All Day Lie

So angry at your lot in life! Simply the result of your own choices. You chose to be complacent, and reached your highest level of incompetence. LMFAO (with lots more exclamation marks) He he.

So what is it I do for a living? Whats wrong you cannot read? Let's just say I took a business model, I saw in my youth and figured out a way to replicate my own efforts, to the point where I only handle some administrative stuff now. I play a lot of golf, and make trades in my portfolio. Like I said, Trauma Products, Orthopedic Products, and Spinal Implants. Did I make 150K per month right away? Of course not, it took work, which is a foreign concept for the long term drug rep. So ask again if you'd like, tell me I'm full of it, type in a few LMFO's, it doesn't change the original message. That is; Pharma sales is dead! Has been for a couple of decades. Young go getters should exit ASAP so they don't get stuck like you! Typical veteran drug reps, when they switch over, are lazy and cannot handle the complexity of calling on CEO's CFO's etc. They don't know how they think, and ar in way over their head. They end up screwing off, and doing a lot of fluff the first 6 months to a year then are found out and fired! That's been the experience of every single distributor owner that I know in the business. Sorry you made bad choices, lets hope others won't make the same ones as you.
Plus, you must be old cause only old fogies play golf anymore.

I will confirm that when I worked in orthopedic implants we wouldn't interview pharma reps. They knew they wouldn't be able to sustain any work ethic that involved after hours surgery in evenings, middle of the night,weekends or holidays. I remember we interviewed a so called "go getter" . Didn't last 3 months as he couldn't handle taking call or dealing with his wife bitching that he wasn't home enough. She didn't mind the nice 6 figure salary but he folded like a cheap tent. Just look at pharma with the 10-2 pm work environment. It's truly a dream job for slackers. Also there just not capable of negotiating implant contracts with OR buyers or purchasing agents or Director of Operations or CF0's. When your negotiating a 10 million dollar contract your not dealing with the receptionist on what type of chicken the office wants for lunch or what type of taco bar is the caterer bringing.

You remind me of the idiot in the presidency now. Totally into who you are with the need to convince others that you are the greatest. Typically that qualifies for having some type of mental issue - no one really cares about you and your money doesn’t impress me. I know lots of reps who enjoy what they do- they don’t need to impress people cause they have friends and family who care about them. Don’t think you do. You are a product of “Americanism” gone off the rails. I’m sure anyone who is around you finds you to be a bore.
Sour grapes! You remind me of a lazy drug rep, do you share with the others your pearls of wisdom from all of your years of delivering lunch? I bet you are a real resource for the young folks.

Hold on..LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You took a business model from your youth? LMFAO!!!!!!! 1.8 Million per year? LMFAO!!!!!!!! So you claim to be a business prodigy? Okay, let's go with that for now. You currently make $1.8 million annually selling spinal implants. Okay. In your spare time you like to hop on Cafe Pharma and disparage pharmaceutical reps..just for kicks. Sounds like you aren't very happy with your life. To have to create a fictitious life that makes you feel superior to others. Boy, I'm impressed. Let me tell you a little about me. What I am about to write is fact. Been in pharmaceutical sales for 22+ years. Have a wife and four children one of whom we adopted as foster parents. Own my humble home outright and have two rental properties. I make an above average living and enjoy what I do as a profession. Worked hard for everything I have. You won't hear me complain...EVER! Do I make $1.8 million? Not even close. But I am always trying to improve my financial situation. One thing I have learned in life is that people who espouse their own success, such as yourself, suffer from a variety of issues: Low self esteem, mommy/ daddy issues, or in your case little d1ck syndrome. We've all heard you sir. Pharmaceutical Sales is a pathetic occupation without a future. Thank you for the message. Duly noted. My advice for you is to get a life. Seek both mental help and spiritual guidance. You are a lost soul and I feel sorry for you. Please, reach out for help. Our prayers are with you.

I will confirm that when I worked in orthopedic implants we wouldn't interview pharma reps. They knew they wouldn't be able to sustain any work ethic that involved after hours surgery in evenings, middle of the night,weekends or holidays. I remember we interviewed a so called "go getter" . Didn't last 3 months as he couldn't handle taking call or dealing with his wife bitching that he wasn't home enough. She didn't mind the nice 6 figure salary but he folded like a cheap tent. Just look at pharma with the 10-2 pm work environment. It's truly a dream job for slackers. Also there just not capable of negotiating implant contracts with OR buyers or purchasing agents or Director of Operations or CF0's. When your negotiating a 10 million dollar contract your not dealing with the receptionist on what type of chicken the office wants for lunch or what type of taco bar is the caterer bringing.
Poor ‘lil fella seems lonely

Let's just say I took a business model, I saw in my youth and figured out a way to replicate my own efforts, to the point where I only handle some administrative stuff now

Tiny classified ads and 1-900 numbers?

Typical response from a loser pharma rep. I know it's hard to fathom implant reps making 250k to 500k per year. I commend you for adopting 4 foster children and making a good life for yourself. I was just pointing out how pharma reps are perceived in the implant selling space. I do research consulting part-time to keep busy when I bored with my mountain estate or equestrian ranch. Again my hats off to you for what you've accomplished.

Typical response from a loser pharma rep. I know it's hard to fathom implant reps making 250k to 500k per year. I commend you for adopting 4 foster children and making a good life for yourself. I was just pointing out how pharma reps are perceived in the implant selling space. I do research consulting part-time to keep busy when I bored with my mountain estate or equestrian ranch. Again my hats off to you for what you've accomplished.

Zero credibility as anything but a childish and patently unsuccessful agent provocateur. Thank Goodness you finally crossed over from anger to delusion to lunacy to childish buffoon. No reason to read another word you spew because you completed the low self esteem trifecta. It sure took longer than expected, so kudos.

Enjoy the next stop in your search for something new to titillate your need for mental pseudo-social masturbation.

Mountain estate? Equestrian ranch? You forgot your French Chateau and beach house in the Bahamas. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose you would get to all these locations on your private jet? LMFAO!!!!!!! I can't take it any more!! My sides are about to split from uncontrollable laughter!! You know what, keep it coming implant boy. We could all use a little laughter during these stressful times.

Mountain estate? Equestrian ranch? You forgot your French Chateau and beach house in the Bahamas. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suppose you would get to all these locations on your private jet? LMFAO!!!!!!! I can't take it any more!! My sides are about to split from uncontrollable laughter!! You know what, keep it coming implant boy. We could all use a little laughter during these stressful times.
Now you are throwing out the exclamation marks at more than one person here. Look dude you wasted over 20 years delivering kung po chicken. You have not worked hard for anything, you are a drug rep! Dress up, hair gel, to do a woman's job, that requires very little intelligence. Just a smile and pucker up when it's time to lick that bung hole, of who ever you see at offices. The fat receptionist, Doctor or nurse. No vision, no work ethic. Now it doesn't matter what material things I have, how many hours I have purchased for private jet aviation, what I make a month, or whether you believe me or not. Who cares? I was simply illustrating the point for those young people, before it is too late, who may decide to go down the path of least resistance that you seem to have enjoyed, a warning. I was simply warning them not to do it, because they will have regrets just like you. I can tell by the STFU, and LOL, and ROFL plus the exclamation marks, I have struck a nerve and I'm spot on. You work for the most unethical drug company on the planet, 20 plus years delivering food. Seriously when you are role playing with that hot 24 year old, (was 2 years old when you went through training) they look across at you and say to themselves, "I'm not going to be like that loser". At least they should. Any how with the covid, stuff your deal is almost over anyway. You can go off in the sunset, with your mediocre life. Hey bud you went after mediocre and you achieved it! Nicely done.

I think you are the one who's nerve was struck. That's very obvious. Success? Mediocrity? The meaning of life? Those are all in the eyes of the beholder. You claim to make a lot of money. Good for you. That is how you choose to measure yourself. Based on your comments it is blatantly obvious to most that you are a vapid shallow human being. There are some in this world who would give their right arm to be in the profession I have chosen to be in. I feel blessed to be here. Discussing biology, anatomy , physiology, pharmacokinetics, etc. I realize that those are basic subjects for someone as cerebral as you. I enjoy learning and educating trying to change prescribing behavior in an ethical way. As I said before, thank you for educating all of us on our profession. Being here 22 years I never heard those words before. So thank you ole wise one. But let's face it, you are not who you claim to be. We will all believe you when you give us your name. A little proof of who you are..or are not. You see my delusional friend, we already know who you are. A little little man trying to act tough on an anonymous job board. You most likely are middle-aged, overweight and out of shape. You are single and probably owe back alimony and child support. I am so sorry for you. You can clear all of this up by giving us your name and company you work for. If you are who you say you are ( Mountain Estates, Equestrian riding, jet setter) you should have no problem revealing yourself. I will be the first to apologize and kiss the ground you walk on. So who are you? We're waiting.

Gives us your name douchbag. Your nothing more than a Potsey Webber food delivery guy from 10 to 2. You've never broken a sweat in pharma. Your career is a joke in the business world.

Zero credibility as anything but a childish and patently unsuccessful agent provocateur. Thank Goodness you finally crossed over from anger to delusion to lunacy to childish buffoon. No reason to read another word you spew because you completed the low self esteem trifecta. It sure took longer than expected, so kudos.

Enjoy the next stop in your search for something new to titillate your need for mental pseudo-social masturbation.
Well stated, bravo!

Yes, that's me, Potsey Weber. Thanks for the Happy Days reference. But this is not about me. Remember, I am just a mediocre food delivery person masking as a pharmaceutical sales rep. I have a crappy career and have failed in life. You are the one who has made outlandish claims of opulent You are the one offering unsolicited career advice. You are the one mocking and disparaging myself and others. So according to you, I have everything to lose by identifying myself. As someone with no ambition or skill set I would be committing careers suicide by giving my name. I asked you first. I have made a simple request for you, and independently wealthy tycoon, to reveal your name and place of work. That's all you have to do. Give us your name and place of employment. Pretty please. Until that is done, you are a fraud! A little man who makes up a fantasy life here on Cafe Pharma. Identify yourself. Until then...Checkmate! You lose!

I will confirm that when I worked in orthopedic implants we wouldn't interview pharma reps. They knew they wouldn't be able to sustain any work ethic that involved after hours surgery in evenings, middle of the night,weekends or holidays. I remember we interviewed a so called "go getter" . Didn't last 3 months as he couldn't handle taking call or dealing with his wife bitching that he wasn't home enough. She didn't mind the nice 6 figure salary but he folded like a cheap tent. Just look at pharma with the 10-2 pm work environment. It's truly a dream job for slackers. Also there just not capable of negotiating implant contracts with OR buyers or purchasing agents or Director of Operations or CF0's. When your negotiating a 10 million dollar contract your not dealing with the receptionist on what type of chicken the office wants for lunch or what type of taco bar is the caterer bringing.

why are you even on this site then?

Now you are throwing out the exclamation marks at more than one person here. Look dude you wasted over 20 years delivering kung po chicken. You have not worked hard for anything, you are a drug rep! Dress up, hair gel, to do a woman's job, that requires very little intelligence. Just a smile and pucker up when it's time to lick that bung hole, of who ever you see at offices. The fat receptionist, Doctor or nurse. No vision, no work ethic. Now it doesn't matter what material things I have, how many hours I have purchased for private jet aviation, what I make a month, or whether you believe me or not. Who cares? I was simply illustrating the point for those young people, before it is too late, who may decide to go down the path of least resistance that you seem to have enjoyed, a warning. I was simply warning them not to do it, because they will have regrets just like you. I can tell by the STFU, and LOL, and ROFL plus the exclamation marks, I have struck a nerve and I'm spot on. You work for the most unethical drug company on the planet, 20 plus years delivering food. Seriously when you are role playing with that hot 24 year old, (was 2 years old when you went through training) they look across at you and say to themselves, "I'm not going to be like that loser". At least they should. Any how with the covid, stuff your deal is almost over anyway. You can go off in the sunset, with your mediocre life. Hey bud you went after mediocre and you achieved it! Nicely done.

seek help..anyone that espouses this kind of success wouldn’t waste their time here.

Poor pharma reps jealous of somebody's success. Just keep delivering the food bro. Your hardest decision of the day is what salad dressing to bring or if the swedish meatballs will be hot enough. Better get there early and check those bunsen burners to make sure they don't go out. You can think outside the box by using your cigarette lighter in case the flame goes up. Don't forget how impressed the doctors will be with your killer 15 second detail while your holding the lighter. Afterwards you can email your team a success story on how you went "coast to coast" with the doctors . Face it .....pharma is a joke .

Poor pharma reps jealous of somebody's success. Just keep delivering the food bro. Your hardest decision of the day is what salad dressing to bring or if the swedish meatballs will be hot enough. Better get there early and check those bunsen burners to make sure they don't go out. You can think outside the box by using your cigarette lighter in case the flame goes up. Don't forget how impressed the doctors will be with your killer 15 second detail while your holding the lighter. Afterwards you can email your team a success story on how you went "coast to coast" with the doctors . Face it .....pharma is a joke .