaders.. and the leadership team is outstanding!! Tim left to be the CEO of his own wine company.. he didn’t really need the 400k per year. Are you happy know.. last poster?? You are probably in sales training and could never sell.
And you’re probably in sales. If you could sell we won’t be here

If you’re not in sales, you are a drain on our finances! Let that sink in. “Managers”,”hr”,”leadership”, “home office”, you are worthless. Only the reps make money. When we lose great sales talent, it cannot be replaced. The launch is over! Worst leadership and direction in any company I have worked for. Least professional HR, First day is a joke! CEO shows up late with his JV football jersey on for the big pep talk. One time at band camp…..literally a joke!