Another Downsizing

No reps= no billion dollar drugs. Simple as that. The companies need us.

Fakest of fake news. That may have been true 20, even 10 years ago. There are so many ways to sell without reps it should be concerning to all units. You do realize that a few of the newer pilot programs are being piloted to see if sales can be done with,at minimum, a massive reduction in sales force. At best they would get rid of anybody and as many as they could in a heartbeat.

Fakest of fake news. That may have been true 20, even 10 years ago. There are so many ways to sell without reps it should be concerning to all units. You do realize that a few of the newer pilot programs are being piloted to see if sales can be done with,at minimum, a massive reduction in sales force. At best they would get rid of anybody and as many as they could in a heartbeat.

I’ve been involved in a few six sigma projects regarding this....and it always comes back that physicians prefer face to face contact. Even in situations where drs don’t regularly see reps they still prefer the option of being able to see one if they wish.

I’ve been involved in a few six sigma projects regarding this....and it always comes back that physicians prefer face to face contact. Even in situations where drs don’t regularly see reps they still prefer the option of being able to see one if they wish.
Honey, there are plenty of clinic systems in my state that don’t see reps or want to see reps! I think you may be talking with physicians that see reps. Try including physicians that don’t see reps and include them in your six sigma “study”! There are plenty of clinics/physicians shutting their doors to reps! It’s about time you start looking at the whole picture! You see what you want to see!

I’ve been involved in a few six sigma projects regarding this....and it always comes back that physicians prefer face to face contact. Even in situations where drs don’t regularly see reps they still prefer the option of being able to see one if they wish.
Former Lilly Black Belt here.

I'd love to see the Measure and Analyze Phase tollgate slides.

Two words...Biased Sample.

Been there, done that, didn't get a t-shirt.

Any news if layoffs will affect R&D folks? Middle management seems somewhat desperate in the past few months — sucking up more often and being more stringent regarding deadlines. Also, there seems to be an air of giving similar projects to different groups located in different geographic locations... almost as if they want to see which groups can deliver and which groups can’t. I am relatively new here (4 years in) but it is a drastic change from the first 3 years. Long story short, Spidey Senses are tingling a bit... any confirmation?

I’ve been involved in a few six sigma projects regarding this....and it always comes back that physicians prefer face to face contact. Even in situations where drs don’t regularly see reps they still prefer the option of being able to see one if they wish.

Of course it does. Biased sample. They can tell you anything in a focus setting, but what is going on in real life. Go ask any of your colleagues in key accounts, large academic centers what really goes on. They don’t want to see anyone that can not affect their bottom line.

You are right to some extent. Some patients the choice of medicine is obvious for side effect or efficacy reasons, other patients are forced to try a medicine based on formulary restrictions- but plenty for plenty of patients the Dr. can go multiple directions and feel they will have the same outcome- in those patients the rep makes a huge difference.

If you don't think so you should really rethink what you are doing in the field- do you even have relationships, do you offer any value outside of a lunch, are you even an expert on the drug you promote or the disease state you represent? Its a shame reps like you exist- if you were in my district you are the type of rep I coach out of the company and hopefully industry.

You are right to some extent. Some patients the choice of medicine is obvious for side effect or efficacy reasons, other patients are forced to try a medicine based on formulary restrictions- but plenty for plenty of patients the Dr. can go multiple directions and feel they will have the same outcome- in those patients the rep makes a huge difference.

If you don't think so you should really rethink what you are doing in the field- do you even have relationships, do you offer any value outside of a lunch, are you even an expert on the drug you promote or the disease state you represent? Its a shame reps like you exist- if you were in my district you are the type of rep I coach out of the company and hopefully industry.
Curious to know how you coach them out of job or industry.

Former Lilly Black Belt here.

I'd love to see the Measure and Analyze Phase tollgate slides.

Two words...Biased Sample.

Been there, done that, didn't get a t-shirt.

At one time when first introduced, Six Sigma was a valuable tool at Lilly. As time went on, it was Lilly-ized, and turned into a means by which ill conceived projects were justfied by simply having a black belt assigned to them. The Six Sigma process and tools became second to management’s predetermined outcome. A stamp of approval of sorts.

A word of advice on downsizing overall. I once worked for Lilly and bought 100% into the “People, Culture and Excellence” thing. I want to tell you that I bled Lilly Red and I worked my ass off for 17 years. Won every award multiple times and only took maybe 10 sick days over my 17 year career. Had great DSM’s and not so great DSM’s. Went through the years of X, Y, etc. with no merit increase or achievement trips even though I was ranked in the top 1% & 8% 2 of those 3 years. Can’t count how many nights after the kids & wife went to bed, I would sneak out of the bedroom to work on Lilly projects so that my family would not get angry with me taking time from them (understandable) or being on vacation and checking email or listening in a CC so that I would not be swamped when I returned to work. Then one day another downsizing came and “POOF” it was over. My advice is to not think you at all in control of being a number on a spreadsheet somewhere in Indy. At the end of it, I treated the way any other rep was treated no matter how much extra effort was given that was in good standing. While I don’t regret working for Lilly, I do regret the amount of stress I put on myself and family that turned out to be futile in the end. Do you job well, but don’t think for a nano second you are in control. Good luck to all. Just know there is life after Lilly both in Pharma or Outside of Pharma.
You must have been with the most recent downsizing in June. 95% of theemployees that got laid off were 40 years of age or older! I think Lilly should be sued BIG TIME for all of the illegal firings they have done over the years! I’m lucky to survive some but I am approaching 40 years of age in a couple of months and this might just happen to me!