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Anyone hear anything?

Here is one for you. I got called from a manager(not the one I will work under)to see if I have any questions. He then told me the territory I had been hired for----not the one that I thought I was hired for or interviewed for. That was a shock--after all the offer letter did not even say what territory was. Any way I guess I will be moving. That is all I have heard since that offer email.

Here is one for you. I got called from a manager(not the one I will work under)to see if I have any questions. He then told me the territory I had been hired for----not the one that I thought I was hired for or interviewed for. That was a shock--after all the offer letter did not even say what territory was. Any way I guess I will be moving. That is all I have heard since that offer email.

Did he say you will be doing a lot of work in hotel rooms, with cameras, Cialis, you know.

Here is one for you. I got called from a manager(not the one I will work under)to see if I have any questions. He then told me the territory I had been hired for----not the one that I thought I was hired for or interviewed for. That was a shock--after all the offer letter did not even say what territory was. Any way I guess I will be moving. That is all I have heard since that offer email.

My letter (and everything else they sent me) spelled out completely (several times in the paperwork) the territory I was being hired for. It was a standard form letter. I can't imagine why yours would not state the territory you're being hired for explicitly. What did HR say?

My letter (and everything else they sent me) spelled out completely (several times in the paperwork) the territory I was being hired for. It was a standard form letter. I can't imagine why yours would not state the territory you're being hired for explicitly. What did HR say?

Lilly care told me that I would be utilized most expediciously in the most efficient manner possible, if an when needed, and only for a fixed duration.