Atlanta Neuroscience team in a living hell.

First off, you should always start collecting whistleblower documentation from day 1 of training on each and every company you work for. All pharma companies are a huge litigation nightmare if a rep knows what to look for and how to document. As far as the dick manager, on the next ride along, every detail should be using the PI only. Start the detail in front of the dick manager with the warnings and any black box the product may have. Go over all adverse events and the bad aspects of the product. Make sure to talk about patients that should never use said product. At the end of the detail, hit on the patients that may benefit from the product. Once back in the car, start recording audio of the beat down the dick manager will surely give you. End the ride along and call HR/compliance to report that dick manager is not allowing fair/balance and berated you after the call. Don't admit you recorded the verbal beat down you received. Recap the audio in a recapped email to the manager, area guy, compliance and HR. Save audio for the FDA if they don't want to play ball. Once you strike, you have to keep hurling accusations. Do not turn your back on these idiots. They will target you but Dick manager should be gone.

First off, you should always start collecting whistleblower documentation from day 1 of training on each and every company you work for. All pharma companies are a huge litigation nightmare if a rep knows what to look for and how to document. As far as the dick manager, on the next ride along, every detail should be using the PI only. Start the detail in front of the dick manager with the warnings and any black box the product may have. Go over all adverse events and the bad aspects of the product. Make sure to talk about patients that should never use said product. At the end of the detail, hit on the patients that may benefit from the product. Once back in the car, start recording audio of the beat down the dick manager will surely give you. End the ride along and call HR/compliance to report that dick manager is not allowing fair/balance and berated you after the call. Don't admit you recorded the verbal beat down you received. Recap the audio in a recapped email to the manager, area guy, compliance and HR. Save audio for the FDA if they don't want to play ball. Once you strike, you have to keep hurling accusations. Do not turn your back on these idiots. They will target you but Dick manager should be gone.
Excellent advice and thanks.

I've been in this business a long time. One this is for certain, if you treat reps badly they quit working, don't care and start fudging calls, it's real simple. ABLs, if your reading this and I know some of you are, learn something from this post. The energy you expel micromanaging reps, treating them like two year olds and pretending that you are smarter than them is breath taking. It take more energy to treat someone bad to actually treat someone nice. If you would actually work along side them, let them alone and trust the reps the Company hired (even you hired) it would take far less energy and you would see an increase in business not to mention calls would actually stop being fudged. The thing is, Reps will work for someone they trust and like, They feel guilty not giving an effort to someone they like. Conversely, Reps that are treated badly the complete opposite is true...The could give a sh$$ to an AHole and just go through minimal motions of the job hoping, waiting to either get laid off or the next ABL is at least be an upgrade.

I just don't get an ABL that even bothers w/ experienced reps. These ABLs should be on cruise control w/ the experience they have instead, they actually create counter productivity. If you took the job because you think you are smartest guy in the room and wanted to be a baby sitter go work at Kinder Care because actually that's more your speed. If you became an ABL to work at a world class Pharma Company and work w/ thriving adults then act like an adult not like a Kinder Care baby sitter where you actually would be the smartest person in the room by default.

I've been in this business a long time. One this is for certain, if you treat reps badly they quit working, don't care and start fudging calls, it's real simple. ABLs, if your reading this and I know some of you are, learn something from this post. The energy you expel micromanaging reps, treating them like two year olds and pretending that you are smarter than them is breath taking. It take more energy to treat someone bad to actually treat someone nice. If you would actually work along side them, let them alone and trust the reps the Company hired (even you hired) it would take far less energy and you would see an increase in business not to mention calls would actually stop being fudged. The thing is, Reps will work for someone they trust and like, They feel guilty not giving an effort to someone they like. Conversely, Reps that are treated badly the complete opposite is true...The could give a sh$$ to an AHole and just go through minimal motions of the job hoping, waiting to either get laid off or the next ABL is at least be an upgrade.

I just don't get an ABL that even bothers w/ experienced reps. These ABLs should be on cruise control w/ the experience they have instead, they actually create counter productivity. If you took the job because you think you are smartest guy in the room and wanted to be a baby sitter go work at Kinder Care because actually that's more your speed. If you became an ABL to work at a world class Pharma Company and work w/ thriving adults then act like an adult not like a Kinder Care baby sitter where you actually would be the smartest person in the room by default.[/QUOTE


If you are an ABL and you end up w/ a thread on CafePharma let's face it, Legal and HR needs to at minimum investigate you. Where there is smoke there is fire and in this litigious society it's to easy to get an Esq. to at least back a letter of notice to the ABL, RM and NVS and let NVS sort it out instead of the Rep being put on the spot. If this would happen more often you would see more ABLs acting like adults instead of 40 year old brats.

So by the same token, if you are a sales specialist and your name appears in a thread on CP should you automatically be investigated? After all, if it's on CP it MYST be true!

Yep, where there is smoke there is fire. No said “find guilty” all agree it should be looked into. If you are a good manager and not a prick you shouldn’t worry about a thread being put up anyway since it will probably be positive.

Yes Sir! If you haven’t figured it out yet we live in Social Media Society. You want to act like an know it all ass in your district or your a manager that acts like a royal tyrant that impossible to work for then expect to end up on the web. Remember the term Fly Under the Radar? This goes for managers, specialty or anyone who thinks they are high holy.

Yes Sir! If you haven’t figured it out yet we live in Social Media Society. You want to act like an know it all ass in your district or your a manager that acts like a royal tyrant that impossible to work for then expect to end up on the web. Remember the term Fly Under the Radar? This goes for managers, specialty or anyone who thinks they are high holy.
Seriously...threads that are "put up" on cafe Pharma are NOT positive--EVER. What is this person thinking??? Just like reviews...most review items bad as they are ticked.

Seriously...threads that are "put up" on cafe Pharma are NOT positive--EVER. What is this person thinking??? Just like reviews...most review items bad as they are ticked.
That's the whole point of the post. If you are a good person, a decent/fair/trusting manager and fly under the radar you don't end up w/ a thread or your name here. However if you are a AH$$$ or prick ABL, you get a nice little name, end up on CP.

If you don't think there is premarket promotion going on right now with erenumab you are living in a dream world. It's going to get ugly quick. Just watch.

No it won't get ugly. No one is pre promoting. Lilly and Teva...bye bye

Who is the Ky/Tn Amgen mgr? I've heard some not so good things about him. Evidently he's a control freak!

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