Fantastic work Ammon. How? How much did you pay for a Chapter 11 team ? How much did you lose, probably over 250k in chapter 11 accounting fees ? Rich assholes buying themselves out of trouble once again.

Fantastic work Ammon. How? How much did you pay for a Chapter 11 team ? How much did you lose, probably over 250k in chapter 11 accounting fees ? Rich assholes buying themselves out of trouble once again.

Oh most definitely! They hired a PR accounting bankruptcy firm to fake themselves thru it ! They paid buko bucks to just get thru ! That’s what rich people do!

they probably had an entire team on retainer ! Just google it - it’s almost impossible to get approved for chapter 11!

Fantastic work Ammon. How? How much did you pay for a Chapter 11 team ? How much did you lose, probably over 250k in chapter 11 accounting fees ? Rich assholes buying themselves out of trouble once again.

I agree. But How much did you actually pay to get out of this trouble ? 250k is ridiculous ! You probably paid over a million just in reporting fees. Just do a google search. Who do you know ? How much did you pay in accounting fees and then legal fees ? Over 2 million easily ! The average accountant does not know anything about bankruptcy reporting ! So how much went to a bankruptcy consultant ? Money not being spent on employees or debt ???

Ammon did the right thing. They used their building equity to pay off all creditor claims and now are free and clear. The IRS investigation may or may not be completed. You can avoid government investigations by filing bankruptcy. The Haupts most likely paid off the IRS personally and kept it our of Ammon. The Haupts were running Ammon and the foundation so the IRS had the legal right to go after them personally. That would not be reported in a bankruptcy filing. The building sale the had higher proceeds than were needed to settle their creditors. I heard some of the leftover money went to IRS to settle foundation claim. The rest was put inot Haupt bank accounts. As far as clients coming back, most will not as they have been put through the ringer by investigation after investigation. I took 3 accounts that left Ammon and went to another lab. I asked about Ammon (and other lab) and they had nothing nice to say. Will be tough hill to climb to grow their business, but I wish them all the best.

At Ammon Labs, We strive for making you broke as fuck. We also help our employees with mental break downs after shift or when they get their pay checks!

we consistently alter the results so we could bill the insurance company back!

Thank you for choosing Ammon Labs
Inaccurate results since 1998!

And the award to the most real post goes toooooo.....

Ammon Labs is well known for producing the most accurate and timely results in the lab industry for over two decades.

Ammon is CLIA, NY State and CAP certified.

Results are meticulously reviewed by certifying scientists before reporting to clients. We treat each specimen with an extreme attention to detail to ensure accuracy.

If a patient has questions about a result, please do not hesitate to call Ammon’s client service line for answers.


This is the best thread on this forum. So crazy how all the crazy accusations on the other thread stopped and turned into all these positive reviews by current employees.And facts proven by public records.The latest news and public records disproved all the speculation. The best thing they did was file bankruptcy, no more speculations or lies. It’s public record. People still post lies but now you can look. All the lies about employees lawsuits and being flagged and the government shutting them down, all lies. The bankruptcy filing shows all claims made by all debtors and lawsuits.That’s why those posts stopped. It’s public government record now. They look silly stating lies.

This should become a reality show. And a real lesson of fake news. Lol

as an ex employee and still in the tox world Ammon is going to have a hard time. It’s obvious that somehow they survived, but the NJ tox world is over.

NJ is purposely trying to get rid of individual tox labs.The only labs making it thru have other than tox testing and COVID is dead.

look at the other forums and tox company feedback. tox is dead, Nj state made sure.

I also know that a big, big former client went back to ammon. Everyone knows. You all know ! Everyone was shocked, but when you think about it … Ammon is so desperate, and legally off the hook by government public record. It was really smart for them to go back to Ammon. Ammon is going to kiss their ass and they will be the golden client.

Ammon did the right thing. They used their building equity to pay off all creditor claims and now are free and clear. The IRS investigation may or may not be completed. You can avoid government investigations by filing bankruptcy. The Haupts most likely paid off the IRS personally and kept it our of Ammon. The Haupts were running Ammon and the foundation so the IRS had the legal right to go after them personally. That would not be reported in a bankruptcy filing. The building sale the had higher proceeds than were needed to settle their creditors. I heard some of the leftover money went to IRS to settle foundation claim. The rest was put inot Haupt bank accounts. As far as clients coming back, most will not as they have been put through the ringer by investigation after investigation. I took 3 accounts that left Ammon and went to another lab. I asked about Ammon (and other lab) and they had nothing nice to say. Will be tough hill to climb to grow their business, but I wish them all the best.

so basically what your saying is that Ammon is a nj tox lab that has no debt and somehow ended all investigations. Very unique and public records to prove it.

they paid their dues, suffered tremendously and are literally starting fresh.

sounds like a really good “rising phoenix” story and probably why old clients are willing to take a chance. The investigations and debt scared clients away. Now proven real story and proven no debt and full disclosure of finances and no charges whatsoever. While the other lab(s) they turned to are now under investigation and not fairing so well.

Would be really really smart for clients to give Ammon another chance. They literally have a documented clean slate.

A simple google search tells a lot. All the bankruptcy government filings are right there and all the creditors listed . It’s true, no billing employee lawsuits. Other than IRS back taxes due and payment plan established for left over still due, no government lawsuits or pending litigation or claims by any government agency. No pending investigations. All creditors established a payment plan and most already settled.

Instead of the loser employees that decided to stay, they all kind of look pretty smart know. They hung in there and took a gamble. SH and EH will remember that.

I wish them luck !

All the billers on other thread claiming they were flagged and reputation ruined, couldn’t get jobs. All ex employees saying they couldn’t get jobs because of investigation and reputation. Ridiculous nonsense we all knew. So called current employees complainong about sub par salaries and hours again all lies. Never getting paid ? Really ?

well literal public records just posted, should be all the vindication you need.

Past billers, employees, the government just posted public record of no wrongdoing and successful government audit. What’s your excuse now?

Current employees complaint about low wages and hours, here you go ! Take the news, update your resumes and go!

you won’t because you know the Haupt’s are going to fuck up again and reward their current employees with some kind of loyalty thing. Probably reinstate free lunches.

and you will take them. Knowing you posted nasty comments and tried to get them to go under because you are basically unemployed elsewhere and just not nice people.

Be smart people, notice how all the claims of reputation soiled and false biller lawsuits stopped ! Bevause now it’s public record.

Ammon Labs is well known for producing the most accurate and timely results in the lab industry for over two decades.

Ammon is CLIA, NY State and CAP certified.

Results are meticulously reviewed by certifying scientists before reporting to clients. We treat each specimen with an extreme attention to detail to ensure accuracy.

If a patient has questions about a result, please do not hesitate to call Ammon’s client service line for answers.


I’m so loving these copy and paste posts. Are these Haupt posts ? Are you trying to counter act negative or are these miserably failed attempts at mean ex or current employees trying to light a fire? Lol they backfired big time.

Either way I am here for the drama ! Love it !

I admit it! My nightly routine is now after work, gym, dinner, kids bath and bed time… in bed my wife watches her stupid TikTok’s while I’m reading this thread !
I gasp and laugh out loud.

this is golden entertainment. I tried to explain it to my wife. Lost in translation. All I got was really? And you won’t watch NJ housewives with me ? You refuse to watch any reality shows?

she has a point.

Ammon Labs was established in 1998, its earned a long standing reputation for excellence in toxicology and client service which sets it apart from their competition.

Most competing labs have only been around for 3-5 years , and lack the pedigree that Ammon possesses… when you choose Ammon Labs, you choose GREATNESS.


I admit it! My nightly routine is now after work, gym, dinner, kids bath and bed time… in bed my wife watches her stupid TikTok’s while I’m reading this thread !
I gasp and laugh out loud.

this is golden entertainment. I tried to explain it to my wife. Lost in translation. All I got was really? And you won’t watch NJ housewives with me ? You refuse to watch any reality shows?

she has a point.

Bro - this is hilarious !!!

you want a good tip… happy wife, happy life.

just innocently ask any of your wives esp if you live in Nj. What’s this pump rules crap and who the hell is James Kennedy ?

your wife will engage with you like it was your first date !

then when she’s trying to explain it all just innocently say wait . Can we watch it from the beginning?

Suffer thru it boys. After the first few episodes you will be into it and your wife will act like you just fell in love all over again.

I thank my half wit sister for this advice!

It worked trust me.

Yesterday we finally got free breakfast and lunch, courtesy of Ammon because the big account Integrity House came back!



It was great, the meal had me licking my fingers. Finger licking good as Colonel Sanders would say! Thank you integrity house for being there and coming back. Leonard’s, Maryville, and Eva’s Village are coming back within the month too, isn’t that awesome?






It was great, the meal had me licking my fingers. Finger licking good as Colonel Sanders would say! Thank you integrity house for being there and coming back. Leonard’s, Maryville, and Eva’s Village are coming back within the month too, isn’t that awesome?






Yeah, Ammon is taking back the accounts that labcorp and truetox took. Ammon will be number one again!!!!!




Yeah, Ammon is taking back the accounts that labcorp and truetox took. Ammon will be number one again!!!!!




This obviously “fake news” is being posted by the nasty negative enemies of Ammon. They are posting this crap thinking they will lite a fire of naysayers and entice a riot !

Those that know, know. Obviously Fake news !

Ammon has lured back a few small clients and they have been in talks with past clients that just aren’t happy with current labs and hoping to capitalize on Ammon’s desperation. Ammon will take the bait ! And those clients will totally abuse them !
It’s the American way !

Yeah, Ammon is taking back the accounts that labcorp and truetox took. Ammon will be number one again!!!!!




Only morons wouldn’t see thru these ridiculous posts ! Nice try assholes. Reverse phycology won’t work.

Ammon did not win back the big clients !
But they did score some small ones and are in talks for other than Tox!

Good luck Ammon ! And the fact that you have 5 positive posts for every negative does show that your current employees are on board and dedicated ! it doesn’t matter the outcome - you have a team that believes.

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