
base pay is around $50,000 annually on average. Some get more/less based on experience. Compensation is based upon meeting quarterly bonuses and can get you upwards of an extra $20,000/year depending on how you do.

I am interviewing with the home health side at Amedisys. What is the avg base pay and bonus with that side? thanks!

So is this position calling on referral sources, or patients? Or both? In terms of patients, the ones already in NHs or assisted living? Or do you meet with their families? Any *true* information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

So is this position calling on referral sources, or patients? Or both? In terms of patients, the ones already in NHs or assisted living? Or do you meet with their families? Any *true* information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
In Col/OH area can't believe the micr-mgmt this GPS is bullcrap, don't know how long ill last?

The software program allows doctors to write/review/and sign off on orders electronically rather than using fax machines. It also tracks the amount of time that the doctors are spending on each patient's case and also spits out all the information at the end of the month that the phsyician needs in order to get reimbursed. This is am Amedisys program that no other competitor has. It is internet based, so technically it is not considered software perse. The physicians need to sign up for this program. The problem is that physicians end up only sending referrals to Amedisys after signing up for this program and don't send any business to the other players in the market. This, of course, is what Amedisys wants. The "kickback" is that Amedisys is helping the physician office gather the information necessary for billing purposes. This results in increased revenue for the physician and cuts down on the amount of work that the business office for that particular practice has to do. CMS is the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services and is part of the federal government. They are the regulatory agency and they are noticing that Ameidsys is billing for services at a far higher clip than any competitor, and you really can't "out medicare" the next guy.

The PT services are starting to get noticed too. They have a new program called Balanced For Life that is vestibular balance program. The problem here is that CMS is starting to notice a huge amount of people being billed for these services. That is, they are questioning whether people truly need to be in this program. PTs, PTAs, and nurses apparently are being told to "look out" for people who "need" this program so that they can get on it. They are apparently also getting nurses to do stuff that is typically done by therapists and vice versa. By doing that, they can bill for 2 different types of service but only have to pay 1 person.

Again, I worked on the hospice side of things, which doesn't use this computer program yet and doesn't offer PT services. I'm only stating what a law office called to interview me about. My major caution about accepting a job is that they will work you to death. If you tell them that you only want to see, say, 30 people a week, they may say that's fine and hire you. however, don't be shocked if after a couple months, they start giving you a hard time and are asking you to see significantly more patients.

I have a question: Are you sure no other competitor has a program like this? How can the program only route patients to Amedisys? Is it because the program is user friendly and more convenient for the doc to just get on that program and send to Amedisys or does the program automatically route patients their way?

I am not defending this program, just asking; but it seems that helping the docs with the correct billing codes would not be in any violations, and not sure how that is considered a kickback?

Any feedback?

I have a question: Are you sure no other competitor has a program like this? How can the program only route patients to Amedisys? Is it because the program is user friendly and more convenient for the doc to just get on that program and send to Amedisys or does the program automatically route patients their way?

I am not defending this program, just asking; but it seems that helping the docs with the correct billing codes would not be in any violations, and not sure how that is considered a kickback?

Any feedback?

I would think it creates unfair competition, monopolizing the referrals by "bribing" the physicians by making their work easier with billing! Pharma sure would not get away with that!

Depends, What state you are interviewing in? Management is different according to your own manager.... mine is pretty laid back for now, as long as you do your job....

Is it hard to meet quota, do they make it realistic? Do they just fire you if you don't or do they try to help you and see what the problem might be? Why did they go to GPS, did they have problems with reps not working? I can see it from a business standpoint but for an employee I think it is a little unsettling! I guess if you think about it though if you are in an office it is like GPS being in a cubicle all day! However, I thought one of the perks of being a sales rep was autonomy and flexibility! Bet they lost some reps over it! Have only been here a week so don't know much yet!

The software program allows doctors to write/review/and sign off on orders electronically rather than using fax machines. It also tracks the amount of time that the doctors are spending on each patient's case and also spits out all the information at the end of the month that the phsyician needs in order to get reimbursed. This is am Amedisys program that no other competitor has. It is internet based, so technically it is not considered software perse. The physicians need to sign up for this program. The problem is that physicians end up only sending referrals to Amedisys after signing up for this program and don't send any business to the other players in the market. This, of course, is what Amedisys wants. The "kickback" is that Amedisys is helping the physician office gather the information necessary for billing purposes. This results in increased revenue for the physician and cuts down on the amount of work that the business office for that particular practice has to do. CMS is the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services and is part of the federal government. They are the regulatory agency and they are noticing that Ameidsys is billing for services at a far higher clip than any competitor, and you really can't "out medicare" the next guy.

The PT services are starting to get noticed too. They have a new program called Balanced For Life that is vestibular balance program. The problem here is that CMS is starting to notice a huge amount of people being billed for these services. That is, they are questioning whether people truly need to be in this program. PTs, PTAs, and nurses apparently are being told to "look out" for people who "need" this program so that they can get on it. They are apparently also getting nurses to do stuff that is typically done by therapists and vice versa. By doing that, they can bill for 2 different types of service but only have to pay 1 person.

Again, I worked on the hospice side of things, which doesn't use this computer program yet and doesn't offer PT services. I'm only stating what a law office called to interview me about. My major caution about accepting a job is that they will work you to death. If you tell them that you only want to see, say, 30 people a week, they may say that's fine and hire you. however, don't be shocked if after a couple months, they start giving you a hard time and are asking you to see significantly more patients.

I'm sorry to hear about your recent departure from AMEDISYS but I think you need to check your facts on CMS guidelines and Mercury Doc! Oh and not to mention, the patient is not billed unless they have a "deductible" to meet and the only time they should have a deductable under part A is if they have a medicare plan, like Aetna MC. Good luck in your endevours and I wouldn't burn too many bridges if I were you!

I'm sorry to hear about your recent departure from AMEDISYS but I think you need to check your facts on CMS guidelines and Mercury Doc! Oh and not to mention, the patient is not billed unless they have a "deductible" to meet and the only time they should have a deductable under part A is if they have a medicare plan, like Aetna MC. Good luck in your endevours and I wouldn't burn too many bridges if I were you!

If you would read the post correctly it states that Medicare is noticing too many patients being billed for this, which means Amedisys is billing Patient's medicare, not the patient!!!

If you would read the post correctly it states that Medicare is noticing too many patients being billed for this, which means Amedisys is billing Patient's medicare, not the patient!!!

If you read that post more carefully, you'll realize that those facts about Medicare and Mercury Doc are correct. That post isn't saying that patients are being billed. Rather, their insurance, in this case Medicare, is being billed. CMS is noticing too many claims for services that are not being billed at such a high rate from other home health companies around the country.

I had to leave Amedisys b/c my husband is in the miltary and we moved, but we were highly encouraged to use Balanced for Life much more frequently than normal, and I know the AEs really pushed Mercury Doc and had competitions within the company to see who could sign up more doctors during a given period of time.

I have a question: Are you sure no other competitor has a program like this? How can the program only route patients to Amedisys? Is it because the program is user friendly and more convenient for the doc to just get on that program and send to Amedisys or does the program automatically route patients their way?

I am not defending this program, just asking; but it seems that helping the docs with the correct billing codes would not be in any violations, and not sure how that is considered a kickback?

Any feedback?

This program is unique only to Amedisys. I don't know of any other company who has anything like it. There certainly aren't any companie who have something like it in the area I live. Yes, if a doctor uses Mercury Doc, the referral only goes to Amedisys. If a doctor wants to send a patient to another company, which they are permitted to do, they would have to fax it to them like everyone else. By signing on with Mercury Doc, doctors aren't signing an agreement stating that they will only send referrals to Amedisys. However, other companies are complaining that this is happening anyway as a by product. It makes sense; doctos like to use companies that make their jobs easier.

If you would read the post correctly it states that Medicare is noticing too many patients being billed for this, which means Amedisys is billing Patient's medicare, not the patient!!!

That post is correct. CMS is simply noticing that they are getting billed for services at a much higher rate than other companies. I'm a COTA and I left Amedisys to go work for a hospital and I got a call from a law firm about this same exact thing. I don't know much about the ins and outs of Mercury Doc other than they are electronic orders between Amedisys and doctors, but I was asked about Balanced for Life.

That post is correct. CMS is simply noticing that they are getting billed for services at a much higher rate than other companies. I'm a COTA and I left Amedisys to go work for a hospital and I got a call from a law firm about this same exact thing. I don't know much about the ins and outs of Mercury Doc other than they are electronic orders between Amedisys and doctors, but I was asked about Balanced for Life.

Why would a lawyer be investingating and not CMS themselves? CMS is not shy about fining companies or taking away their license. How did you like Amedisys?