
It’s not that SH didn’t care about Endo, it’s that Endo doesn’t make a lot of money. It’s not a real first in class product. You all are selling an authorized generic. SH focused on the future and that was at the time Rytary and IPX. Unfortunately things shifted and now that group has no future. Which will trickle down and Endo will not be able to sustain itself. Now we have a group that doesn’t care about the entire Sales Force. HK philosophy is how can we squeeze everything we can out of people then let them go. Very sad. Zero loyalty. Not sure if she can even pronounce Rytary. It’s a circus hoping to move on to better things soon.

Ha! Do you know that the WAC price for Uni is so high that all pharmacies lose $ if they fill it? The only reason there is good insurance coverage is because it is tiered as a “generic”. The sales force is underpaid so if Amneal is not making enough $ on selling Uni then there’s greed involved.

I heard H was not the sharpest but sure thinks highly of herself… Heard she is asking how old people are. Very immature for a woman her age. No numbers again this morning as they likely scrub them. Only company that I know that doesn’t provide consistent and accurate data on time every time ! ! ! Yet reps and RBMS jump through all of their hoops on time every time. Never worked with such a nice group of peeps with the exceptional of a few very bad seeds that get away with a lot of egregious behaviors

I heard H was not the sharpest but sure thinks highly of herself… Heard she is asking how old people are. Very immature for a woman her age. No numbers again this morning as they likely scrub them. Only company that I know that doesn’t provide consistent and accurate data on time every time ! ! ! Yet reps and RBMS jump through all of their hoops on time every time. Never worked with such a nice group of peeps with the exceptional of a few very bad seeds that get away with a lot of egregious behaviors

HR has to know that age discrimination is alive and well since Helen came here. They are not trying to stop her so the entire upper management personnel are all guilty. Hope is not a strategy, but I hope the company has to pay out to those who have been treated unfairly due to their age. If you see it, hear it, and condone it, you are guilty too.

IF you are cruising CF to see if this is the company for you, then run do not walk! The leadership here is corrupt, and discrimination is occurring regardless of federal laws. Stay away!

HR has to know that age discrimination is alive and well since Helen came here. They are not trying to stop her so the entire upper management personnel are all guilty. Hope is not a strategy, but I hope the company has to pay out to those who have been treated unfairly due to their age. If you see it, hear it, and condone it, you are guilty too.

Knowing and proving are two different things. We know HK is practicing Favoritism and Discrimination. But it’s the ability to Prove it that’s difficult. If you have no facts then all you have is observation. There will be no paper trail of her actions. I’ve seen the Plan that one of my friends is on. It’s worded in such a vague way that Corporate can interpret it and the outcomes anyway they want. It’s not a PIP but looking at it there’s no telling the difference. They can be terminated at any time. They can be taken off after the Plan. They can have the Plan extended or put on a PIP. While we are employees at will these people are living under the fickle whim of ‘Leadership’ with their livelihoods in the hands of utterly inept people. But they ARE good at not putting things in writing. So good luck proving what we all know

Knowing and proving are two different things. We know HK is practicing Favoritism and Discrimination. But it’s the ability to Prove it that’s difficult. If you have no facts then all you have is observation. There will be no paper trail of her actions. I’ve seen the Plan that one of my friends is on. It’s worded in such a vague way that Corporate can interpret it and the outcomes anyway they want. It’s not a PIP but looking at it there’s no telling the difference. They can be terminated at any time. They can be taken off after the Plan. They can have the Plan extended or put on a PIP. While we are employees at will these people are living under the fickle whim of ‘Leadership’ with their livelihoods in the hands of utterly inept people. But they ARE good at not putting things in writing. So good luck proving what we all know

Unless every RBM on the PD team wants to be charged with perjury, then there is more here than luck. This will separate the men from the boys. Remember, Helen wants to get rid of older employees. Next time, Helen may want to get rid of you because you do not like to get drunk at work events or rub your ass on coworkers.

Unless every RBM on the PD team wants to be charged with perjury, then there is more here than luck. This will separate the men from the boys. Remember, Helen wants to get rid of older employees. Next time, Helen may want to get rid of you because you do not like to get drunk at work events or rub your ass on coworkers.

No one is going to sue so the threat of perjury isn’t real. Even then the Company will have lawyers to protect them. The unfortunate reality is that nothing will happen to HK. She is immune from any repercussions by her superiors. She faces no legal jeopardy because no one is going to sue. The only recourse is to find another job at another company

No one is going to sue so the threat of perjury isn’t real. Even then the Company will have lawyers to protect them. The unfortunate reality is that nothing will happen to HK. She is immune from any repercussions by her superiors. She faces no legal jeopardy because no one is going to sue. The only recourse is to find another job at another company

I guess you are going to write that there have been no other lawsuits brought forth that were quickly settled by Amneal? You do not back HK. You just want to post negatively. If you are in field sales, you must really suck at your job. No passion, courage, or desire to be successful. If you work at corporate then you are a little minion with your head down and your dick in.

Knowing and proving are two different things. We know HK is practicing Favoritism and Discrimination. But it’s the ability to Prove it that’s difficult. If you have no facts then all you have is observation. There will be no paper trail of her actions. I’ve seen the Plan that one of my friends is on. It’s worded in such a vague way that Corporate can interpret it and the outcomes anyway they want. It’s not a PIP but looking at it there’s no telling the difference. They can be terminated at any time. They can be taken off after the Plan. They can have the Plan extended or put on a PIP. While we are employees at will these people are living under the fickle whim of ‘Leadership’ with their livelihoods in the hands of utterly inept people. But they ARE good at not putting things in writing. So good luck proving what we all know

If you read one of the plans and it’s so vague then what is their goal? Are they hoping to get employees to quit or what? Who came up with this idea? Helen, Joe, Fernando? KC wasn’t here so it wasn’t her idea.

The plans are designed to bring fear and to fire people HK doesn’t like. She runs on pure emotion. She wants to feel important. Alcohol does that for her. Hence why she parties with her favs until late at night. And runs her mouth. People don’t support her as much as you think, they tolerate her out of fear.

Accountability goes both ways! I am looking forward to seeing our Q1 numbers and let’s see if JR and HK hit their goals. If not, they should be on the same plans as the sales force! They won’t be by the way! Unless they scrub the numbers to fit their narrative. It’s all corrupt and the game won’t last long. Karma always catches up. And all the people in corporate, sales training and market access- it’s coming. They know it. They see it. The question will be - will you still be here at that time to pay the Piper?

I guess you are going to write that there have been no other lawsuits brought forth that were quickly settled by Amneal? You do not back HK. You just want to post negatively. If you are in field sales, you must really suck at your job. No passion, courage, or desire to be successful. If you work at corporate then you are a little minion with your head down and your dick in.

There have been lawsuits against Amneal. A simple Google search can verify that. But those have been patent or investor lawsuits. And the vast majority of lawsuits for anyone are settled out of court so I’m not sure your point.
No, I do not back HK. She is an incompetent individual who has an inflated opinion of herself. What ‘success’ she has ever had is tied solely to JR and where he has ended up not by anything she’s done. She treats her reports like they are grade school children who either deserve a cookie and juice box or being sent to detention and disciplined. I have found no redeeming leadership qualities in her approach to the position. Is that negative? Yes. But it is also reality.
I say there will be no lawsuits regarding her behavior not because I have no passion or courage. Nor is it related to where my head is at or where my dick is (even though you just assumed my gender). My comments are based on historical reality. Proving the things she is doing is extremely difficult. She’s done these things her entire career and gotten away with it. Why is this any different? It’s foolish, not courageous, to bring a lawsuit that you cannot win. It’s practical to just find a new job and move on. People have responsibilities. They have bills to pay. No sense risking it if you can’t prove anything. The end result of all this will be the implosion of Amneal Specialty Sales as her actions drive more and more quality people away and they are replaced by new, way less qualified individuals. Having no more sales team is the only thing that will stop her.
I hope someone DOES have proof and they do sue and she’s brought down. But that simply isn’t going to happen

If you read one of the plans and it’s so vague then what is their goal? Are they hoping to get employees to quit or what? Who came up with this idea? Helen, Joe, Fernando? KC wasn’t here so it wasn’t her idea.

HK’s goal is to eliminate anyone who is smarter and has more experience than her. Those people can see that she is clueless and steering this company off a cliff. For her part, she has put the few people who actually deserve Plans and mixed those she wants to get rid of so there’s an air of credibility to this course of action. This way when she is questioned about these Plans she can point to the few without having to address the many. It’s devious but effective. To bad she’s devious and ineffective

There have been lawsuits against Amneal. A simple Google search can verify that. But those have been patent or investor lawsuits. And the vast majority of lawsuits for anyone are settled out of court so I’m not sure your point.
No, I do not back HK. She is an incompetent individual who has an inflated opinion of herself. What ‘success’ she has ever had is tied solely to JR and where he has ended up not by anything she’s done. She treats her reports like they are grade school children who either deserve a cookie and juice box or being sent to detention and disciplined. I have found no redeeming leadership qualities in her approach to the position. Is that negative? Yes. But it is also reality.
I say there will be no lawsuits regarding her behavior not because I have no passion or courage. Nor is it related to where my head is at or where my dick is (even though you just assumed my gender). My comments are based on historical reality. Proving the things she is doing is extremely difficult. She’s done these things her entire career and gotten away with it. Why is this any different? It’s foolish, not courageous, to bring a lawsuit that you cannot win. It’s practical to just find a new job and move on. People have responsibilities. They have bills to pay. No sense risking it if you can’t prove anything. The end result of all this will be the implosion of Amneal Specialty Sales as her actions drive more and more quality people away and they are replaced by new, way less qualified individuals. Having no more sales team is the only thing that will stop her.
I hope someone DOES have proof and they do sue and she’s brought down. But that simply isn’t going to happen

You definitely work close with HK either at corporate or executive leadership position. The issue is that pharmaceutical jobs are not readily available to seasoned employees regardless of accomplishments. Essentially, HK is ending successful careers of many employees. It’s not her right to decide.

How is Fernando ok with what he is doing to the Endo team? We had a blockbuster year. Is this how you reward? Here’s a commemorative jacket at NSM and then an action plan or PIP a couple of weeks later. Fernando should be fighting for his team! If he doesn’t then he is not a true leader.

How is Fernando ok with what he is doing to the Endo team? We had a blockbuster year. Is this how you reward? Here’s a commemorative jacket at NSM and then an action plan or PIP a couple of weeks later. Fernando should be fighting for his team! If he doesn’t then he is not a true leader.

Don’t ever confuse FA with a Leader. He is an order taker. That’s it. He was not the most qualified for the position and is now scared for his job. HK has him on a string like a puppet. He’s not fighting for anything but to stay in his position. We have the most unimpressive leadership team in existence

There’s a couple of weeks left for some of the plans. I hope our esteemed leaders know that firing a group of hand picked employees will kill whatever motivation is left with the sales teams.

There are several RBM’s that will throw their reps under the bus in a hot second. We all know who they are. What a horrible, toxic, sad place to be. Hope we all get out before getting put on some bogus plan only to get fired for doing nothing wrong. So undeserving for too many good people. Age, ego, envy are definite factors Not a good look for a woman in a leadership role. She is not a good or deserving person I have zero respect for her and her conniving ways. I have yet to hear anything good..everyone is walking on eggshells and she is loving it all. I envy those who have landed in better places

There are several RBM’s that will throw their reps under the bus in a hot second. We all know who they are. What a horrible, toxic, sad place to be. Hope we all get out before getting put on some bogus plan only to get fired for doing nothing wrong. So undeserving for too many good people. Age, ego, envy are definite factors Not a good look for a woman in a leadership role. She is not a good or deserving person I have zero respect for her and her conniving ways. I have yet to hear anything good..everyone is walking on eggshells and she is loving it all. I envy those who have landed in better places

Any place is a better place. As for people throwing their reps under the bus BC should lead that list. He threw an entire division under the bus and has a current Do Nothing position as his reward. Treachery pays at Amneal