Remarkable to assume all people here are current Covidien employees. And hey, if it makes you happy... However, also realize to look past the bars of your cage. And if you ask yourself what Covidien is, just relax and think a bit about its past. I have been there since "shower curtains" and "who's your girlfriend" were catch phrases. And since then the package changed significantly, but what is ON the tin is not what is IN the tin. Indeed, Covidien is very, very good at generating capital, but lacks sustainability. So, if short term goals work for you, that's fine. If not, be entrepreneurial, take control over your own actions, and do what you believe is right. Advocating to be a believer here in my view is rather naive, but spewing shit is just as screwed up. For me, being realistic, the conclusion is that Covidien is not much better now than it was in the "Bosses relocate to Rikers Island" days. It has short term goals which have nothing to do with long term, sustainable results, and all with quick, easy fix, short term cash cowing. Knowing that, it shouldn't come as a surprise that employees are treated accordingly. And if that works for you, that's fine. If you look for something more in life, contemplate your actions. But do not preach...