Anyone Else Concerned With Biosurgery

Wow good to read all of these posts. I was disappointing I never got the offer for this job back a few years ago when RR first took over. Now how happy I am! I didn't listen to the friends I had there telling me not to interview due to leadership in this division was a mess and not qualified, and SA taking everything over. I was still attracted to the Genzyme name at the time. Lesson learned for me the easy way. I feel lucky.

If you really are worried that Dawn will be the AD left standing, thus the National Sales Manager, send a very professional email to Joe outlining your position, pointing out the reasons why you believe H would be the better fit. Don't run her over, just emphasize H's qualities & experience that will give this limping dog a chance to survive.
We know with her it is over.
And look, you've got nothing to lose, if you're downsized you get a big going away present, if you leave on your own because D is your new bosses boss, you get kicked in the rear on the way out to your new job.

Who gives a flying f u c k who the next ad is........this will be a dog sh it jobb by the time they lay out all the new rules. General surgeons preform surgery with cancer present. Once some dumb a s s from Corp figures that out you won't be able to go their either!!!!

C-sections anyone.........

I'm the poster above, not H.
And look dumbass, if you want Dawn just say so.
You do realize that H has like a year's + salary coming if he walks, oh, you didn't realize that?
Do you really think he doesn't prefer the severance?