ATTR Salesforce

the PN phase three trial was abandoned and I've seen no evidence of any secondary endpoints in their CM data. If they get PN it would be pulling a rabbit out of a hat. The CM composite endpoints are a gimmick. They had better price it cheap!
BBio doesn't have any pipeline. Bad culture. I would stay away from it

Problem is BridgeBio can't compete with Pfizer's Vyndamax and Acoramidis dosing schedule will make it an unlikely treatment for first line. Plus pfizer can launch AG and bridgebio have nothing else going on in their pipeline either.
BridgeBio is an unstable company with no future. It's bad out there an insider told me. They won't survive for a long

BBio doesn't have any pipeline. Bad culture. I would stay away from it
AZ is the worst culture I've ever been a part of. Thanks for your post DSM. Bridge Bios startup culture will be amazing. Anyone with half a brain will enjoy it far more than this dumpster fire. But you do have to have at least half a brain so that disqualified a bunch of DSMs here.

Agree. It’s hard to say exactly what the issue is here at Team TTR, but there is no doubt issues.

I think that leadership is all over the place. I think there are a lot of self serving leaders as well who are really the most clueless about this space.

A lot of sales colleagues feel disconnected from Marketing. Marketing has an almost higher than thou mentality and it was clear at launch that they were disappointed in us. I think we all heard the gossip of marketer AG saying “we sucked” in a public area in the hotel.

The culture sucks because they haven’t really been focused on that. It was wham, bam, get you into training and push you out for this unique opportunity to learn from your customers for disease state awareness. If you look at some of the opportunities and leads for different projects/teams it is typically the same people on them too rep wise.

Overall the whole thing is so disappointing. I have never seen so much turnover not even a year into launch… and it’s only getting started. I really wanted this to work and I was so excited even if CM was delayed I would have stayed… but as the weeks go on I’ve come to the conclusion that once my sign on contract re payment date passes I will be putting my 2 weeks in and hopefully have a new job lined up.

Yes, the culture sucks here. Every time I open up Workday it's always the same people traveling all over.

For some, this job is one big vacation. Must be nice. For others, it's a constant grind of metrics, programs, busy work and no acknowledgement.

If this was less like a high school and more like a performance driven place people wouldn't be so ready to leave.

because they don’t care y’all

i think Fred cares, but he’s also fresh in a new role. regionals you have one that just started and is trying to connect and hear her peoples thoughts and then you have the other one who is just a smiling poster boy who’s just always excited but absolutely clueless. go to the manager level and it’s a bunch of me me me who shines the best. rep level you have AZ internal who are either bots this place is great or woke to the fact they are very underpaid. AZ external who are either doing well because they have a speaker and going to stay or not really working counting down the days.

Problem is BridgeBio can't compete with Pfizer's Vyndamax and Acoramidis dosing schedule will make it an unlikely treatment for first line. Plus pfizer can launch AG and bridgebio have nothing else going on in their pipeline either.
Don't forget about Acordamidis lab monitoring. None with Vyndamax. Most local amyloid experts see no value, only potential headaches. 5 year data with Vynda and clean safety. Tough to compete but we will see

That's an odd statement considering the NY manager who left was incredibly successful. Do you even know what you're talking about?

All hands off deck!
Wow! What an attitude! Leaving a company like AZ with gr8 pipeline of medicines saving millions of lives & has future & going in a company which is surviving on private funding & openly stealing people from other companies. What kind of ethics & morals you guys follow? We wish you good luck!

Wow! What an attitude! Leaving a company like AZ with gr8 pipeline of medicines saving millions of lives & has future & going in a company which is surviving on private funding & openly stealing people from other companies. What kind of ethics & morals you guys follow? We wish you good luck!
gr8? What are you 12? Its a job not a marriage.

Wow. Here come the former AZ ATTR Managers at Bridge Bio now after their former AZ representatives. Offering $200k base. $70k target bonus. Big stock options. Gonna be interesting.