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An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales force


Dear Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida,

OB is not respected here for multitude of reasons. Respect and Leadership go together. You can't have one without the other. If you are not admired or respected, your leadership will be weak and performance will suffer. All great leaders convey, with enthusiasm and optimism, goals and they do it with utmost respect for those around them. Leaders that know how to give the utmost respect will get much more loyalty and performance from employees.

OB's actions have not created an environment of respect, trust, enthusiasm, and optimism. OB is not qualified to be the leader we need. He is not competent and he sure does not know how to lead by example. There is a selective sense of accountability in this place. OB's friends are treated differently from the others.

The goals and quotas are set unrealistically and in vacuum particularly for some areas. More importantly, OB has no clue in dealing with sales numbers and he has demoralized people who busted their rears to achieve sales numbers that do not exist. Any good leader knows that if you team is working hard and well, reward them. If you are running at 99% of capacity, don't constantly act unsatisfied with the results. People want to be valued for a job well done.

Are we better off today than last year or five years ago? Are we improving? What is the common thread among all sales initiatives that have failed in Eisai? It is OB. His presence has been a destructive and demoralizing factor for the sales team. Please give us a new leadership that we deserve. OB has failed us for years and it is time for real change. If you want people to believe you and respect you, keep OB accountable for the mess he created here. None of your pep-talks or emails will create any impression with the staff if you allow OB to stay. You cannot ask others to be accountable when OB is not hold to the same standard.

Thank You.


Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

OB must go if the new leaders are serious and if they want to be taken seriously by the field.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

How can OB stay when his only supporter is gone? This is ridiculous. Reps would be fired 100 times if they created even 10%of OB's disaster.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Effective leadership is not about making speeches; leadership is defined by results not attributes. OB knows how to makes speeches but he is clueless about results. We have been going down and OB knows how to makes excuses. It is never OB's fault. It is always someone else who did it wrong. In the past, OB had LC to protect him but now hopefully the new bosses see what we have seen from OB: A know-it-all individual who destroyed the sales force though his comfort zone.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

You like his presentations? One word - goofy. You don't have very high standards, or you haven't seen top notch sales leaders.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

OB has no outside of Eisai experience. Everything he knows he learned from the other losers in Eisai.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

You like his presentations? One word - goofy. You don't have very high standards, or you haven't seen top notch sales leaders.

OB's goofy presentation skill is the least of his issues. The problem is that he talks a lot but doesn't say much. The main problem is OB's lack of competency and his poor leadership skills. He has no vision for the future and can't see the problems in advance. OB is too content and satisfied with the status quo and can't be the bold leader we badly need now.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

1 - OB uses people. He does not utilize the people who work for him.

2 - OB threatens people. He does not inspire them.

3 - OB is insecure and only hires controllable "yes-man".

4 - OB is visionless. No body knows where we are going.

5 - OB has no faith or trust in others. He trusts only in himself and rely upon the techniques of micromanagement to maintain control over others.

6 - OB doesn’t respect those who are under him. In his mind, people are simply resources to be used.

7 - OB is arrogant and seeks only to please himself.

8 - OB uses the power of intimidation. There is no comfortable and positive environment to produce.

9 - OB refuses to listen to the feedback, ideas, and suggestions of others. And when he does, he steals the idea and takes credit for himself.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Long story short about OB: If a leader receives a vote of non-confidence from his subordinates…game over. OB lost the respect of the field long time ago.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

You sound like Mazur

QUOTE=Anonymous;5029223]1 - OB uses people. He does not utilize the people who work for him.

2 - OB threatens people. He does not inspire them.

3 - OB is insecure and only hires controllable "yes-man".

4 - OB is visionless. No body knows where we are going.

5 - OB has no faith or trust in others. He trusts only in himself and rely upon the techniques of micromanagement to maintain control over others.

6 - OB doesn’t respect those who are under him. In his mind, people are simply resources to be used.

7 - OB is arrogant and seeks only to please himself.

8 - OB uses the power of intimidation. There is no comfortable and positive environment to produce.

9 - OB refuses to listen to the feedback, ideas, and suggestions of others. And when he does, he steals the idea and takes credit for himself.[/QUOTE]

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

We need a leader who is honest, has a demonstrated track record of success, is an excellent communicator, places an emphasis on serving those he leads , is fluid in approach, has laser focus, and a bias toward action. These traits are not possessed by OB. If OB is allowed to stay, we will continue to be in for a rocky road ahead…

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

The new leaders need to learn from the field whether OB posses the personal characters such as honesty, integrity, trustworthy, etc.. to be a leader. The truth is that OB has lost the respect and trust of the people he is supposed to lead.

In addition, OB's vision and purpose failed us for years because he cannot think strategically and he cannot see the tomorrow. OB's tunnel vision, his micromanagement, his incompetence, him being rules oriented and not people oriented, his having fear and doubts regarding employees’ competence, his low self-esteem and confidence, his emotional insecurity and immaturity and his making decisions based on emotions have all contributed to this mess in Eisai.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Like any other insecure manager, OB gives instructions and expects them to be followed. On the other hand, a secure manager gives guidance and expects results.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

It is time for Michael to leave. He needs a break from Eisai and Eisai needs a break from Michael.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

It'll be almost impossible to take the new leaders seriously if OB stays. We need accountability in this place and it should start from the top. If you don't make OB accountable for what he did to Eisai and its people, then shame on you.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Japan needs to learn from the history and get rid of OB before he does more damage.

Re: An Open to Mr. Matsue and Mr. Procida about Michael OB and sorry state of sales f

HR is equally responsible. OB's reign of terror couldn't last if we had real HR here. HR for years turned a blind eye to OB's shenanigans.