Anyone hear about Brian Krebs? Did he really kill someone?

I don't know what makes anyone believe anything Brian posted online but I knew him and he never worked for Eli Lilly and he never lived in Chicago. most of what he posted was lies. He is very sick. He never got a Masters anywhere. He never went to a University in Florida. I'm sure Lilly can check records and this can be proven. He never would havebeen able to be hired.

This company has an amazing ability to whitewash nearly anything, including Zyprexa deaths.

Maybe so. I don't know anything about Lilly just know that Brian would be happy for old acquaintances (High school friends, adult friends if he still has any, etc) to believe he did so well. He never outgrew crazy. He remained destructive and lied to anyone he could to impress. He is incredibly narcissistic and it is not just to his victims for anyone to be so misled. He remained a jerk after high school and was a failure as an adult. Lilly may not be a great place to work but this is just a lie.

Maybe so. I don't know anything about Lilly just know that Brian would be happy for old acquaintances (High school friends, adult friends if he still has any, etc) to believe he did so well. He never outgrew crazy. He remained destructive and lied to anyone he could to impress. He is incredibly narcissistic and it is not just to his victims for anyone to be so misled. He remained a jerk after high school and was a failure as an adult. Lilly may not be a great place to work but this is just a lie.

wtf are you?

Oh yeah man. I but buddie of mine smuggled an android device in to me, up his ass.

He said that at Lilly, the execs often carry thumb drives up their buttholes, and share them under the table .. nuff said

Geez- I just went on the dudes Facebook page. He looks like a complete lunatic with a personality disorder and probably bipolar disorder as well. the sad thing is he actually was employed with lilly from 95-2002.. just what the company is looking for... he looks like he hit the gym pretty hard too! guess you better not mess with a guy over a disputed bar tab. that 's what happens when you sell zyprexa in the midwest.. you get really angry- and it never goes away.....

I just read this blog. This scumbag murdered, Jimmy Pagano, who was a well known musician & great person in our community. The death of Jimmy is not only a tragedy & disappointment to so many of us in South Florida but also a rude awakening to the demented people who live amongst us who should be hospitalized for their mental issues. This murderer was no stranger to law enforcement. His behavior prior to murdering our friend was radical and people like his own mother or the police should have been more involved in having him committed. Unfortunately for us, this douche bag just ran around causing havoc. I'm sure their is no truth to anything you read on his FB info page about where he worked. The one true thing we can believe though is his quote: "The answer to 99 out of 100 questions is always about money." Oh really?? And so he killed a good, decent human being who was defending his bartender friend over an $11.00 bar tab. Unbelievable!!!

This is what this murder's pic looked like when he got arrested & a far cry from that FB pic he has on there:

And so now, we await the trial & hope he gets what he deserves!!

This place is sick. Since I went to work for Lilly in 2001, one rep in AZ has committed suicide, another rep in Chicago was murdered, and now this former Lilly rep has killed someone. What a horrible place this is! This is just the stuff I know about, who knows what other sick acts are being done by or to Lilly reps.

Yep, And Bob R with the whistle walked away with $16 million big ones!

Because he is such a stellar example of lilly values and ethics, the LRL President's Award will become known as the Lilly Krebs Prize, or THE STABBY for short. Who will get THE STABBY this year? It comes with great incentives, like CoffeeZon coupons and Fresh Veg from Farmer JohnCL...

Because he is such a stellar example of lilly values and ethics, the LRL President's Award will become known as the Lilly Krebs Prize, or THE STABBY for short. Who will get THE STABBY this year? It comes with great incentives, like CoffeeZon coupons and Fresh Veg from Farmer JohnCL...

I nominate Jan for the First STABBY...for what he did to AZ's pipeline before accelerating the destruction of ours, Kudos Father Jan...

YES, this 'un-medicated', psycho F-- KILLED a person, slashed his throat, in comd friggin'blo9d,& ATTEMPTED to KILL 4-5 OTHER people who tried to help/stop it...THEY ALL MATTERED!!! Just cos this psycho bitch didnt feel like taking his antipsychotics thst week, bazillions of people have to suffer??!! F HIM!!! Got convicted of 2nd degree murder/attempted murder of OTHER, equally IMPORTANT PEOPLE, F HIM...go down,suck sheet and die, mo-fo!!!

YES, this 'un-medicated', psycho F-- KILLED a person, slashed his throat, in COLD FRIGGIN BLOOD , and ATTEMPTED to KILL 4-5 OTHER people who tried to help/stop it...THEY ALL MATTERED!!! Just cos this psycho bitch didnt feel like taking his antipsychotics that week, bazillions of people have to suffer??!! F HIM!!! Got convicted of 2nd degree murder/attempted murder of OTHER, equally IMPORTANT PEOPLE, F HIM...go down,suck sheet and die, mo-fo!!!

There are those of you,and there are many that have not heard the true story that happened that night. Yes Brian went to fishtales with no money for a drink, but because they knew him they told him to go home for the money and they would keep his cellphone until he returned. He went back wrote a check with a disgusting message on it and his phone was returned. That would have been the end of it but after he LEFT the bar, he noticed that the back of his phone was missing so he went back to retrieve it. He was pissed and an argument ensued.
This BS about Pagano offering to pay his bill when Brian had already gave them a check is a lie. Those who testified in court couldn’t keep their stories straight from what their previous depositions read. Kathy the owner of Fishtales has been known for her cocain addiction. If she was thin we would know she was doing cocaine. When she looked healthy we saw she was off the cocaine. Stacey one of her bartenders was and still is a cokehead from when she worked for the previous owner of the bar Ed Humphrey who lost his job with Premier Beverages due to his addictions. . Anyone who believes their interpretation of what happened that nite were either high or did not observe the entire altercation. Brian was accosted first then everyone else jumped in, including Pagano. Brian was defending himself when others became involved. Johnny no chin admitted he placed his boot on Briens throat making sure he was dead. I’m not sure how anyone could believe the stories of people of this caliber. I know them all!,,

There are those of you,and there are many that have not heard the true story that happened that night. Yes Brian went to fishtales with no money for a drink, but because they knew him they told him to go home for the money and they would keep his cellphone until he returned. He went back wrote a check with a disgusting message on it and his phone was returned. That would have been the end of it but after he LEFT the bar, he noticed that the back of his phone was missing so he went back to retrieve it. He was pissed and an argument ensued.
This BS about Pagano offering to pay his bill when Brian had already gave them a check is a lie. Those who testified in court couldn’t keep their stories straight from what their previous depositions read. Kathy the owner of Fishtales has been known for her cocain addiction. If she was thin we would know she was doing cocaine. When she looked healthy we saw she was off the cocaine. Stacey one of her bartenders was and still is a cokehead from when she worked for the previous owner of the bar Ed Humphrey who lost his job with Premier Beverages due to his addictions. . Anyone who believes their interpretation of what happened that nite were either high or did not observe the entire altercation. Brian was accosted first then everyone else jumped in, including Pagano. Brian was defending himself when others became involved. Johnny no chin admitted he placed his boot on Briens throat making sure he was dead. I’m not sure how anyone could believe the stories of people of this caliber. I know them all!,,
Your abuse of the English language is leading me to believe you are the cokehead. The sad part of this story is that more people did not die, and are out there still polluting the gene pool.

There are those of you,and there are many that have not heard the true story that happened that night. Yes Brian went to fishtales with no money for a drink, but because they knew him they told him to go home for the money and they would keep his cellphone until he returned. He went back wrote a check with a disgusting message on it and his phone was returned. That would have been the end of it but after he LEFT the bar, he noticed that the back of his phone was missing so he went back to retrieve it. He was pissed and an argument ensued.
This BS about Pagano offering to pay his bill when Brian had already gave them a check is a lie. Those who testified in court couldn’t keep their stories straight from what their previous depositions read. Kathy the owner of Fishtales has been known for her cocain addiction. If she was thin we would know she was doing cocaine. When she looked healthy we saw she was off the cocaine. Stacey one of her bartenders was and still is a cokehead from when she worked for the previous owner of the bar Ed Humphrey who lost his job with Premier Beverages due to his addictions. . Anyone who believes their interpretation of what happened that nite were either high or did not observe the entire altercation. Brian was accosted first then everyone else jumped in, including Pagano. Brian was defending himself when others became involved. Johnny no chin admitted he placed his boot on Briens throat making sure he was dead. I’m not sure how anyone could believe the stories of people of this caliber. I know them all!,,

Who gives a flying fuck about Brian Krebs- he never worked at Lilly in Chicago and if he did I would have personally beat his ass down.