Advance Surgical

Lots of movement still out there. Crazy b**ch out West is still taking indulging in her Adderall RX summer 2-0'clock pool time with her kids and blaming everything on her reps.

The harmonic and Ligasure reps on my territory are very worried. Energy, Under the unforgettable and superb leadership of a cast member of the muppet show is rumoured to be developing a device that will come to market, delays so far in the region of 20 years late to market but hey ho

Expansion territories mean you don’t get pai...and the nearest sales rep (whose territory was cut) gets paid less. Enjoy living the dream of a 350k salary, while making 65k and representing a joke of a company. Good luck getting hired if conmed is the only medical company on your resume.

^ 65k? So this hypothetical territory you speak of is only generating $650k in revenue per year? Where is this, Alaska? The comp plan is simplistic. $1.5 mil in baseline you essentially have a $150k salary. You sell capital, you get some big checks. You could go do trauma, hold a pager 24/7 and make $100k or go do peripheral make $150k a year and jockey in the cathlab with 5 other reps waiting to see what stent the doc will pick. Or hey why not do straight capital with one of big guys and go through only capital sales cycles that can take years to make $160-180k. I’m sure there is a golden ticket opportunity though somewhere...