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ark Judge, Key Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Good old 'Everclear'? That was a favorite college boy trick back then. All I know is, abortion should be legal and birth control should be passed out free. :cool:

Yeah, right. Personal responsibility is non- existent in your whacked out world.
We need another Woodstock for idiots like you.
When abortion is used as birth control, and it frequently is, it’s simply wrong.
Planned Parenthood has handed out bc for years, and bc pills cost a buck.
WTF more does the taxpayer have to do for these irresponsible people? Keep it in your pants and keep your legs closed.

Yeah, right. Personal responsibility is non- existent in your whacked out world.
We need another Woodstock for idiots like you.
When abortion is used as birth control, and it frequently is, it’s simply wrong.
Planned Parenthood has handed out bc for years, and bc pills cost a buck.
WTF more does the taxpayer have to do for these irresponsible people? Keep it in your pants and keep your legs closed.

Yeah, that works right? :D

She’s taking her own sweet time regarding committing to testify. Mighty strange for somebody that has “passed” a lie detector test and was ready to testify.

Looks like she’s gonna be the one to really use a mob approach. :p:p

Time for her to put up or shut up. Tell your story or forever hold her piece.

Agree, think it's Thursday?

If she shows. Now she and her lawyer don’t like the female prosecutor doing the questioning. Also some “ friends” have come out of the woodwork that evidently she mentioned the “ attack” to.
All very conveniently timed for the most impact. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
Wish the Dems were as good at running this country as they are with ruining lives, opening our borders, turning more people into public parasites, making cops targets, increasing racial discord, and generally resisting all that made America a great country.
If there is a blue wave, America will sink to a new low, even lower than the Barry years.

If she shows. Now she and her lawyer don’t like the female prosecutor doing the questioning. Also some “ friends” have come out of the woodwork that evidently she mentioned the “ attack” to.
All very conveniently timed for the most impact. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
Wish the Dems were as good at running this country as they are with ruining lives, opening our borders, turning more people into public parasites, making cops targets, increasing racial discord, and generally resisting all that made America a great country.
If there is a blue wave, America will sink to a new low, even lower than the Barry years.

The truth is that the Democrat party and the left are ripping the fabric of our democracy with cynical and false ploys like this far more Trump could ever dream of.

The have a pathological lust for power and control and one of the key ways they get their agenda implemented is through the courts. That’s why they are prepared to engage in such outrageous and baseless political smears such as they are trying with Kavanaugh. They can’t be allowed to succeed with this. If they do we will have taken a huge step toward making this nation ungovernable as it currently exists.

The truth is that the Democrat party and the left are ripping the fabric of our democracy with cynical and false ploys like this far more Trump could ever dream of.

The have a pathological lust for power and control and one of the key ways they get their agenda implemented is through the courts. That’s why they are prepared to engage in such outrageous and baseless political smears such as they are trying with Kavanaugh. They can’t be allowed to succeed with this. If they do we will have taken a huge step toward making this nation ungovernable as it currently exists.

Actually Trump has manipulated the system using the money of oligarchical billionaires who spread fake news through media, memes and Twitter. Now he attempts to install tyrannical judges who share his 'grab 'em by the pussy' values. If we, the people, do not nip this in the bud the fabric of our democracy won't be ripped, it will be shredded. Another very credible witness has come forward with a declaration to spill the beans on the tyrant who would rip women's rights apart.

Her declaration reads, in part:

On numerous occasions at these parties, I witnessed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking “No” for an answer. This included the fondling and grabbing of girls without their consent.

Actually Trump has manipulated the system using the money of oligarchical billionaires who spread fake news through media, memes and Twitter. Now he attempts to install tyrannical judges who share his 'grab 'em by the pussy' values. If we, the people, do not nip this in the bud the fabric of our democracy won't be ripped, it will be shredded. Another very credible witness has come forward with a declaration to spill the beans on the tyrant who would rip women's rights apart.

Her declaration reads, in part:

On numerous occasions at these parties, I witnessed Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh drink excessively and engage in highly inappropriate conduct, including being overly aggressive with girls and not taking “No” for an answer. This included the fondling and grabbing of girls without their consent.

Are you truly this naive and gullible as to believe this or are you just totally dishonest?

It’s all a pack of lies. Even if true, if Bill Clinton can be president, them kavanaugh can be on scotus. This is how weak and deranged your case is.

Run along now. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough.

If she shows. Now she and her lawyer don’t like the female prosecutor doing the questioning. Also some “ friends” have come out of the woodwork that evidently she mentioned the “ attack” to.
All very conveniently timed for the most impact. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
Wish the Dems were as good at running this country as they are with ruining lives, opening our borders, turning more people into public parasites, making cops targets, increasing racial discord, and generally resisting all that made America a great country.
If there is a blue wave, America will sink to a new low, even lower than the Barry years.

That's politics - each side does it. Notice how concerned the GOP is that there's an 'empty seat on SCOTUS that MUST be filled'? They sure weren't concerned when Merrick Garland was nominated. And that was very conveniently timed too. It's all about getting who you want in and nothing to do with ANY thing else. :cool:

That's politics - each side does it. Notice how concerned the GOP is that there's an 'empty seat on SCOTUS that MUST be filled'? They sure weren't concerned when Merrick Garland was nominated. And that was very conveniently timed too. It's all about getting who you want in and nothing to do with ANY thing else. :cool:

Once again you trot out your “both sides do it” meme which betrays your inability to think clearly and deeply about things.

In the Garland matter, the Republicans were merely applying the Biden rule. See old big mouth uncle joe was the one responsible for Garland and this isn’t a presidential election year so Trump’s pick should sail through in a timely fashion.

The Democrats are the ones who will stop at nothing to get their way. The Republicans as a whole have shown standards, ethics. Cooperation and restraint. The record CLEARLY shows that. Case closed.

Once again you trot out your “both sides do it” meme which betrays your inability to think clearly and deeply about things.

In the Garland matter, the Republicans were merely applying the Biden rule. See old big mouth uncle joe was the one responsible for Garland and this isn’t a presidential election year so Trump’s pick should sail through in a timely fashion.

The Democrats are the ones who will stop at nothing to get their way. The Republicans as a whole have shown standards, ethics. Cooperation and restraint. The record CLEARLY shows that. Case closed.

But what if Kavanaugh is another weiner flasher who wants to deny reproductive rights to women by reversing settled law? He needs to be grilled first studmuffin, you of all people know this to be true. :rolleyes:

But what if Kavanaugh is another weiner flasher who wants to deny reproductive rights to women by reversing settled law? He needs to be grilled first studmuffin, you of all people know this to be true. :rolleyes:

Fool, he’s already been thoroughly vetted. The charges holding up his confirmation are LUDICROUS and only an ignorant fool or a lying scammer gives them import. :p

But what if Kavanaugh is another weiner flasher who wants to deny reproductive rights to women by reversing settled law? He needs to be grilled first studmuffin, you of all people know this to be true. :rolleyes:

You mean another wiener flasher like Bill Clinton?

Yeah, you walked right into that buzz saw. Despite your idiot babble about settled law - it ain’t and reproductive rights- they’re not - if Clinton can serve his terms as president then Kavanaugh can serve his term as a justice, even if he was a wiener flasher as Bill has been proven to be. There are 850 million witnesses to prove that fact! :p:p

You mean another wiener flasher like Bill Clinton?

Yeah, you walked right into that buzz saw. Despite your idiot babble about settled law - it ain’t and reproductive rights- they’re not - if Clinton can serve his terms as president then Kavanaugh can serve his term as a justice, even if he was a wiener flasher as Bill has been proven to be. There are 850 million witnesses to prove that fact! :p:p

Inane babble :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: