Now you are throwing out the exclamation marks at more than one person here. Look dude you wasted over 20 years delivering kung po chicken. You have not worked hard for anything, you are a drug rep! Dress up, hair gel, to do a woman's job, that requires very little intelligence. Just a smile and pucker up when it's time to lick that bung hole, of who ever you see at offices. The fat receptionist, Doctor or nurse. No vision, no work ethic. Now it doesn't matter what material things I have, how many hours I have purchased for private jet aviation, what I make a month, or whether you believe me or not. Who cares? I was simply illustrating the point for those young people, before it is too late, who may decide to go down the path of least resistance that you seem to have enjoyed, a warning. I was simply warning them not to do it, because they will have regrets just like you. I can tell by the STFU, and LOL, and ROFL plus the exclamation marks, I have struck a nerve and I'm spot on. You work for the most unethical drug company on the planet, 20 plus years delivering food. Seriously when you are role playing with that hot 24 year old, (was 2 years old when you went through training) they look across at you and say to themselves, "I'm not going to be like that loser". At least they should. Any how with the covid, stuff your deal is almost over anyway. You can go off in the sunset, with your mediocre life. Hey bud you went after mediocre and you achieved it! Nicely done.