Arizona - What Happened

Top tips for our colleagues in WH from your friends in AZ:

1. Work on your babysitting skills
2. Pretend that you're a runner (especially at meetings)
3. Build an HR file on your CTL and DCO
4. Stick with your team
5. Get a second job

You'll survive like we did.

Top tips for our colleagues in WH from your friends in AZ:

1. Work on your babysitting skills
2. Pretend that you're a runner (especially at meetings)
3. Build an HR file on your CTL and DCO
4. Stick with your team
5. Get a second job

You'll survive like we did.

I liked the long version but this is a nice summary. Remember WH's a marathon not a sprint .... don't be afraid to complain about a knee, ankle or back injury at the meetings. And... you enjoy letting your kids play in traffic. You may not get promoted but you can keep your integrity!

So spill the beans, what happened in Arizona?

Let me take a stab at it. Stewart was taking kickbacks from the reps he liked the best and re-distributing the objective to those that were new or he didn’t like. The hospital reps caught on and called bullshit then the East Coast HR came to Phoenix. The reps confirmed that Stewart was mentally abusive and so on and so forth…HR let him take early retirement. Just like this shitty company to cover for this worthless manager…. The DCO..Lisa is a worthless piece of shit from the Henry Morales days, another brainless piece of shit DCO, and had to have known about it. The analyst had to have known too. He was tight w/him.

What a shame!

Lisa is EVIL.

Numbers improved because the non-retail business killed it! Why else would you have the same districts with the highest percentage of DoD and IHS business flip-flopping each other year after year. Then there's always the annual NORP swap-meet where those that came in first the previous year try to downplay any further increase in objective by vilifying the districts that came in last and only performed slightly above 100%...
Nevermind only 4 reps were promoted to executive...must be nice for all the legacy specialty reps and winners of the previous S-ranking Shenanigans heist to lock-in early and enjoy all these years of higher base and bonus...not that it's their fault, nor or any less deserving. Just another example of the company "needing to embrace change":(

Her reply was some shit about being all great and a anomaly....Then someone else stated:

Robin fell ass backwards into Gov’t sales. Those are run out of East Coast. A few good people know how to work the federal system back there. She will take credit for anything. Watch out WH reps..If you suck then it is your fault..It is not because you have un-realistic numbers. If you succeed then it is all Robin..she is the anomaly. It is all her. She will stab you in the back when she can.

She thought she left a legacy…she only left a stench!

Let me take a stab at it. Stewart was taking kickbacks from the reps he liked the best and re-distributing the objective to those that were new or he didn’t like. The hospital reps caught on and called bullshit then the East Coast HR came to Phoenix. The reps confirmed that Stewart was mentally abusive and so on and so forth…HR let him take early retirement. Just like this shitty company to cover for this worthless manager…. The DCO..Lisa is a worthless piece of shit from the Henry Morales days, another brainless piece of shit DCO, and had to have known about it. The analyst had to have known too. He was tight w/him.

What a shame!

Lisa is EVIL.

Dear Lisa,

You deserve every comment that is written about you on this board. HOS is not what it was since you took over and wrecked everything. Many of us who are left miss the good old days when we had mgrs who actually cared about us........

Same thing happened when the reps in VA/PA wrote about her.

Well.. we know she is consistant. Consistant at being a bitch and spreading
lies. I think we saw some of the slides from your group in AZ. She shows all the same slides from her old districts acting like they are new. Did she show you the movie Miracle. US Men's hockey team? She showed it to us twice. Maybe she thought we didn't get it the first's all about the team.. What a hypocrite!

The manager showing the slides showed your district slide at the end and she got pissed. I felt sorry for him...he didn't know. At least she could delete the slide with the old district on it. What a moron! This is just one example of the many the fuck ups she did.

Glad you survived too. Why didn't you guys warn us? Oh yea..she cried to CP and got them taken off. At least we got word to WH.

There is a Possibility I will be considering a move to Arizona if an opportunity comes for my spouse with a promotion in another company.Don't know if there will be openings or not but are all the ctls poisoned micromanagers or is there a decent option?It looks bleak out there.

There is a Possibility I will be considering a move to Arizona if an opportunity comes for my spouse with a promotion in another company.Don't know if there will be openings or not but are all the ctls poisoned micromanagers or is there a decent option?It looks bleak out there.

Actually one is ok. Those is Phoenix know who he is. The rest are poison, micromanaging idiots.

Openings? Really? We will be replaced by CSO soon. Maybe a few will be spared. Look outside the industry. Managers are not your are!

Whoaaaa... Someone must've hit a nerve....a bunch of posts from this thread got deleted

Most of the threads that were deleted came from HOS. I guess that Lisa didn't like getting called out for getting rid of any HOS mgr that was a threat to her when she first became a DCO or for her emotional instability and inability to strategize.

Lisa was a bizarre choice to become DCO from a bizarre and mysterious little woman that came out of nowhere, and subsequently disappeared into the night. Thi Dao had everyone scared because they could not figure out how she got her job, and typical of Merck we put up with her inane drivel for ten years based on that fear. She was given the benefit of the doubt because people felt, that little woman must know someone. The fact is, she knew no one. The hospital group at that time was a non-plus. Low volume afterthought, they threw six directors at it without any thought.

She gave the job to Lisa because they shared the same social inadequacy. Great motive, garbage result.

Merck always hires out of weakness.

It is all we have left.

Lest we forget, the she-devil was brought in to AZ after the four or five existing directors (all of whom already lived in AZ) were all cut. Somebody really wanted her to have this job.

Lisa was a bizarre choice to become DCO from a bizarre and mysterious little woman that came out of nowhere, and subsequently disappeared into the night. Thi Dao had everyone scared because they could not figure out how she got her job, and typical of Merck we put up with her inane drivel for ten years based on that fear. She was given the benefit of the doubt because people felt, that little woman must know someone. The fact is, she knew no one. The hospital group at that time was a non-plus. Low volume afterthought, they threw six directors at it without any thought.
She gave the job to Lisa because they shared the same social inadequacy. Great motive, garbage result.

Merck always hires out of weakness.

It is all we have left.

Ecxcept Lisa was not the chosen one ... Please Lisa, tell us how you beat out others who was supposed to get the position.

Lest we forget, the she-devil was brought in to AZ after the four or five existing directors (all of whom already lived in AZ) were all cut. Somebody really wanted her to have this job.

Happened in PC too. How did Robin beat out the other DCO's( who also lived in AZ). They were so much better than her. All the good ones are gone and only the shit is left. How pathetic this whole region has become..HOS, PC and MVD. Mindless and gutless DCO's and CTL's leading AZ into the abyss.

Thoughts -

1. I don't live in AZ but it is pervasive throughout Lisa's entire region. Stewart left a lasting impression on me from the 1S meeting - I was thankful I didn't work for him; I would have started my "file" sooner. There was a rep that won the VP award and wasn't on territory for the last 4 months of the year. Not her fault, I like her - she's a favored one. Just another example of how they can change anything to make it what they want.

2. I have felt the impact of knowing that you are on the bubble of trying to get you to quit or finding a way to let you go. My file is nice and thick with names, dates, recordings, emails - check! Ready to use if I have to.

3. Lisa runs her region by intimidation. One CTL that is no longer with the company let me listen to a conversation that he had with her (she didn't know that I was listening) and she said it was good to have the rep (me) squirm a little and be afraid. Wish I had recorded that! She needs to be afraid - very afraid. HR won't be able to protect her with all that she has done and now that the reps are starting to document activities with her and the CTL's. Maybe she should go back and take the course for harassment that was mandatory.

4. Lisa's managers are always in the field with the reps (well - some of them are smart enough to only ride with the reps for a call, have lunch, do a business review and move on-they would be the ones that have the reps with the highest morale). What do they do during their time with us - nothing except make your life hell for the days that they are there. Not all the managers are in the field except the ones that want to be upwardly mobile or hand chosen by Lisa. Really - don't you have a life outside of this company??? Do you really need to leave at 430 in the morning to get to a field visit or stay for 2 days??? NO - the customers don't want to see you and neither do the reps. You are suppose to be there to help us -HA- all you do is get in the way. Little do you know what the customers have to say about you when we go back around on the next visit. "Please don't bring them back!!!" and you think that the day went so well and they liked what you had to say.

5. Lisa will be around - unfortunately - for a long time because she is the only female DCO in the hospital division. HR is for the managers and up; reps, we're on your own.

Be Well.

Lisa was a bizarre choice to become DCO from a bizarre and mysterious little woman that came out of nowhere, and subsequently disappeared into the night. Thi Dao had everyone scared because they could not figure out how she got her job, and typical of Merck we put up with her inane drivel for ten years based on that fear. She was given the benefit of the doubt because people felt, that little woman must know someone. The fact is, she knew no one. The hospital group at that time was a non-plus. Low volume afterthought, they threw six directors at it without any thought.

She gave the job to Lisa because they shared the same social inadequacy. Great motive, garbage result.

Merck always hires out of weakness.

It is all we have left.

Good guess but wrong.

Good guess but wrong.

Actually that post was right on but I could give an alternative to the DCO's getting their jobs. Merck looked really hard to find the most worthless, self-centered, controlling bitches to run AZ and came up with Lisa and Robin.

Both promote mindless people under the radar so these people will always 'owe' them. They push people around and take credit for everything. It's pathetic what this region has become. Most of the bottom feeders are gone..Stewart, Kim D, Robin..we need some more CTL's and Lisa to go...and don't go away mad....just go away.

Don't worry CTL's, DCO's. When Merck shed's your they will...all the people you have f'd over and have new jobs with companies you want to apply to.. will return the favor!

Thoughts -

1. I don't live in AZ but it is pervasive throughout Lisa's entire region. Stewart left a lasting impression on me from the 1S meeting - I was thankful I didn't work for him; I would have started my "file" sooner. There was a rep that won the VP award and wasn't on territory for the last 4 months of the year. Not her fault, I like her - she's a favored one. Just another example of how they can change anything to make it what they want.

2. I have felt the impact of knowing that you are on the bubble of trying to get you to quit or finding a way to let you go. My file is nice and thick with names, dates, recordings, emails - check! Ready to use if I have to.

3. Lisa runs her region by intimidation. One CTL that is no longer with the company let me listen to a conversation that he had with her (she didn't know that I was listening) and she said it was good to have the rep (me) squirm a little and be afraid. Wish I had recorded that! She needs to be afraid - very afraid. HR won't be able to protect her with all that she has done and now that the reps are starting to document activities with her and the CTL's. Maybe she should go back and take the course for harassment that was mandatory.

4. Lisa's managers are always in the field with the reps (well - some of them are smart enough to only ride with the reps for a call, have lunch, do a business review and move on-they would be the ones that have the reps with the highest morale). What do they do during their time with us - nothing except make your life hell for the days that they are there. Not all the managers are in the field except the ones that want to be upwardly mobile or hand chosen by Lisa. Really - don't you have a life outside of this company??? Do you really need to leave at 430 in the morning to get to a field visit or stay for 2 days??? NO - the customers don't want to see you and neither do the reps. You are suppose to be there to help us -HA- all you do is get in the way. Little do you know what the customers have to say about you when we go back around on the next visit. "Please don't bring them back!!!" and you think that the day went so well and they liked what you had to say.

5. Lisa will be around - unfortunately - for a long time because she is the only female DCO in the hospital division. HR is for the managers and up; reps, we're on your own.

Be Well.

You're a jealous, lazy complainer that probably works 10-2. I love it when another rep says they have a "file" on their DCO or CTL. Really? How many times do we interact with our DCO during the year? Not enough to have enough for a so-called file so I call BS on your post. Stop you're whining and complaining and get off your butt and work like the rest of us do.