And the worst managers are....

Are we reviewing our managers at this national meeting??? I have never worked for a company where the reps never ever review the management. What a joke.

We did a few yeas back, but they tossed all the results because they would have had to clean house. None of the managers faired very well ( HC side ).

Greg Smith is a good guy and those that are slamming him are assholes who have left the company. Is he perfect? No, but who of us are? It's easy to jump on here and slam people anonymously but I'm guessing you're just bitter and lazy. Seriously, why do you get on this site? I've been with Medline 15 years. I've had really good years and I've had really bad years but I'm not throwing stones at others. Shit happens. Sounds like a bunch of bitter people to me....................

Greg Smith is a good guy and those that are slamming him are assholes who have left the company. Is he perfect? No, but who of us are? It's easy to jump on here and slam people anonymously but I'm guessing you're just bitter and lazy. Seriously, why do you get on this site? I've been with Medline 15 years. I've had really good years and I've had really bad years but I'm not throwing stones at others. Shit happens. Sounds like a bunch of bitter people to me....................

So says a person who was never managed by Greg Smith. There is only 1 person who has been at Medline for 15 years and Greg managed and you are not him. So either you are up for some promotion and kissing ass or Greg himself.

Has a sales rep ever filled out the 100 best medical companies to work for survey?

Absolutely not. Everyone know that they only give that survey to only certain people at corporate. It does not go out to everyone in the company. The results would be disastrous. It's like at the NSM 3 or 4 years ago when they made us fill out that evaluation form of our manager. No one ever heard the results of that and I wonder why!?!

Smith was a bully and disrespected everyone around him.

And how about the year he bullied everyone in his division and most everyone else at the national sales meeting into joining the ANHA group or whatever it was called. "no you do not have to join, I am just keeping track of everyone who doesn't join"

All so he could mooch a free trip to DC out of the deal.

And how about the year he bullied everyone in his division and most everyone else at the national sales meeting into joining the ANHA group or whatever it was called. "no you do not have to join, I am just keeping track of everyone who doesn't join"

All so he could mooch a free trip to DC out of the deal.

He should get a free trip to the unemployment office. But he has the goods in the Family so they will not get rid of him.

And how about the year he bullied everyone in his division and most everyone else at the national sales meeting into joining the ANHA group or whatever it was called. "no you do not have to join, I am just keeping track of everyone who doesn't join"

All so he could mooch a free trip to DC out of the deal.

Thanks Greg Smith a just got my junk mail from the AHCA PAC asking me to re-up.
Does Medline keep track of who renews?