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I’m sure her RBM is glad she’s back. Her first hire failed training. She’s also at or near the bottom of the rankings. She’s not exactly distinguishing herself as a great leader and motivator. Never should have fired the guy before her. i cant believe she’s the only person who posted for it. She’s good at IT stuff and running reports but never struck me as a leader
I would never come back for any amount of money but they definitely made it worth her while. Must have been desperate for her to return. Why else? SMH

Woohoo! Mondays the day! Cant wait to see y’all now that all the whiners and complainers are gone. Helen has set up this team to have a very successful launch! I’m pumped and prepared!

Since we can’t talk at the meeting because there are eyes and ears everywhere let’s bring our discussion here
Dude. Aint nobody talking. All you whiners and complainers are gone. Those of us left are the ones who have shown we are exceptional at selling Rytary and will bring the same energy enthusiasm and competency that you obviously don’t have

Dude. Aint nobody talking. All you whiners and complainers are gone. Those of us left are the ones who have shown we are exceptional at selling Rytary and will bring the same energy enthusiasm and competency that you obviously don’t have
I’m at the meeting and most of us are scared to even burp out loud. Let’s admit it that sales with Rytary suck, and this product will be a failure. Shhhhhhh! or we may get fired for speaking the truth.