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Aesthetics at Galderma


Turnover is the highest in my five years in the company. Sadly, more turnover is coming on Monday. Why is this company so despised by its people? Work life balance? Too high quota? incompetent leadership? contests that are confusing? nepotism? EB? K H? This company sucks D$%K

EB has ruined the aesthetic business here. He speaks poorly of everyone around him and is a BIG backstabber. When he took over in 2021 we were doing really well, making commission and the job was fun. We have missed our number every quarter, the job is now all about activities and KPI's that have nothing to do with sales. The comp plan is confusing as hell

EB has ruined the aesthetic business here. He speaks poorly of everyone around him and is a BIG backstabber. When he took over in 2021 we were doing really well, making commission and the job was fun. We have missed our number every quarter, the job is now all about activities and KPI's that have nothing to do with sales. The comp plan is confusing as hell
Very true. EB is one of the most two-faced humans on the planet.

Disaster. They are now trying to clutch on some opportunities in the industry to make it work. All driven by EQT and their greed to justify to investors the money they put in wasn’t for nothing. All of us are just pawns. Making our shitty salaries and commissions. The plans make no sense. this who relegation bullshit is too confusing. Fire the people who make these plans.

Please quit and take your communications degree and move along You were always a slug. We don’t want any of you low performers here. Pack up your tricycle and take your sorbet and leave. We want you gone. Time to upgrade talent

Please quit and take your communications degree and move along You were always a slug. We don’t want any of you low performers here. Pack up your tricycle and take your sorbet and leave. We want you gone. Time to upgrade talent
I am a president’s club winner you dickwad. So stfu and go get a life. Our opinion here is to make sure that this place can get better. People like you is the reason Galderma is the crap it is. Instead of listening, your answer is to ask your top performers to leave.

I am a president’s club winner you dickwad. So stfu and go get a life. Our opinion here is to make sure that this place can get better. People like you is the reason Galderma is the crap it is. Instead of listening, your answer is to ask your top performers to leave.
You seem angry. Lonely Saturday nights will do that to a person. #onthespectrum