Anyone else regret taking this job?

All in all I was impressed and looking forward to the future. I have only been here for 9 months but compared to the significantly larger company I came from this is heaven. With the exception of this last qtr a lot more money. if they do give out extra $ that is unheard of in this business. 14 years and I have never seen or heard of a company rolling over 1.5 million dollars due to the fact they admittedly mis projected the numbers.

It sound like a lot of you are mad and upset maybe you should move on because the GRASS is always greener at the other company, I know a lot of people that would love your job

All in all I was impressed and looking forward to the future. I have only been here for 9 months but compared to the significantly larger company I came from this is heaven. With the exception of this last qtr a lot more money. if they do give out extra $ that is unheard of in this business. 14 years and I have never seen or heard of a company rolling over 1.5 million dollars due to the fact they admittedly mis projected the numbers.

It sound like a lot of you are mad and upset maybe you should move on because the GRASS is always greener at the other company, I know a lot of people that would love your job

Thank you home office

I have been here less than 6 months and I am concerned. I should have realized something was not in place for a company to rely on a DDI test to poor insurance coverage to poor products. The grass may not be greener in pharma but I am sad! I am looking outside of pharma-lab,device and even outside of medical.

All in all I was impressed and looking forward to the future. I have only been here for 9 months but compared to the significantly larger company I came from this is heaven. With the exception of this last qtr a lot more money. if they do give out extra $ that is unheard of in this business. 14 years and I have never seen or heard of a company rolling over 1.5 million dollars due to the fact they admittedly mis projected the numbers.

It sound like a lot of you are mad and upset maybe you should move on because the GRASS is always greener at the other company, I know a lot of people that would love your job

Bullshit. There is no way you have been in the industry for 14 years and worked at larger companies AND still think this gig is heaven. We have no managed care, our products are more expensive than the competition and the all stars setting goals admittedly screw up royally and no one is making any money.

The only only upside this job has going for it is that we are not literally sucking dick for cash. Aside from that covidien is garbage and I will be stealing every last cent from these pieces of shit.

Yea that includes fake lunches where my caterer gives me 75% back in cash as long as they can charge the company card. (Been doing this for over 2 years so try and catch me!!) Win win. If this company is going to shit on us I am going to make some tax free cash. fuck you covidien.

All in all I was impressed and looking forward to the future. I have only been here for 9 months but compared to the significantly larger company I came from this is heaven. With the exception of this last qtr a lot more money. if they do give out extra $ that is unheard of in this business. 14 years and I have never seen or heard of a company rolling over 1.5 million dollars due to the fact they admittedly mis projected the numbers.

It sound like a lot of you are mad and upset maybe you should move on because the GRASS is always greener at the other company, I know a lot of people that would love your job

They didn't admittedly misproject the numbers. They haven't "admitted" anything. From what I can tell, we are under the gun to pay royalty payments to the 2 companies, and the goals were set in order to make payments and make money for Covidien. If we had better success in getting managed care coverage early on, we might have a chance at the goals. Since we are struggling with coverage, they rolled the money in so we don't sit around the rest of the quarter just going through the motions.

With that said, my goals were so jacked that I won't make any of the 1.5 mil whether I worked my ass off or not. Had I gotten some goals in proportion to what I did at launch, like some people did, I might have had a chance. Some people were given such low goals in proportion to launch results that it is disgusting. Let's see if ZS can get it right next 6 month period.

Such is the life of pharma sales.

Most of us are looking. If the economy were better we'd all be gone. Management at this company is pathetic and spineless. Products really do suck, they can't get the goals rights and continue to treat reps with disrespect. Even if you are desperate, do NOT apply at Covidien Pharma. You will go to work with a knot in your stomach every day.