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An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales force

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

I hope Japan will start respecting the US operation and will install real leaders here. Mike OBrien is not the answer. He never was. Lonnel kept him afloat for years despite the poor state of our sales force.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Shaji owes it to the Eisai to do the right thing. OB cannot be saved. There is no trust left.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

“The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.” - Colin Powell

Hey OB, do you ever wonder why no one comes to you for the problem anymore?

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

OB's presence proves that stupidity prevais in Eisai. Smart people remain silent in Eisai because they know they are not welcome here. Under LC and OB, when smart people were found, they would be terminated. Ms. Procida would be wise to look into OB's reign of terror very closely.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Dear Ms. Procida,

You do not owe any loyalty to OB even though he was nice to you during your CFO tenure. Your loyalty should go to Eisai and its people. Michael Obrien is not despised as the VP of sales because he is not a nice person. That is irrelevant. Our issue with Michael is about his lack of leadership. We have issues with Michael because he does not know what he is doing. Michael is a good talker but there is no result to back up his words. We are in trouble. You were promoted and LC was removed to shake things up. OB has been in his comfort zone for years and we can no longer afford his incompetency and complacency.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

What will it take for Japan to see what we see in Michael O'Brien every day?! How many lives does this guy have? How is it even possible for OB to be taken seriously after the mess he left in everyplace he's been? Ms. Procida is losing credibility with us with the way she has handled OB so far. You don't reward failure and incompetence.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Japanese proverb. OB should 責任 (take responsibility) of his failures and leave.

秋茄子は嫁に食わすな。 Why let OB continue taking advantage of you and the company? It is disrespectful.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Per Michael, it is always someone else's fault. Hopefully with LC out, he won't be able to sell his lies anymore.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Per Michael, it is always someone else's fault. Hopefully with LC out, he won't be able to sell his lies anymore.

Yet somehow no one ever calls attention to his manipulation, finger pointing and all about me ego! This guy in my tenure has never had a novel idea. Seems like there are values that everyone else gets rated against, who rates thia POS!

Please FIRE HIM NOW!!! It is about 7 years too late, but now would be acceptable to everyone as well.

Signed from all those who have had to endure this A** Hole

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Who rates the rater?

Plan for decreased revenues and reward yourself when you don't lose quite as much. Contrary to the sales force. The only nightingale winners had SHRINKING quotas. The losers and shitty reps all had drastically increasing goals, shrinking class volume and shitty mco access for years! They try to compare territory to territory but it's apples and oranges.

OB, however, set himself and LC low goals for which they were handsomely rewarded when they exceeded. We got cuts in opportunity, employment, severance, charitable contributions gym memberships and tuition reimbursement but THEY were heralded as the saviors of the business. Even with failed launches or product development of zonegran, halaven, A23, Aciphex 50 and now Belviq and Fycompa, OB still has a job. How can anyone dare to hold me or any sales rep accountable when that pig still has a job.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Who was responsible for letting the coupons expire before they started printing off and distributing new ones? That person definitely needs to go.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Who rates the rater?

Plan for decreased revenues and reward yourself when you don't lose quite as much. Contrary to the sales force. The only nightingale winners had SHRINKING quotas. The losers and shitty reps all had drastically increasing goals, shrinking class volume and shitty mco access for years! They try to compare territory to territory but it's apples and oranges.

OB, however, set himself and LC low goals for which they were handsomely rewarded when they exceeded. We got cuts in opportunity, employment, severance, charitable contributions gym memberships and tuition reimbursement but THEY were heralded as the saviors of the business. Even with failed launches or product development of zonegran, halaven, A23, Aciphex 50 and now Belviq and Fycompa, OB still has a job. How can anyone dare to hold me or any sales rep accountable when that pig still has a job.

OB - wow 18 years of absolute futility! How can one actually survive these plagues.
Easy! For anyone with any sense- hopefully for all those above him they will see through all the BS that is OB and let him go.

Then watch how this organization performs. It will exceed.
Just by people being committed to something other than OB!
Hey maybe we can have him committed!

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

You forgot no integrity. There is none here.

Read this - everything OB is NOT! NOT!

Collaborative leadership requires a shift to using three alternative forms of power:
•referent power (compliments or the ability to be seen as a role model)- NOT OB!
•expert power (ability to administer information, knowledge or expertise) - NOT OB!
•informational power (organizing, utilizing and sharing information) NOT OB!

rather than just relying on legitimate and coercive power. (THAT is OB)
For aspiring leaders, the focus needs to be on building their referent, expert and informational power which in turn will deliver career advancement and legitimate power.

There are five simple strategies (easy to remember acronym S.M.I.L.E.) that you can use to grow your leadership power bases:
•Bring your Smile and a positive attitude to work with you every day- NOT OB!!!
•Go the extra Mile, above & beyond to help others if you can. - NOT OB!
•Share your Ideas and learnings with your colleagues.- OB HAS NONE!
•Share the Love - give compliments to others (in public if possible) when appropriate and blow your own trumpet (gently) letting others know of your achievements -NOT OB!!
•Be responsible for your own Education and organize your learnings - NOT OB!!!

OMG! Defining OB by the reverse! What an A** HOLE OB is, since Aricept 23 he has done nothing!