Andy gone from Oncology--Bets on whose next?


So Andy continues to be groomed for bigger and better things in Pfizer, Inc. Moving over to be Consumer Products President for Asia/Pacific. So who will take over as President of Oncology North America? Have to believe Ian and Gary are going to try and make a statement and that it is going to be heavy on "Launch the hell out of Palbo or die." Maybe someone from PC with launch experience? Do any of those people still exist or have they all been laid off or gone to other companies?
I don't think anyone in the Oncology BU in NA has the experience or the presence to succeed Andy--maybe someone from Europe? Should be interesting.


So Andy continues to be groomed for bigger and better things in Pfizer, Inc. Moving over to be Consumer Products President for Asia/Pacific. So who will take over as President of Oncology North America? Have to believe Ian and Gary are going to try and make a statement and that it is going to be heavy on "Launch the hell out of Palbo or die." Maybe someone from PC with launch experience? Do any of those people still exist or have they all been laid off or gone to other companies?
I don't think anyone in the Oncology BU in NA has the experience or the presence to succeed Andy--maybe someone from Europe? Should be interesting.

Hopefully not the guy in charge of the Toviaz launch!

It will be somebody from PC background with big time launch experience--Maybe Carl? Would U want him for the launch of Palbo? He's about the only person left from the "golden years."

They will bring in some young well connected hotshot, like they did with schmeltz. About the time this person learns the oncology business, around 18-36 months, he/she will then move onto whatever position upper management designates for them.