Arizona - What Happened

So asshole, his morality begins and ends with him being single? I think most moral people would agree married or single you shouldn't fuck around with a married person. The adultery is not the most pathetic part its is the sainthood the women he has banged have bestowed upon him. He is a loser. Most with any conscience or the own self worth would agree. Actually he is a sociopath which makes him a perfect fit around here.

I love reading this thread!

So what's going on now? I'm sure more people have quit due to lack of leadership in Phoenix. Glad I live in the South. Same shitty managers but not as good as this stuff!

I love reading this thread!

So what's going on now? I'm sure more people have quit due to lack of leadership in Phoenix. Glad I live in the South. Same shitty managers but not as good as this stuff!

Unfortunately, Bridgette and Lisa are still here with us. Both have super inflated opinions of themselves.

I love reading this thread!

So what's going on now? I'm sure more people have quit due to lack of leadership in Phoenix. Glad I live in the South. Same shitty managers but not as good as this stuff!

Same shithole....different day of faking calls. It's Friday so I will fake a lunch and bring it to my family and be done by 12:00....CTL's still suck here. FU MERCK!

Why has Phoenix gone down hill? Lack of leadership? Yes managers covering their own ass? Why did Robin B. really leave? Was Kim D. the reason or hiring her friends?

Why did Stewart T. really leave? Did he really show that much favoritism? Why is Lisa still around? Wasn't she involved with that whole scandal?

What a disgrace this whole state has become. Way to get rid of the older reps. I'm so suprised their has not been a age discrimation suit.

Don't worry, the InVentiv reps are coming soon. I would take the 15x15 guy's advice.

Robin B is now VP in NE so nice try with stirring up drama when there wasn't any in AZ

only a few worthless POS managers left. I guess when you fire sales you don’t need managers. Go figure. Everyone I know has either left or taken a package. Only a few years left for me. Suck it you sorry excuse of a big pharma co. You are hated by employees and patients. So sad.

only a few worthless POS managers left. I guess when you fire sales you don’t need managers. Go figure. Everyone I know has either left or taken a package. Only a few years left for me. Suck it you sorry excuse of a big pharma co. You are hated by employees and patients. So sad.
What I despise are the whining BS coming from useless ungrateful nonproductive in the sales force. You all need immediate termination!

What I despise are the whining BS coming from useless ungrateful nonproductive in the sales force. You all need immediate termination!
Appropriate that the worthless in Arizona being targeted for removal. Thinks look very positive especially since two worthless RHINOs out of senate. Way to go Arizona!!

Glad I will be taking my pension soon and laugh as this shi$ co continues to decline. This POS co is the laughing stock of the industry and the AZ managers continue to be worthless POS idiots that they are. FU AZ!

Glad I will be taking my pension soon and laugh as this shi$ co continues to decline. This POS co is the laughing stock of the industry and the AZ managers continue to be worthless POS idiots that they are. FU AZ!
I am very happy that you are leaving the sooner the better. Talk about a worthless piece of fecal debris!!
Get your ass out the less we have of your kind the better in fact why don't you walk south yto Mexico and trade places!

Silly manager is drinking and texting. I feel sorry for you. While I collect my pension, Merck will change the payout and screw you over. I will be going to Mexico a few times a year and drink to you. Another POS manger.