Anyone else regret taking this job?

The Pharma division is Joke, my friend was fired for his nationality and now hey are being investigated by the EEOC. His manager got rid of him because he was a hot blooded latino. She is racist.

the only people here that actually like their job are those at lucked out in those territories that they had to do no work for.. the other 90% wake up screaming everyday, and before you say that those people are horrible sales reps and shouldn't have the job I have seen some of the shittiest reps in my life top the ranking chart based on luck of the draw territories. Certain New York reps come to mind.

You are preaching to the choir, my brother. With NY state medicaid, they look like heroes, but if you talk to them, you will see the opposite. And with their huge launch year, you would think the NY goals would be huge, when they are nowhere near as inflated as other territories.

Jealous? Yes I am. My goals are very tough and in a tough area. I got no break what so ever.

the only people here that actually like their job are those at lucked out in those territories that they had to do no work for.. the other 90% wake up screaming everyday, and before you say that those people are horrible sales reps and shouldn't have the job I have seen some of the shittiest reps in my life top the ranking chart based on luck of the draw territories. Certain New York reps come to mind.

Badabing baby!

the only people here that actually like their job are those at lucked out in those territories that they had to do no work for.. the other 90% wake up screaming everyday, and before you say that those people are horrible sales reps and shouldn't have the job I have seen some of the shittiest reps in my life top the ranking chart based on luck of the draw territories. Certain New York reps come to mind.

East here. Yeah, not only that, but the IMS data is screwed up. I have 2 Pennsaid writers in my call list that I see once a week, but I never see their scripts. 6 months ago I find out that they are placed in my 2 adjacent teammates data, and they've been receiving credit for those scripts! What's worse is that they never spoke up and told anyone about it, and it still hasn't been fixed til this day. I'd be at over 100% in pennsaid if those scripts were in my territory to begin with.

For those of us still hanging in here at Covidien, we'd better watch our backs and NEVER think our jobs are safe. This company is evil and will suck the life out of you.

I think it depends on what you were making before. There are a wide range of salaries here, but they are very competitive. If I had to make a guess, I would say b/t 70-80k, depending on your past sales experience and sales results.

How much can you make in bonus if you are 100% to goal on both products?
how is it paid? (Qtr, Monthly, Etc)

this company is horrible. crappy me too products, horrible coverage on said products and inept management. the only thing keeping the pharma division around are the other parts of the company.

Agreed with post this is a good company great people and managers. Is it too much to expect that you would least try to sell something. I love it here.

Hey look everyone its one of the chosen few that landed in a territory with receptive or retarded doctors congrats. You are a shining beacon to all of us at the company wishing to set the world a blaze with our sales. Thank you.

Especially when we have to endure such BULL at these national meetings!
What a load of BS!!!!

Amen brother. I'm a grown man and they treat this shit like a rush party and not a business meeting. On Monday wear your region color. Or else you don't care and are not a team player. No we aren't we are solo sales reps who get together once a year. Oh and what is up with this skit shit. I hated this when I was 10 in summer camp and I don't want to do it now. Come on already I'm 52. Give me a break!