Anyone out there gotten a religious exemption?


2 words...James O’Keefe

Sure does put them in a bind. Clearly the employee showed in the emails from the leadership that they are purposely trying to hide information from the public and employees . So if they deny exemptions because of something that they didn’t want to acknowledge yet is true I suspect it might be a big problem in terms of lawsuits or at the very least optics .

Sure does put them in a bind. Clearly the employee showed in the emails from the leadership that they are purposely trying to hide information from the public and employees . So if they deny exemptions because of something that they didn’t want to acknowledge yet is true I suspect it might be a big problem in terms of lawsuits or at the very least optics .
Absolutely. I know at least one employee who got one.

The vaccines are made with aborted fetal tissue. That is against everyone's religion.
Vaccines not made of aborted tissue. They were used for testing. Many products use aborted tissue. Please sign a waiver not to seek hospitalization if you get ill with covid. Time to rid ourselves of people like you.

Vaccines not made of aborted tissue. They were used for testing. Many products use aborted tissue. Please sign a waiver not to seek hospitalization if you get ill with covid. Time to rid ourselves of people like you.
But it's OK for vaccinated people to seek hospitalization. Like they are doing in Israel and Great Britain. But not here apparently. Got it.

Easy for you to be a badass tough guy here on an anonymous message board and flout in self-righteous indignation.

Best you never meet me in real life, else I will be forced to stomp your gene pool dry.
Usually these "tough guys" have pipe cleaner arms, beards, man buns, skinny legs and live on green smoothies and espresso