April Layoffs?

Heard there is going to be a POA meeting the week of May 20th or around that time for respiratory...strong rumor. Probably regarding the Stiolto indication. .
No indication will change that trajectory. If they are planning a respiratory only POA for that indication they are completely out of touch.
IPF had 50-60 openings that will be filled by the end of this month, maybe half will be internal.
They aren't back filling so when they clean up regional and territory lines they will hopefully find homes for displaced reps.

No indication will change that trajectory. If they are planning a respiratory only POA for that indication they are completely out of touch.
IPF had 50-60 openings that will be filled by the end of this month, maybe half will be internal.
They aren't back filling so when they clean up regional and territory lines they will hopefully find homes for displaced reps.
Spot on. The deck will get shuffled in the near future. Fewer reps mean more opportunity for those left to have a position. The focus will be IPF and CV/metabolic.

Wow!!! There is actually a Respiratory Business Specialist position posted for Chicago. This is the first TBS job I have seen posted in about 6 months. Now I'm really confused.

Not sure that is correct but the reality is that good people are now starting to look and that is what they are banking on so they can reduce overhead and make net sales look better. Funny how accountablility and managerial courage seems to not have happened to put us in this place.

You're funny. The CV team is BY FAR the most clinically savvy selling group in B.I. They have been battling the competition for years now with probably 1/4 the resources and headcount that Eliquis and Xarelto have had, all within an arena where cardiologists know their data better than any other specialists out there, and expect their reps to as well. Unlike the other teams who worry more about where they should place their copay cards in the waiting rooms and what new and creative lunches they can bring in, the CV team has actually been clinically selling the crap out of Pradaxa and engaging physicians with DATA. And they have had to be on top of their game at all times all these years because improper usage, side effects, drug interactions of OACs can mean a trip to the ICU or even the morgue, not just a dry mouth or some rash in your crotch. Management knows this and they are going to keep their A-team in place. So run along to your PCP offices and keep yourself busy sample dropping and catering, and we will see where the chips fall when the time comes...

Our manager- Jill Shoffner- Brown, says you can't have a bad day with a good attitude. So what da ya say, let's be good stewards of the company and just work our hardest.

Our manager- Jill Shoffner- Brown, says you can't have a bad day with a good attitude. So what da ya say, let's be good stewards of the company and just work our hardest.
Well gee willikers, If your counterpart Jack goes horseback riding and gets stuck on his horse and cannot get out of the saddle. Will you help your counterpart Jack off the horse?
Maybe Jack and Jill can go fetch a formulary win.
What the hell this company is a dumpster fire

Well gee willikers, If your counterpart Jack goes horseback riding and gets stuck on his horse and cannot get out of the saddle. Will you help your counterpart Jack off the horse?
Maybe Jack and Jill can go fetch a formulary win.
What the hell this company is a dumpster fire

Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, ‘hey, why the long face?’

Seriously folks, I got a million of them. I’ll be here all weekend. Try the veal. Don’t forget to tip your waitstaff; they’re doing a hell of a job.

Jill says those who use profanity are insecure and uncivilized. Let's try to be more positive going forward with our posts. Her idealogy about life may seem shallow, but she loves this company with all her heart.

Well golly you would love this company too with all your heart if your pension was funded and you would be given a year severance if your pretty little neck was chopped off the block
So go ahead and smile like a turkey before thanksgiving

Well, you and I both know she has licked the right boots and kissed the right butts. She'll be rambling on about sales data three days after she's dead. Never shuts up. It's annoying and exhausting.