Amgen Contract Offers

I heard the same thing in Dallas for West jobs, before I even interviewed; there was no RM to interview with, and when I specifically asked the mgr I interviewed with if next step would be f2f or phone with RM they said "no", it was basically the one interview before offer extended.

Yup , thats what I heard! Lets hope it's just a scramble to get calls out and confirm with Amgen managers on decisions.

I heard the same thing in Dallas for West jobs, before I even interviewed; there was no RM to interview with, and when I specifically asked the mgr I interviewed with if next step would be f2f or phone with RM they said "no", it was basically the one interview before offer extended.[/QUOTE

Anyone get offers in the west?

I heard the same thing in Dallas for West jobs, before I even interviewed; there was no RM to interview with, and when I specifically asked the mgr I interviewed with if next step would be f2f or phone with RM they said "no", it was basically the one interview before offer extended.[/QUOTE

Anyone get offers in the west?
I am in the west and no calls from Inventiv yet. No decline emails or call from inventiv.

I am in the west and no calls from Inventiv yet. No decline emails or call from inventiv.

Did you ask your recruiter? I talked to mine today. I interviewed for two territories and unfortunately got a "no" about one today via phone from the DM and was told the other still in limbo due to no manager. The recruiter said they'd gotten update reports this morning and it showed they'd offered the one spot to someone else.

I heard the same thing in Dallas for West jobs, before I even interviewed; there was no RM to interview with, and when I specifically asked the mgr I interviewed with if next step would be f2f or phone with RM they said "no", it was basically the one interview before offer extended.[/QUOTE

Anyone get offers in the west?

Amgen manager here - thanks for applying for those who didn't make it sorry. Nationally 65% of the spots have been filled. The NE is lowest with about 40% South Central is the Highest with close to 100% filled. Midwest and West are close 70% filled. My boss hasn't told me about the central region. Tomorrow is the final day for phase one offers to be extended. It is a great company to work for, as with all companies we have our ups and downs but overall you should be excited about the opportunity.

Amgen manager here - thanks for applying for those who didn't make it sorry. Nationally 65% of the spots have been filled. The NE is lowest with about 40% South Central is the Highest with close to 100% filled. Midwest and West are close 70% filled. My boss hasn't told me about the central region. Tomorrow is the final day for phase one offers to be extended. It is a great company to work for, as with all companies we have our ups and downs but overall you should be excited about the opportunity.

Thank you for the update Amgen manager, aka douche bag. You are getting only desperate out of work reps that would takes this embarrassing job for 65k and calling on PCP what desperation by anyone that has accepted these offers.

Wow must make you a loser since you got passed over!

Ya, I am the loser getting passed over for the salary I made 12 years ago. It is f....king morons like you who take contract jobs that has ruined the industry. Ya, I am the loser while you will be doing the same job as the Amgen rep for 30-40k less per year, ya I am the loser! Probably voted for Obama? Ya, I am the loser, you went on an interview with 2 other pathetic reps then sat around in a hotel lobby and hoped you got picked to take an under paying contract position. Ya, I am the loser.

Heeeeeyyyy yaaaaaa heeeeeyyyy yaaaaaa... Must be an outkast fan! Because anyone that made 100k plus as they claim can surely spell the word "yeah". Its not ya, you idiot its yeah. Go back to your 50k a year 9-5 job and keep wishing you were making pharma money from 12 years ago.... Ya hear me!?

Ya, I am the loser getting passed over for the salary I made 12 years ago. It is f....king morons like you who take contract jobs that has ruined the industry. Ya, I am the loser while you will be doing the same job as the Amgen rep for 30-40k less per year, ya I am the loser! Probably voted for Obama? Ya, I am the loser, you went on an interview with 2 other pathetic reps then sat around in a hotel lobby and hoped you got picked to take an under paying contract position. Ya, I am the loser.

Yes, you are an idiot because you don't understand anything about how the world works. You are the classic fool, because you can't see your stupidity as well.

And you are welcome for me taking the time to point this out to you.

Now, learn from it and make the adjustments, fool.

Heeeeeyyyy yaaaaaa heeeeeyyyy yaaaaaa... Must be an outkast fan! Because anyone that made 100k plus as they claim can surely spell the word "yeah". Its not ya, you idiot its yeah. Go back to your 50k a year 9-5 job and keep wishing you were making pharma money from 12 years ago.... Ya hear me!?

Can you spell go fuck yourself loser?

Ya, I am the loser getting passed over for the salary I made 12 years ago. It is f....king morons like you who take contract jobs that has ruined the industry. Ya, I am the loser while you will be doing the same job as the Amgen rep for 30-40k less per year, ya I am the loser! Probably voted for Obama? Ya, I am the loser, you went on an interview with 2 other pathetic reps then sat around in a hotel lobby and hoped you got picked to take an under paying contract position. Ya, I am the loser.

Yes, you are a loser. You are the one, after all, trolling on the inVentiv page when you're the supposed big shot making the big money.

Ya, I am the loser getting passed over for the salary I made 12 years ago. It is f....king morons like you who take contract jobs that has ruined the industry. Ya, I am the loser while you will be doing the same job as the Amgen rep for 30-40k less per year, ya I am the loser! Probably voted for Obama? Ya, I am the loser, you went on an interview with 2 other pathetic reps then sat around in a hotel lobby and hoped you got picked to take an under paying contract position. Ya, I am the loser.

If you are over 35, you have some serious issues you are going to need to correct.

Also, Obama is not relevant to anything, but you didn't get that memo because you are clueless.

Amgen manager here - thanks for applying for those who didn't make it sorry. Nationally 65% of the spots have been filled. The NE is lowest with about 40% South Central is the Highest with close to 100% filled. Midwest and West are close 70% filled. My boss hasn't told me about the central region. Tomorrow is the final day for phase one offers to be extended. It is a great company to work for, as with all companies we have our ups and downs but overall you should be excited about the opportunity.

Go fuck yourself cheap fucks.... Next time don't say you can go hire if you can't ..pussy

Anyone out west, or elsewhere, besides me who has heard nothing either way? Email to recruiter unanswered. Surely if they take the time and expense to fly you out for an interview they'd at least email you if it's over, right?

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