Anyone here from the old Mead Johnson Labs division??

I thought I might have gotten that wrong. Thanks for the correction. Does anyone know where Wayne Davison is these days?

Wayne is about 75 years old now and lives back in Evansville. Here is his info if you were close at all to him: Wayne A Davidson (812) 473-5990 600 S Cullen Ave,Evansville, IN 47715

Now that was the days when EVERYONE started out as a rep and worked their way up...he was a local boy who did good!

What a great thread! I'm one of the old timers from Nutritionals-1979-1980. I remember when you made a big sale, Don Powell himself would write you a note. I was sorely disappointed to meet him in person. He was a short, arrogant little man chain smoking cigarettes. I heard he got booted for getting drunk and falling in the shower at some regional meeting. Anyone know the story there? Margaret Pyles was a wonderful lady. She and Ron Craver were great trainers in the home office. Anyone know what happened to them?

What a great thread! I'm one of the old timers from Nutritionals-1979-1980. I remember when you made a big sale, Don Powell himself would write you a note. I was sorely disappointed to meet him in person. He was a short, arrogant little man chain smoking cigarettes. I heard he got booted for getting drunk and falling in the shower at some regional meeting. Anyone know the story there? Margaret Pyles was a wonderful lady. She and Ron Craver were great trainers in the home office. Anyone know what happened to them?

Craver left in '88 to take a training job elsewhere. Pyles became Senior Director, Training for Pharm Group, and retired in 2000. Both were good people as well as good trainers.

Powell's Foster Brooks act ended in '83. It was a manager's meeting in La Costa (CA) where he fell and sued the hotel.

Powell's Foster Brooks act ended in '83. It was a manager's meeting in La Costa (CA) where he fell and sued the hotel.

Yea, I remember that... he came out the last day of the meeting with his big neck brace on and said that he "slipped in the shower on some soap." The problem with Don is that as a drunk, he could not fire other drunks like Mick Adamson. We had to wait until Ken Cable took his place in order for someone with a brain to fire Adamson who used to drink at least a 1/2 to a full quart of gin by himself at a district meeting.

It was an embarrassment that Adamson was allowed to go on for so long. There was absolute joy on the faces of the region members when his firing was announced.

The only one who was upset at his being fired was the #1 kiss ass in the region...Don Burkhalter. His face was so far up Adamsons ass that Adamson never had to buy toilet paper

I don't know that Burkhalter was too upset. He was like a cockroach, surviving for millenia. He knew there would be a new ass shortlyne3thb

Poloni saw right through him and won't stand for it, but he left. When his buddy Atkins took over, he was right there again with his nose up the RM's ass. Hell, they were two peas (I mean hicks) in a pod. It chapped Burkhalters ass that Atkins was promoted over him as Burkhalter was Atkins trainer in Little Rock back in 1975. Never could figure out which one was twiddle de dee and which one was twiddle de dumb as they were both dumber then rocks.

It was an embarrassment that Adamson was allowed to go on for so long. There was absolute joy on the faces of the region members when his firing was announced.

I didn't realize Adamson had been fired. He was another arrogant "partier". I had to sit across from him at a dinner during one district meeting, and he must have had 10 drinks and smoked 3 packs of cigarettes. I'll bet none of these guys died of old age, what with their lifestyles. WHat happened to Rick Hoffmann in training? I think he was kind of a lady's man.

I didn't realize Adamson had been fired. He was another arrogant "partier". I had to sit across from him at a dinner during one district meeting, and he must have had 10 drinks and smoked 3 packs of cigarettes. I'll bet none of these guys died of old age, what with their lifestyles. WHat happened to Rick Hoffmann in training? I think he was kind of a lady's man.

Technically you are right. Adamson wasn't fired from his RM position, Cable "relieved him" and sent him to a rehab program for 6 months or so. When he came back, they gave him some meaningless job until he reached the age of 55 and let him retire. He was pissed that he had to cowtow to DM's that used to work for him. If he had waited until Bullock took over, Bullock would have given him another region as they were buddies from way back...both drunks and type "A" ass hole managers. Back in the old days they really did take care of you...even though you were a drunk and sexually harassed people.
I understand Rick Hoffman developed cancer and took retirement. Don't know if he died or not. Rick was a good guy in my opinion.

Anyone know if Tom Weyrauch is still around?
I was a rep working for him in the late 80"s in Texas. Jim Poloni was regional manager at the time, then he tranferred somewhere and married the RST Jennifer Tallman.
Anybody remember that?

ANyone remember Rick Dynesius? This was from back in the 70's. Whatever happened to him?

Rick was in govt affairs. We used to call him WIC Rick. Last I heard he was a Regional Vice President for Sara Lee. Rick was a good man but couldn't stand to work in Adamsons Region. He also felt that Dan Kula was crazy (which he was)