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Another Rheumatology Restructure


Just as we finish the realignment its time for another. What will Paul decide to do to us today. Now with the Horizon purchase he can toy with us a little more. Then have a meeting about it. Oh, but then 3 days later he can change his mind again. There will be layoffs on both Horizon and Amgen sides.


Just as we finish the realignment its time for another. What will Paul decide to do to us today. Now with the Horizon purchase he can toy with us a little more. Then have a meeting about it. Oh, but then 3 days later he can change his mind again. There will be layoffs on both Horizon and Amgen sides.

Most Horizon people will want to be laid off to get our unvested RSU paid out.

Those who want to make money will want to be laid off so they can work elsewhere.

Those who want to do 3 district teleconferences a week on OFTEN, SLII, "High Gain Questions", DI&B, and best practices around jettisoning bad writers to Otezla nation during ATLAS will do great here.

Maybe not most, but definitely many.

No most if not all. Who wants to take another 20k minimum (at plan) and up to 100k a year pay cut because the bonus is closer to 40k a year at plan at Amgen. Add in not getting 20+k a year in RSU grants and another 15% auto gain on ESPP that not just immediately vests but is locked in for 2 years. But you are right some under performing reps are probably happy to take the 180+k base (making them the highest paid sales reps at Amgen) and then follow a ton of metrics and teleconferences that don't matter but take up time. Most every rep at Horizon will be gone within a year either through (we hope) layoffs or they will just leave for better paying pharma jobs which are plentiful.

Amgen used to be a great company. But now its full of mediocrity and old timers that are just looking to hang on and get paid a few more years.

No most if not all. Who wants to take another 20k minimum (at plan) and up to 100k a year pay cut because the bonus is closer to 40k a year at plan at Amgen. Add in not getting 20+k a year in RSU grants and another 15% auto gain on ESPP that not just immediately vests but is locked in for 2 years. But you are right some under performing reps are probably happy to take the 180+k base (making them the highest paid sales reps at Amgen) and then follow a ton of metrics and teleconferences that don't matter but take up time. Most every rep at Horizon will be gone within a year either through (we hope) layoffs or they will just leave for better paying pharma jobs which are plentiful.

Amgen used to be a great company. But now its full of mediocrity and old timers that are just looking to hang on and get paid a few more years.

I wasn’t saying that they won’t to leave, but there’s plenty of us that are new who aren’t going to get a ton of stock vested if we get laid off. It’s small enough that we can get some other company to make us whole, or close to when we leave, so we would rather hang out and take our time to find something that we really want. It’s not easy to coordinate getting laid off & starting a new job.

Just as we finish the realignment its time for another. What will Paul decide to do to us today. Now with the Horizon purchase he can toy with us a little more. Then have a meeting about it. Oh, but then 3 days later he can change his mind again. There will be layoffs on both Horizon and Amgen sides.

I.dont think so. Horizon had a webx yesterday and your CEO said Amgen wasn't buying Horizon just for our incredible products but for the people who made them successful. I'm excited to transition to Amgen and I'm on the krystexxa team in rhuematology.

Most Otezla people quit after being merged into Amgen. They hated it here. They couldn't believe the micromanagement that was going on and refused to participate in twice a week Zoom calls or Web Exes or validation calls or district calls, etc. They wanted to sell. Amgen talks and talks and plans to sell but does not do it. They will all get their stock and leave just as Otezla reps did. I'm not sure if there are any Otezla reps here now. They all got out as fast as they can.

Amgen is big Pharma at its finest. Horizon is where Amgen was 25 years ago--a true biotech company with great products.

INBU reps will not be happy knowing the Horizon reps are making $180 or more base. just sayin..

Most Otezla people quit after being merged into Amgen. They hated it here. They couldn't believe the micromanagement that was going on and refused to participate in twice a week Zoom calls or Web Exes or validation calls or district calls, etc. They wanted to sell. Amgen talks and talks and plans to sell but does not do it. They will all get their stock and leave just as Otezla reps did. I'm not sure if there are any Otezla reps here now. They all got out as fast as they can.

Amgen is big Pharma at its finest. Horizon is where Amgen was 25 years ago--a true biotech company with great products.

INBU reps will not be happy knowing the Horizon reps are making $180 or more base. just sayin..

Most Otezla people quit after being merged into Amgen. They hated it here. They couldn't believe the micromanagement that was going on and refused to participate in twice a week Zoom calls or Web Exes or validation calls or district calls, etc. They wanted to sell. Amgen talks and talks and plans to sell but does not do it. They will all get their stock and leave just as Otezla reps did. I'm not sure if there are any Otezla reps here now. They all got out as fast as they can.

Amgen is big Pharma at its finest. Horizon is where Amgen was 25 years ago--a true biotech company with great products.

INBU reps will not be happy knowing the Horizon reps are making $180 or more base. just sayin..

I'll make just under 300k this year as a rep- any amgen reps coming close to that in any division?

I'll make just under 300k this year as a rep- any amgen reps coming close to that in any division?

It's earning per effort that matters son. Sounds like you have been drinking Tim's cool-aid.

I too am a Horizon rep selling pegloticase. Here's the problem. It's the effort required to make bank.

What's better? An Amgen rep selling Enbrel working 25 hours a week making 250 total package or a Horizon rep working 70 yours a week making 325?

To each his own, but I hope I get stuck selling Enbrel. Quick survey since we are in the same offices? Ever meet an Enbrel rep? Know any names? Ever seen evidence of them anywhere? They set up display units and no one ever shows up at the booth. Go to grands rounds at the hospital. Ever seen one? There is little evidence they leave the house.

I will gladly disappear into their world of teleconferences, Veeva Engage and whatever silliness they want because I can do it all from my beach condo in Rosarito. Surf's up!

It's earning per effort that matters son. Sounds like you have been drinking Tim's cool-aid.

I too am a Horizon rep selling pegloticase. Here's the problem. It's the effort required to make bank.

What's better? An Amgen rep selling Enbrel working 25 hours a week making 250 total package or a Horizon rep working 70 yours a week making 325?

To each his own, but I hope I get stuck selling Enbrel. Quick survey since we are in the same offices? Ever meet an Enbrel rep? Know any names? Ever seen evidence of them anywhere? They set up display units and no one ever shows up at the booth. Go to grands rounds at the hospital. Ever seen one? There is little evidence they leave the house.

I will gladly disappear into their world of teleconferences, Veeva Engage and whatever silliness they want because I can do it all from my beach condo in Rosarito. Surf's up!

I haven't worked 70 hours since summers in college. Maybe 20 tops if I do a bunch of dinners. You aren't very good at your job. And agreed that the Enbrel reps are jokes. But you have a 0% chance of selling of Enbrel.

I'll make just under 300k this year as a rep- any amgen reps coming close to that in any division?

H#ll to the no. You won't make $200 K here. You will leave as you will hate it here. Amgen does not pay for performance. It's a huge Pharma company that used to be a true biotech company and a great place to work for. I've been here forever. I will be getting out soon as it's almost insufferable here. They are so mismanaged, they micromanage, and they have call after call making sure you are checking the boxes.

And I assure you the Enbrel reps (who have 0 to do) will be so pissed you all are making $180 and $190 bases. Even oncology here does not make that kind of money. You lose a formulary, and you are also at 0 bonus. Heed my warnings and start looking if you are with Horizon. You do not want to be at Amgen. It truly is a toxic environment with few good managers and even fewer good RSD's.

H#ll to the no. You won't make $200 K here. You will leave as you will hate it here. Amgen does not pay for performance. It's a huge Pharma company that used to be a true biotech company and a great place to work for. I've been here forever. I will be getting out soon as it's almost insufferable here. They are so mismanaged, they micromanage, and they have call after call making sure you are checking the boxes.

And I assure you the Enbrel reps (who have 0 to do) will be so pissed you all are making $180 and $190 bases. Even oncology here does not make that kind of money. You lose a formulary, and you are also at 0 bonus. Heed my warnings and start looking if you are with Horizon. You do not want to be at Amgen. It truly is a toxic environment with few good managers and even fewer good RSD's.

Horizon reps: Your salary will be lowered and your IC will be capped. Gravy train is over.

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