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Anything new in Metabolic division?


Yes. We have more brilliant marketing people who want pictures of us wearing blue for men's health month. This is getting rediculous. We are acting like kids and so we will be treated like kids by our customers. Someone in marketing needs to stop with these silly ideas and resources. We can use all the resources. Some are good most are horrible. Get out of our way and let us fix this. Holy c. It's annoying.

Yes. We have more brilliant marketing people who want pictures of us wearing blue for men's health month. This is getting rediculous. We are acting like kids and so we will be treated like kids by our customers. Someone in marketing needs to stop with these silly ideas and resources. We can use all the resources. Some are good most are horrible. Get out of our way and let us fix this. Holy c. It's annoying.



This why you are a lowly rep: ridiculous!!!! At least in Marketing we achieved advanced degrees from quality universities!! Not JUCO degrees!!

What's your point? What with the CEO's record, does it really matter? AbbVie might take certificates from Sally's Beauty Supply School of Beauty. If you have lots of certificates, nail filing, dog walking, food prep, PMPs, personal organizer, air conditioning, they just might take it. The more the merrier, they say. It's all in the quantity, not the quality. That's how you get promoted around here. Oh, crappy Universities in the UK really impress them, too. That will make you an Instant Director.

This why you are a lowly rep: ridiculous!!!! At least in Marketing we achieved advanced degrees from quality universities!! Not JUCO degrees!!

Lowly rep here, actual Bachelors Degree in Science with emphasis on Biology and Chemistry with dual Masters degrees . What do you boffins in marketing have?

Degree means little. A provider is not going to engage in a meaningful medical discussion with you because you have what, 3 weeks of reading studies? Impressive.

Good looking, friendly people are needed to service the account. Acct Managers sell. The rep roll is to pull through initiatives, answer basic questions and make nice.

You do not sell. No degree required.

This why you are a lowly rep: ridiculous!!!! At least in Marketing we achieved advanced degrees from quality universities!! Not JUCO degrees!!

That was a waste of money if all you can come up with is wear blue for men's Health month. Oh the patient journey sounds nice too in loo loo la la land. We have inherited all the cardiovascular care losers and now they are ruining our division. The proof is in the puddin.

Yes. Extreme micro managing and field rides. 4 people just in district I know looking for jobs. Too bad really it is a massive volume district for both products and has historically performed at top of nation

Don't we have things to do like sell drugs, do lern modules, expense reports, daily "success stories" , etc. rather than waste our time on brainiak or wearing blue? How does wasting our time taking pictures wearing blue or sending in some goofy story about a man help us move product...which is what we are paid to do.

Don't we have things to do like sell drugs, do lern modules, expense reports, daily "success stories" , etc. rather than waste our time on brainiak or wearing blue? How does wasting our time taking pictures wearing blue or sending in some goofy story about a man help us move product...which is what we are paid to do.

Its called "creating a diversion" they are merely trying to keep us so busy that we don't focus on the ax hanging over our heads and then stop working. Plain and simple. It wont be long now. I am "working" really hard. LOL

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