Anyone here from the old Mead Johnson Labs division??

Great memories from this company. Worked for MJP for a year before split. Was Ron Craver's neighbor in '71-72 before I knew about MJ. Great guy.

Took some great trips with MJN. London in '78, Hawaii in '79, Ocho Rios in '80, Acapulco in "81. Moved on after that.

What about Bill Mankin? If he were alive, he would probably be 100.

Does anyone remember Bill Petrie? Jack Willis? Jack Dunn?

Anyone a member of MJL during the heyday of Women's Healthcare?

I don't know what time frame you mean about "heyday" but I was there during Ovcon birth control pills (till we had to pull them off of the market) then Oracon birth control pills and Esterace. At one time we also had Megace and Cytoxin which the company would never let us talk about because it was way above the reps Enfamil/Prosobee minds. This was the OLD MJL days prior to separating into MJN and MJP in 1978. I am going back 40 years! Don't know how many of us are left.

I remember MJL when it was Women's Health - Ovcon, Estrace, Natalins RX...then we got Stadol NS - well that was a winner - actually won 2 trips with Stadol NS driving my results. Have so many stories about abuse, pharmacists, nurses, even a doc using it "calm down" a pat. so he could - ah, touch things he shouldn't.

Those were the days...!

I remember MJL when it was Women's Health - Ovcon, Estrace, Natalins RX...then we got Stadol NS - well that was a winner - actually won 2 trips with Stadol NS driving my results. Have so many stories about abuse, pharmacists, nurses, even a doc using it "calm down" a pat. so he could - ah, touch things he shouldn't.

Those were the days...!

I was a member of MJL too. I remember the Stadol NS launch (I believe it was in Scottsdale or Mesa, AZ) in the spring of 1992. They had 'experts" come in and told us that Stadol NS WAS NOT addicting. Then of course we found out that was certainly not the case. The strangest (by today's standards) is how UPS was just able to drop an entire case of Stadol NS samples on our back porch without a signature. I live in the middle of a big city and if some of the local addicts were aware of that my lifespan would have been equal to that of a house fly.

HA - yup, I too remember good ole Stadol NS, and how it was definitely non addictive...I was told within 2 weeks back in territory that it was trouble waiting to happen by so many providers.
Wonder how much they paid those docs at the launch meeting anyway??

how about Serzone, the "seratonin-zone" drug.

And BuSpar, the drug that did nothing! ( abuse sparing )

Oh my...

HA - yup, I too remember good ole Stadol NS, and how it was definitely non addictive...I was told within 2 weeks back in territory that it was trouble waiting to happen by so many providers.
Wonder how much they paid those docs at the launch meeting anyway??

how about Serzone, the "seratonin-zone" drug.

And BuSpar, the drug that did nothing! ( abuse sparing )

Oh my...

Talk about selling a dog with fleas. Remember our selling message "Doesn't matter if the patient doesn't notice any improvement, what's important is the people around them will." Geez

Anyone remember the meeting in 1978 in Chicago at the split of MJL into MJP and MJN? One group came in and met for 2-3 days and was preparing to leave so that the other group could come in and occupy the same hotel. BIG snow storm hit. Flights out were cancelled. Lots of double-bunking for a couple of nights. Sweet!! I really(!) got to know my teammates. Some cuties.

Anyone remember the meeting in 1978 in Chicago at the split of MJL into MJP and MJN? One group came in and met for 2-3 days and was preparing to leave so that the other group could come in and occupy the same hotel. BIG snow storm hit. Flights out were cancelled. Lots of double-bunking for a couple of nights. Sweet!! I really(!) got to know my teammates. Some cuties.

yes, I remember that meeting. Everyone was bitching that it should have been in Dallas where we would not have worried about the weather as much. The boys in Evansville just wanted it closer to them for convenience.

Does anyone know about Tom Williams - training - regional manager in California and vice-president sales

John Bullock vice-president sales
I would like to get in touch with Tom Williams I believe he left mead johnson /bristol myers in 1994? he was a vice president in sales but when I met him he was director of training for mead johnson