Look in the mirror my delusional friend. You are the one who is jealous. Why on earth would anyone go out of their way to criticize people? What's in it for you? Ohhh! That's right. You were laid off and can't find another pharma company to hire you. If delivering lunches (and there is obviously more to the job than that) helped pay for my home, my kids college education, my retirement and a couple of nice vacations a year, I'm good! My level of ambition is none of your concern. Why should it be? Go back to your single room apartment and wait for the unemployment check to arrive. Identify yourself if you are you who say you are. Again, you lose! For the second time! I can go all day with this. At least until I have to get back to work from my year-end week of shutdown (Such a horrible job, huh?) Until you identify yourself, you are as real as the boogey-man. Only 3 year olds believe in you. Tell us who you are. LMFAO!!!!!! Loser!!!