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ark Judge, Key Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It’s just the game that is played. If they can’t get you with the race card, then they get you with the sex card.
Seeing all those smug, arrogant, sanctimonious elitists on both sides sitting like kings on their thrones makes me sick. These actors/ clowns are running our country into the ground and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.
Vote.......for whom? They’re all the same on both sides of the aisle.

Good grief! Name me one time Republicans have mounted a smear campaign based upon supposed sexual misconduct against a SCOTUS nominee. You can’t. This is just one example of the huge difference between the parties.

Is there corruption and mischief in the Republican Party? Of course there is, but you way overplay your hand.

This “a pox on both their houses” especially in this respect is lazy and childish.

Hate to say this about my buddy Vag, but you whiffed on this one.



Hate to say this about my buddy Vag, but you whiffed on this one.

Whiffed? Speaking of strikeouts, any playoff predictions yet? .

Hey, I was for Kavanaugh at first. I still am not against him but why is he protesting so much? It seems like he can dish it out but he can’t take it.
I'm sure you're aware of the questions he urged Ken Starr to ask Clinton in court? Even Ken Starr had more class and was more professional than that. He wanted to destroy a 20 yr old intern and take down a president. And now he's getting teary-eyed? Don't make me laugh.

Add to that, the Republicans refused to even HEAR Merrick Garland. A political maneuver that kept them from making a spectacle. We both know it's all about who has the majority at any given moment so it's a big chess game dancing around the Republicans being scared about the mid-terms. If not? Just delay the hearings. There was no rush with Merrick Garland, why is there a rush now? :rolleyes: We BOTH know why. We BOTH know! The GOP wants to overturn Roe. The Dems don't - it's that simple.

Personally? I have no dog in the race. I won't be getting an abortion any time soon. I think it should be available but if it isn't, it won't ruin my life. I'm sure we'll just go back to the old days and old ways - back alley offices, coat hangers and trips to Mexico. Then the Christians can bow and kiss the ring. Politicians will always be able to get one for their mistress.

My life right now is Cannabis stocks (up another $1544 this week, waiting on 10/17), Palm Springs naked place (in 2 weeks), then World Series and cruising thru the Holidays getting ready for next year’s Spring Training in Phoenix; then Maui & then Padre Island. If we hit it big on the cannabis stocks, we’ll finish off a little trysting enclave in our tiny but private and secluded back yard. Can’t wait to have the first party.

Sorry if that sounds shallow but when you're in the 7th year of retirement, you might be focused on your own agenda too. Peace. :cool:

Truth in politics is whatever serves the purpose. To them, the end always justifies the means.

The Dems want more FBI investigation without time limits.... to give them time to plant more false bs to find.
Why isn’t Ford being further investigated?
Answer: she’s a woman. She’s fragile, been through enough, all bs. She’s a pawn in this game and should be put under the same microscope.as K.
Same for all the other “collaborators”.
All after their 15 mins of fame.

The Dems want more FBI investigation without time limits.... to give them time to plant more false bs to find.
Why isn’t Ford being further investigated?
Answer: she’s a woman. She’s fragile, been through enough, all bs. She’s a pawn in this game and should be put under the same microscope.as K.
Same for all the other “collaborators”.
All after their 15 mins of fame.

LOL, Hillary was grilled for 11 hours and never flinched. In 20 minutes Kavanaugh started crying when he spoke about drinking beer and lifting weights with his buddies. I'd like to see someone a little more emotionally stable on the court. I mean wtf is the hurry? :cool:

LOL, Hillary was grilled for 11 hours and never flinched. In 20 minutes Kavanaugh started crying when he spoke about drinking beer and lifting weights with his buddies. I'd like to see someone a little more emotionally stable on the court. I mean wtf is the hurry? :cool:

Really stupid comparison. Entirely inappropriate and you misrepresent the situation as is your habit.

Kavanaugh is extremely emotionally stable. The Clintons are pathological liars. You either know that or you’re incredibly ignorant.?

But V does have a point - what's the hurry?

The real question is why is it being done at all?Its a stall, and another Dem witch hunt.
6 have been done on him, on Ford. Are they afraid they’ll find the truth about her sudden
And it’s not his point, he’s just parroting the Dem line. In case you haven’t pegged Vag, he’s a libtard playing both sides of the fence.

Thanks for admitting the Dems are despicable hypocrites!

Republicans were merely being bipartisan by following the BIDEN RULE!

Now go wipe the egg off your face!:p:p:p:p:p

There's no such thing as a Biden Rule. His comment during a speech was never voted on and there is no such thing. The Dems have been the ones who are bipartisan.

In February 1988, during an election year, the Democratic-controlled Senate confirmed Anthony Kennedy, who was Republican Reagan's nominee for the Supreme Court, though Kennedy had been nominated in November 1987 to replace Lewis Powell who was nominated by Richard Nixon. On October 9, 1990, the Democratic controlled Senate (55–45) confirmed President George H. W. Bush appointee, David Souter, 90–9. On October 15, 1991, that same Senate confirmed Clarence Thomas, 52–48. So with this said, It's not the Dems who were the first to break out the bag of dirty tricks. I'm sad to see what appears to be the death of bipartisanship in our country. True it's escalating but the GOP started it when the completely ignored and snubbed Merrick Garland as though he didn't even exist.

Now, after you get the egg off your face please post the Biden Rule.:cool: