Anesthesia and Emergency Positons

GlideScope has a HD touchscreen with everything disposable..blades and now bronch which looks better than Storz reusable. Good luck here

The best days for storz anesthesia is behind them They cant compete without a full line of disposable bronchs or a functioning single use blade They were in control for awhile but now the Glide Scope is going to be back on top By the end of the year .

The best days for storz anesthesia is behind them They cant compete without a full line of disposable bronchs or a functioning single use blade They were in control for awhile but now the Glide Scope is going to be back on top By the end of the year .

Agree. Over the next year this market will be owned by GlideScope with the new technology. Storz is a day late and a dollar short

Storz tech is so far behind the 8 ball. The cmac monitor looks like a game boy and the graphics are almost as good as atari. Don’t work here unless you wanna sell outdated equip to retiring docs.

Storz tech is so far behind the 8 ball. The cmac monitor looks like a game boy and the graphics are almost as good as atari. Don’t work here unless you wanna sell outdated equip to retiring docs.

Game boy haha so true. Embarrassing sitting side by side with the new GlideScope. Even more embarrassing when you turn them on.

Game boy haha so true. Embarrassing sitting side by side with the new GlideScope. Even more embarrassing when you turn them on.
Glidescopes are expensive and terrible. Saw one scratch a patients throat and they had to suction out the blood.

Storz single use will be dominating that market within a year.

Glidescopes are expensive and terrible. Saw one scratch a patients throat and they had to suction out the blood.

Storz single use will be dominating that market within a year.

Lol! Ya..plastic covers on two separate video batons for adults and peds is going to dominate the market..Haha!

With what’s available now GlideScope vs CMAC is like comparing a Ferrari to a station wagon with the wood siding and tape deck,

Storz single use?!??? LOL. A cmac rep told me that Storz will never fight for single use business. Is there something better coming out? because the only thing they are dominating now with the s imager is the loser board.