Has anyone ever worked for Eli Lilly as a Pharmaceutical sales rep, if so, what was your experience?

Why would the pension be attractive to new employees? You have to work until you’re 65 to get any value in return? The old pension system, yes, was attractive. I have friends who retired in their early to mid 50s and have Lilly healthcare until medicare. Save as much as you can in your 401K.

You clearly are financially illiterate and/or do not understand the valuable benefits that Lilly provides. Talk to your manager and HR.

STOP offering bad advice. It is one thing to screw up your life, don’t injure or harm others with poor counsel.

Yes, I worked for Lily. I no longer work for them. I had a partner who was a pharmacist and his manager was horrible to him and they manipulated his numbers. They treated him like shit. Run from we lie Lilly.

Entry level consideration only if you have no experience & you’re under 26 years old.
Worked for Lilly years ago when the company had a respected reputation in regards of employee retainment. It’s no secret that the CEO (Dave Ricks) de-values all employees, but especially sales. Many lawsuits for age discrimination as management purged the older reps & replaced w/ college grads from campus recruitment.
Benefits are great, but all pharmaceutical companies are, so that’s a push.
Base salaries & bonuses are a joke & in the bottom 10% of the industry. Lilly is way more worried about DEI scores for federal tax breaks than employee retainment. New pension sucks & other companies offer better alternatives in 401k match, RSU’s & Managed Money Accts (new form of pensions)
Have kept all of my 401k stock grants in LLY which has turned into a very nice million dollar next egg. New 401k w/ new company already @ 600k+ & bonus 2x ‘s higher, & 38k bump in base.
Lilly’s pipeline is a Juggernaut, so if you leave Lilly, keep your $ in the 401k & out at least 50% into LLY common shares. Lly stock is set to double & split over the next 10 years.

Entry level consideration only if you have no experience & you’re under 26 years old.
Worked for Lilly years ago when the company had a respected reputation in regards of employee retainment. It’s no secret that the CEO (Dave Ricks) de-values all employees, but especially sales. Many lawsuits for age discrimination as management purged the older reps & replaced w/ college grads from campus recruitment.
Benefits are great, but all pharmaceutical companies are, so that’s a push.
Base salaries & bonuses are a joke & in the bottom 10% of the industry. Lilly is way more worried about DEI scores for federal tax breaks than employee retainment. New pension sucks & other companies offer better alternatives in 401k match, RSU’s & Managed Money Accts (new form of pensions)
Have kept all of my 401k stock grants in LLY which has turned into a very nice million dollar next egg. New 401k w/ new company already @ 600k+ & bonus 2x ‘s higher, & 38k bump in base.
Lilly’s pipeline is a Juggernaut, so if you leave Lilly, keep your $ in the 401k & out at least 50% into LLY common shares. Lly stock is set to double & split over the next 10 years.

Thanks for this accurate post.

It is an entry level job these days. Correct.

Stay about 2-3 years, tops, and then move into a more serious specialty where you can make more and be treated like an adult.

I worked here a while ago. One of the worst paying companies in the industry. Lots of manufactured "success stories". People stay because they want the pension and 401k but the fact is you can make 50+% more at other companies which have better 401k match. More money means you can invest in things yourself and not need the pension. Good entry level company to get feet wet if recent college graduate or looking to break into industry.

Lilly is by far the worst company I have worked for in my 20 years. Others are correct they pay really low. They will try and sell you on making great bonus, equity, and other crap. The people who are tenured either know no better, or have been brainwashed. Lilly's marketing machine is strong. We are lilly, team lilly, etc. It will make you want to come. They are full of admin, calls, champ roles, and a whole bunch of stuff that is not selling. People who want to get promoted so it's a flood of that type of stuff. I left in March and haven't looked back. Also, they are so scared of getting sued they function like fools. Everything is tied into your ipad and Lilly's workday. For instance, when you leave you can't even access pay stubs. Its the craziest company I ever seen. Stay away, you've been warned. Worst mistake of my pharma career.

Lilly is by far the worst company I have worked for in my 20 years. Others are correct they pay really low. They will try and sell you on making great bonus, equity, and other crap. The people who are tenured either know no better, or have been brainwashed. Lilly's marketing machine is strong. We are lilly, team lilly, etc. It will make you want to come. They are full of admin, calls, champ roles, and a whole bunch of stuff that is not selling. People who want to get promoted so it's a flood of that type of stuff. I left in March and haven't looked back. Also, they are so scared of getting sued they function like fools. Everything is tied into your ipad and Lilly's workday. For instance, when you leave you can't even access pay stubs. Its the craziest company I ever seen. Stay away, you've been warned. Worst mistake of my pharma career.
100% right!! Damm marketing machine who sell you a false narrative. I'm a newbie here and this feels like a cult. Can't wait to get the F outta here! All these Lilly Kool aid drinkers who've been here for decades are so complacent and rave about this POS.

Lilly is by far the worst company I have worked for in my 20 years. Others are correct they pay really low. They will try and sell you on making great bonus, equity, and other crap. The people who are tenured either know no better, or have been brainwashed. Lilly's marketing machine is strong. We are lilly, team lilly, etc. It will make you want to come. They are full of admin, calls, champ roles, and a whole bunch of stuff that is not selling. People who want to get promoted so it's a flood of that type of stuff. I left in March and haven't looked back. Also, they are so scared of getting sued they function like fools. Everything is tied into your ipad and Lilly's workday. For instance, when you leave you can't even access pay stubs. Its the craziest company I ever seen. Stay away, you've been warned. Worst mistake of my pharma career.

Every Pharma company I’ve worked, there is always at least one -if not multiple- jackasses who come on to CP, and proclaim that company is “the worst company I’ve ever worked for”, or “the biggest mistake/regret of my life”; in fact I’m willing to bet if you look on every CP company page, you will find at least one person making a very similar -if not exact- claim.

That said, yes, Lilly is definitely not perfect; the pay is below many other companies (however above many others as well), and yes, there are definitely a lot of “admin” tasks that ultimately prolong your work days; however Lilly is FAR from “the worst company I’ve worked for”, and definitely not “the biggest mistake of my life”..Trust me, there are far worse Pharma/medical companies out there.

Every Pharma company I’ve worked, there is always at least one -if not multiple- jackasses who come on to CP, and proclaim that company is “the worst company I’ve ever worked for”, or “the biggest mistake/regret of my life”; in fact I’m willing to bet if you look on every CP company page, you will find at least one person making a very similar -if not exact- claim.

That said, yes, Lilly is definitely not perfect; the pay is below many other companies (however above many others as well), and yes, there are definitely a lot of “admin” tasks that ultimately prolong your work days; however Lilly is FAR from “the worst company I’ve worked for”, and definitely not “the biggest mistake of my life”..Trust me, there are far worse Pharma/medical companies out there.

To the commenter above noting there is at least one jackass on cafepharma saying worst company, worst mistake, etc. If you can't handle the comments then just say so. Judging by your tone you must have had one too many cups of the lilly kool-aid. I've actualky worked for some other companies and yes lilly is the worst. All the points I mentioned earlier, along with the blatant emphasis on diversity. Im a minority and it offends me actually. If you want a job that is full of admin, reps sending emails to the team at 6:00am in the morning to fuel their promotion aspirations, managers who were promoted based on attributes far beyond skill sets, Teams calls in excess, etc then go to Lilly. Take the mediocre pay and go there. And if you believe Lilly is so good, then hats off to you. Lilly is the only company I've ever posted about on CP. I wish someone had warned me. But you sound exactly like the brainwashed people who work for them. Look at the turnover, poll the various divisions, people are unhappy left and right. Until the culture changes the numbers will continue to grow.

To the commenter above noting there is at least one jackass on cafepharma saying worst company, worst mistake, etc. If you can't handle the comments then just say so. Judging by your tone you must have had one too many cups of the lilly kool-aid. I've actualky worked for some other companies and yes lilly is the worst. All the points I mentioned earlier, along with the blatant emphasis on diversity. Im a minority and it offends me actually. If you want a job that is full of admin, reps sending emails to the team at 6:00am in the morning to fuel their promotion aspirations, managers who were promoted based on attributes far beyond skill sets, Teams calls in excess, etc then go to Lilly. Take the mediocre pay and go there. And if you believe Lilly is so good, then hats off to you. Lilly is the only company I've ever posted about on CP. I wish someone had warned me. But you sound exactly like the brainwashed people who work for them. Look at the turnover, poll the various divisions, people are unhappy left and right. Until the culture changes the numbers will continue to grow.

Looks like you can't say much !! Looser!
Agree 100% with the last person....you must have over dosed on that Lilly- KOOL-AID! By far this company is all about ass- kissing,.administration shit... and all the DEI crap so they get incentivized.. all these ppl here are complacent... nothing about sales results.

Looks like you can't say much !! Looser!
Agree 100% with the last person....you must have over dosed on that Lilly- KOOL-AID! By far this company is all about ass- kissing,.administration shit... and all the DEI crap so they get incentivized.. all these ppl here are complacent... nothing about sales results.
Shut up, dumb rep

Shut up, dumb rep

Don't worry we'll leave you alone. You probably somewhere trying to figure out how you can be better at your champ role. But at least you'll have your family make a 2 minute video talking about how much they love you and how great you are when you accept another one of Lilly's meaningless awards. Damn, hate to see so many in the sunken place. I digress..

Don't worry we'll leave you alone. You probably somewhere trying to figure out how you can be better at your champ role. But at least you'll have your family make a 2 minute video talking about how much they love you and how great you are when you accept another one of Lilly's meaningless awards. Damn, hate to see so many in the sunken place. I digress..
An ellipsis has three periods moron. You had better stop procrastinating on this site, and get to figuring out how you can balance a drink carrier on your head while carrying your Olive Garden into an office. Since you lack ambition, that will give another skill to add to your resume after “efficient reception desk calendar peruser who sets coffee appointments when all practitioners are in office.”

You can work for way worse company’s than Lilly! It is highly dependent on your manager and products.

Reality is the stock, pension, and pipeline are great and should be for another 3 to 5 years. In sales you are what you sell and Lilly is better than most.

For the sad naysayers, the glass is always half empty. Take your sorry butt somplace else where losers and complainers are appreciated and well deserved.

To the commenter above noting there is at least one jackass on cafepharma saying worst company, worst mistake, etc. If you can't handle the comments then just say so. Judging by your tone you must have had one too many cups of the lilly kool-aid. I've actualky worked for some other companies and yes lilly is the worst. All the points I mentioned earlier, along with the blatant emphasis on diversity. Im a minority and it offends me actually. If you want a job that is full of admin, reps sending emails to the team at 6:00am in the morning to fuel their promotion aspirations, managers who were promoted based on attributes far beyond skill sets, Teams calls in excess, etc then go to Lilly. Take the mediocre pay and go there. And if you believe Lilly is so good, then hats off to you. Lilly is the only company I've ever posted about on CP. I wish someone had warned me. But you sound exactly like the brainwashed people who work for them. Look at the turnover, poll the various divisions, people are unhappy left and right. Until the culture changes the numbers will continue to grow.

LEAVE already… go work for Pfizer or Merck while you still have a job and can more easily get a job.

Leave soon before your manager puts you on a PIP and eventual fires your lame ass.

To the commenter above noting there is at least one jackass on cafepharma saying worst company, worst mistake, etc. If you can't handle the comments then just say so. Judging by your tone you must have had one too many cups of the lilly kool-aid. I've actualky worked for some other companies and yes lilly is the worst. All the points I mentioned earlier, along with the blatant emphasis on diversity. Im a minority and it offends me actually. If you want a job that is full of admin, reps sending emails to the team at 6:00am in the morning to fuel their promotion aspirations, managers who were promoted based on attributes far beyond skill sets, Teams calls in excess, etc then go to Lilly. Take the mediocre pay and go there. And if you believe Lilly is so good, then hats off to you. Lilly is the only company I've ever posted about on CP. I wish someone had warned me. But you sound exactly like the brainwashed people who work for them. Look at the turnover, poll the various divisions, people are unhappy left and right. Until the culture changes the numbers will continue to grow.

Wow, so much bitterness & anger..Sounds to me like you’re just too dumb to work for Lilly. Personally, I’ve never received any emails from my team, or manager at 6am; we have biweekly calls (other companies I’ve worked for had weekly, or even twice weekly Zoom calls where we had to be on camera); my manager doesn’t hassle, or micromanage us, and I don’t have to work hard at all while making well over 6 figures with great benefits.Yeah, the champ roles are annoying, but no big deal.
You’re obviously a childish, immature, lazy, undeservedly entitled, perpetually bitching little shit stain, so good riddance to you & your moronic ass.

Wow, so much bitterness & anger..Sounds to me like you’re just too dumb to work for Lilly. Personally, I’ve never received any emails from my team, or manager at 6am; we have biweekly calls (other companies I’ve worked for had weekly, or even twice weekly Zoom calls where we had to be on camera); my manager doesn’t hassle, or micromanage us, and I don’t have to work hard at all while making well over 6 figures with great benefits.Yeah, the champ roles are annoying, but no big deal.
You’re obviously a childish, immature, lazy, undeservedly entitled, perpetually bitching little shit stain, so good riddance to you & your moronic ass.

The irony is you can tell a lot about the world based on all of your responses. Look at all the cursing, etc. Clearly none of you can have a legitimate conversation. Rather than debate the merits of the argument (and if you have opposing views fine) your defense is name calling, etc. Damn, someone speaking on Lilly makes yall that mad. Now, that's funny. Damn, that kool-aid is strong. Truth must really hurt. I can stand on my comments. You all haven't said anything with merit. Your defense is to attack me personally. I love it. Damn, I thought Lilly hired smarter people than this. Then again, the industry is full of incompetent people so I shouldn't be surprised.