Attune info

Don't be is all lets see where your gonna get an up charge for that aox poly..I am courious who the designing surgeon is that said it sucks...I know one of them on the reclaim doesn't like it...good job J&J

I am hearing that depuy are getting an increase in prices of around 15% based on the improvement in patient outcomes with attune...i find that hard to take who is going to pay that much extra With or without a new "supa poly"

I am hearing that depuy are getting an increase in prices of around 15% based on the improvement in patient outcomes with attune...i find that hard to take who is going to pay that much extra With or without a new "supa poly"

They may in some places but on a whole they won't get much of an upcharge. The market has already been introduced to modern knees. Depuy is just finally launching one. I love it when competitive reps have told me how much dr so-n-so at orthocarolina or some other Depuy paid surgeon loves the Attune,and how it feels interop, and their patients are doing so much better. Well here's why. Because those surgeons have refused to put in anything other than Sigma because they are PAID! Had they went out and actually tried something different, maybe the wouldn't be so giddy, and realize that it's just another Triathlon/Vanguard/whatever.

They may in some places but on a whole they won't get much of an upcharge. The market has already been introduced to modern knees. Depuy is just finally launching one. I love it when competitive reps have told me how much dr so-n-so at orthocarolina or some other Depuy paid surgeon loves the Attune,and how it feels interop, and their patients are doing so much better. Well here's why. Because those surgeons have refused to put in anything other than Sigma because they are PAID! Had they went out and actually tried something different, maybe the wouldn't be so giddy, and realize that it's just another Triathlon/Vanguard/whatever.

I am sure all the depuy reps find this funny as I do... Triathlon is about the most unstable knee on the market and that's what strykers research says. This is why when triathlon use are switching to attune. I would suggest reading publications both strikers and depuys

There are several studies showing that Triathlon has more AP translation during flexion than other knee systems. I know at least one was a Stryker funded study. This is not surprising since it also has the lowest conformity ratio.

As to Pricing. The Sigmas knee had a lower national average selling price than most competitive systems. Attune may not get an up charge over competitive systems but it will bring the price in line with other companies advanced knee offerings.

I don't know if any knee will be a game changer. This will be the newest most advanced knee out there. It has been hard converting surgeons to Sigma because it is an older knee. This will help us solidify current customers and convert new business. Our job is not to sit on CP and tell you why it will be a "game changer". Our job is to tell your surgeons why it is a better option for their patients.

BORING!!! I have never seen such apathy over a new knee system. C'mon DePuy! Get some cajones and start bashing the competition! Our knee has a recessed troclea like the Nex Gen finally.

I've seen the new instruments and they look and work great. Anyone usine HP will like these. When I have converted surgeons in the past there were a few hangups with the HP instruments. All but one guy were able to work through the learning curve and now like them. The Attune instruments would have eliminated almost all the issues competitive surgeons had with HP.

That list isn't exclusive to just implants and instruments. And the opinions being written here are not just competitors. Sounds like a few of your cube mates may not be in bliss as well.

Anyone have Attune in their territory yet? Has anyone converted anyone with it yet? Just looking for some feedback as to how it is being received by non early evaluators. I've had several competitive surgeons ask me about it but I don't have a set yet to show them.