
That post is correct. CMS is simply noticing that they are getting billed for services at a much higher rate than other companies. I'm a COTA and I left Amedisys to go work for a hospital and I got a call from a law firm about this same exact thing. I don't know much about the ins and outs of Mercury Doc other than they are electronic orders between Amedisys and doctors, but I was asked about Balanced for Life.

Look at the reduction in Falls among your BFL patients! You will see an overall of around 90% reduction in falls from cert to d.c. Studies show that typical gait and strength strength training does not prevent falls. There is a science to BFL and this program actually saves CMS money overall with the reduction in fall related ER visits and hospitalizations. If you went to BFL training you'd understand.

Look at the reduction in Falls among your BFL patients! You will see an overall of around 90% reduction in falls from cert to d.c. Studies show that typical gait and strength strength training does not prevent falls. There is a science to BFL and this program actually saves CMS money overall with the reduction in fall related ER visits and hospitalizations. If you went to BFL training you'd understand.

Why are you attacking that person? They simply said they got a call from a lawyer, too. Did not say that they disagreed with BFL just that they also got a call from a lawyer.

Why are you attacking that person? They simply said they got a call from a lawyer, too. Did not say that they disagreed with BFL just that they also got a call from a lawyer.

Unfortunately, our government, including CMS, don't often look at the long term benefits. I'm sure that BFL will save CMS money in the long term, but right now, they I think they are seeing an influx in diagnosis codes for certain programs that are much higher than the national average. That raises concerns when this is not the case with other companies across the country. Just because they are looking into something, doesn't mean that something bad will happen. It's not necessarily a bad thing that CMS is looking into it, they could find nothing wrong and praise Amedisys.

Also, govt agencies often contract out to attorneys or other private companies to do work for them that they either can't do efficiently themselves or just don't want to. I have a masters in government and non-profit management and we're taught to employ this practice as a cost saving practice (private industry can always do things cheaper than government can). If, and it's a big if, CMS decides to investigate this, they would only look at active and closed records and would interview current employees during an audit. More than likely, they would only interview the DOO and/or therapy directors and not the actual PTs, OTs, COTAs, or PTAs. They would not have access to former employees whereas an attorney could interview and depose former employees.

Look at the reduction in Falls among your BFL patients! You will see an overall of around 90% reduction in falls from cert to d.c. Studies show that typical gait and strength strength training does not prevent falls. There is a science to BFL and this program actually saves CMS money overall with the reduction in fall related ER visits and hospitalizations. If you went to BFL training you'd understand.

I went to BFL training and like the program. I never said I disagreed with it. I only reported what the message that the attorney was indicating that CMS is theorizing. I liked BFL and think that other companies will soon be adopting something similar. I've heard rumors that Heartland Home Health is going to develop a similar program.

Does anyone know anything about the "Growth Accelerations" Account Executive position with Amedisys Home Health?
If so please share!

i'm not sure what that position is. They have "Sales Performance Coaches" which are basically corporate level AEs who help out the AEs who are in the field daily. They may have simply changed their title. Not sure though.

OMG - Some of these last few replys - I can't wait to hear from you in a few months - exp the person who wrote a book. This company could not tell you what the left hand is doing with the right hand. Corporate has no clue what is going on in the field and they hire idiots to manage now. So many good reps (YES, they did make and exceed quota) have left to get away from the bullshit. They don't care, as long as they get a warm body in that can sing the amedisys praise and make them more money to put in thier already busting pockets...its all about the money. Trust me people - all you do is spend time saying I'm sorry to doctors instead of selling. To me, that is not a rewarding position.

We are a group from western NY and could not agree with you more. To a T.

7/7 What division and state are you in? I have seen the same thing happen in my region!

And we in Western NY are experiencing the same thing. Every step is monitored and they know where we go at every moment. We see it an an invasion of our privacy and the ultimate insult. We are adults and understand our responsibilities, but we are micro-managed to the end. Every single AM in this area has talked of quitting and one has so far.

The man who started this company is a wonderful (very RICH) man. He has incredible passion for caring for the elderly but that is where it stops. His vision is not carried out throughout the organization. I have had companies that work with this home health co ask me what is going on. The corporate office does not have a clue what is going on out in the field. Communication does not exist. They have great ideas but it never gets past management. It is really sad. This was a top notch, best job ever. Now...just waiting on verification on another opportunity then I am gone. Thank God!

I also agree with this. Mr. Borne is a very kind man and I had the pleasure of meeting him in April at the last BFL presentation but I too, wonder if he knows what is going on around the country. The April meeting was uplifting, but the bubble burst once I returned home. I am not new to home care or to nursing, but money does seem to be the bottom line, not quality patient care. I no longer wish to be a part of this fiasco and received notification today of a new opportunity. I will miss my co-workers, but not the upper management.

I am looking into switching to Home Health sales, if this company is so bad why do you stay? I wonder if it is worth it to continue to interview here? If you were with another Home Health place, how would you sell over Amedisys services? Any advice?

Let's just say that there are too many chiefs and not enough indians.

And we in Western NY are experiencing the same thing. Every step is monitored and they know where we go at every moment. We see it an an invasion of our privacy and the ultimate insult. We are adults and understand our responsibilities, but we are micro-managed to the end. Every single AM in this area has talked of quitting and one has so far.

Up to two AMs out the door now in WNY.

Things are really bad in Florida since Esther left. This new VP want thinks that the sales force needs an overhaul and heads are flying right and left. I've got my resume out and can't wait to leave. This used to be a great company to work for.

You don't know bad until you work for Chris Hambrick and Teresa Ledgerwood! One day, they will get what is coming to them.

Wow people.. You need to get a new job.. I have worked for Amedisys for three years and I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT. Maybe you should spend this energy on working with your managers to make a change, or get out and see how great the next HH company is.

Obliviously you don’t work in the Florida territory. I’m on the Ops side of things and we will run those Pharma guys out, Patti will make sure of that. Then we can all go back to loving our jobs like you.

Now that I am away from Amedisys (for over a month now) and see how it looks from the outside, I see how much worse they look than I thought! Amedisys made a laughing stock out of Staffbuilders and frankly, I am embarrassed for them. That's so sad.