Anyone here from the old Mead Johnson Labs division??

THere was a DM back in the 80's down south named Lea Fisk. I hear he was demoted to rep status. ANyone know the story behind the demotion?

Lea was an excellent DM who cared about his reps (I was one of them). He got cross ways with Mick (the prick) Adamson one day while sticking up for his reps when Adamson was drunk and Adamson found a way to demote him to a rep and put his ass kissing DM Mike Atkins in Lea's place who was terrible. I understand Lea stuck it out this entire time and just retired this year after 30+ years with MJN.

Michael Lamont retired last summer. His retirement was followed by Bill Driggs. They keep putting home office people in their places. Pat Krieger is last of the good, competent RBD's. Everybody else is just a bunch of "YES" men/women who bow to the demands of EVV. No one is fighting for the reps anymore except for PK.

Does anyone know where Jay Buddin, Martin Oliver, John Webb, and John Thomas are these days. Would like to talk with them. Those were some good years with the nutritional division.

Many small men are intimidated by "intense" women. Calling someone a pig really elevates the conversation and speaks more about you. Peggy was a very nice person.

If you were on her level or above, she treated you like you were worth something. If you were below her you were lucky to get a grunt out of the old pig!

Many small men are intimidated by "intense" women. Calling someone a pig really elevates the conversation and speaks more about you. Peggy was a very nice person.

I never had a problem with Peggy myself, but a nice person she was not. I agree that she should not be called a name, but the reality is, she was difficult to deal with and she caused many people to lose their jobs when they did not deserve to. She received her just desserts at Novartis and hopefully she is a much more sensitive person now. I wish her all the best, but again, a nice person she was not.

Miss Piggy had to have been one of the ugliest, nastiest pieces of human shit I've ever seen. And she was a louzy manager, too

Somebody doesn't agree with you because Peggy is a VP at Nestle now ... Novartis promoted her, and now she has maintained her high-up level. Maybe they feel sorry for her ??

Somebody doesn't agree with you because Peggy is a VP at Nestle now ... Novartis promoted her, and now she has maintained her high-up level. Maybe they feel sorry for her ??

It was nothing more than title creep @ Novartis. All RBD's were given the title VP when the AN biz was sold. All DBM's were titled as Area Directors. No raises, just title.