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Good luck Bridge money grubbers.....you now have a QD pill and once every 3 month subQ injection with hard mortality outcomes you missed...and Helios had like patients. all your con man angles, excuses, and spin are now exploded. keep spinning Neil. Taps have started...hey maybe you guys can jump to Alnylam. P.S. hows your stock price? at least that looks like Pfizer

Level of anger about people leaving to try something new is pretty silly. They got paid better and they went to a fantastic culture. If it doesn’t work out at Bridge, they’re incredibly marketable for next rare startup. If it does, they’ll make hundreds of thousands/millions in stock. There is a risk you have to find another job, but that’s what startup people do. They just find another great high paying job.

Good luck Bridge money grubbers.....you now have a QD pill and once every 3 month subQ injection with hard mortality outcomes you missed...and Helios had like patients. all your con man angles, excuses, and spin are now exploded. keep spinning Neil. Taps have started...hey maybe you guys can jump to Alnylam. P.S. hows your stock price? at least that looks like Pfizer
By the time the Ionis drug (notice I didn't say AZ) has any CM indication the market will be set and you'll be begging for vutri/taf combo failures with your prescription drug benefit coverage while taf owns that set of payers and vutri goes through medical. And those failures will all be NYHF III/IV and not great candidates for therapy anyway.

Good luck with that.

By the time the Ionis drug (notice I didn't say AZ) has any CM indication the market will be set and you'll be begging for vutri/taf combo failures with your prescription drug benefit coverage while taf owns that set of payers and vutri goes through medical. And those failures will all be NYHF III/IV and not great candidates for therapy anyway.

Good luck with that.
Good luck with the taf step edits and the payers. Gonna be a long road or a short ride

Offers from Bridge went out to representatives Great Packages. Exodus begins from AZ.
Blah, blah, blah. Better culture...you have no drug, gee thats easy. Wait until you enter the CM wars with 2 drugs that hit their mortality end points. Your game is over....and your stock is trash...and the extra money will be like tears in the rain, gone in a NY minute. have fun at your next gig.

By the time the Ionis drug (notice I didn't say AZ) has any CM indication the market will be set and you'll be begging for vutri/taf combo failures with your prescription drug benefit coverage while taf owns that set of payers and vutri goes through medical. And those failures will all be NYHF III/IV and not great candidates for therapy anyway.

Good luck with that.
You are such a simpleton. Do you understand the current undiagnosed market and the failure of said companies to make a dent in that number? AZ is well-positioned with multiple products....and you clearly don't understand how your Ionis drug (such a petty remark, loser...) is doing. You made a bad choice as will the nevr'do wells who chase the money. good luck to you.

Level of anger about people leaving to try something new is pretty silly. They got paid better and they went to a fantastic culture. If it doesn’t work out at Bridge, they’re incredibly marketable for next rare startup. If it does, they’ll make hundreds of thousands/millions in stock. There is a risk you have to find another job, but that’s what startup people do. They just find another great high paying job.
There's actually ambivalent disappointment in the disloyalty. Fantastic culture? you're buying the hype? They overpaid for unproven, shaky talent who lack character. Its a fantastic culture when you have no product and no quota. Wait until your spinmeister CEO is disappointed with a fizzle of the launch with a bunch of overpaid salaries and soon to be disgruntled people with worthless shares as the stock tanks....we will see what a fantastic culture it is...and we will see how easy you move to your next gigs in the midst of layoffs. Sure it will be great opportunities. Feel sorry for the lot.....pipeline and results to the Street tell a different story. To each his/her own.

More than anything, we are sick of the constant whining and complaining.

Believe me, we are thankful for the other company hiring/getting rid of you babies.

If you can't handle this one, there's no way you'd handle selling the rest of the portfolio.

Sometimes problems just solve themselves.

Alnylam rep here. Former AZ. This thread is exactly how I remember AZ culture. A bunch of angry managers who lead with threats. For the life of me I don't understand how anyone stays at AZ more than a year. It's the only place in the world where the leaders are dumber than those they manage.

Good luck to all going to BBIO. We are going to kick both of your asses but you'll be much happier and wealthier getting your ass kicked at BBIO.

Alnylam rep here. Former AZ. This thread is exactly how I remember AZ culture. A bunch of angry managers who lead with threats. For the life of me I don't understand how anyone stays at AZ more than a year. It's the only place in the world where the leaders are dumber than those they manage.

Good luck to all going to BBIO. We are going to kick both of your asses but you'll be much happier and wealthier getting your ass kicked at BBIO.

Offers from Bridge went out to representatives Great Packages. Exodus begins from AZ.
Short sighted & short lived life at BridgeBio! I joined them sometime back & not happy with their culture & leadership. Worst ever! Plus they're privately funded so no security or future. If you're smart stay in AZ we're repenting coming here

Alnylam rep here. Former AZ. This thread is exactly how I remember AZ culture. A bunch of angry managers who lead with threats. For the life of me I don't understand how anyone stays at AZ more than a year. It's the only place in the world where the leaders are dumber than those they manage.

Good luck to all going to BBIO. We are going to kick both of your asses but you'll be much happier and wealthier getting your ass kicked at BBIO.
Any hiring for the CV indication likely?

Leadership is extremely clueless over here think "Ostrich head in the sand syndrome." There are deep issues over here. Not once have they surveyed the field force to find out true anonymous thoughts. Instead what you see is a monthly national call where Leadership is patting Marketing on the back, and Marketing is patting Leadership on the back. Managers blowing up the Zoom chat trying to create positive motion alll while feelling scared and shaking internally (or being so over ambitious about getting to the next role they aren't focused on the current role), and AZ Internal field colleagues putting on that smile praying that they will be worthy of getting paid like external hires and bumped up to a Level 4 or 5, and meanwhile as a partcipant on these calls all you want to say is WAKE UP PEOPLE!