It's $50/month.
Even though the base is low compared to non-contract pharma jobs, I would still rather be working in pharma sales than in an office cubicle 9-5 seeing the same faces every day. I have only been doing this 10 years and have been with two big pharma companies. Before that I was in the Navy for 20 years. Let me tell you, I was working a helluva a lot harder for about the same pay. When I got into pharma sales, I couldn't believe how easy these jobs are. I don't know much about IQVIA but the managers have all been nice so far. I can deal with this for a year or two and jump back into another position if something comes along. The people who haven't been laid off by a big company yet are no better or worse usually than the ones that have. I would even go as far to say that most of the reps I have met over the last 10 years are pretty much the same "skill" wise. Territory seems to make the most difference. Good luck to all. Don't let anyone make you feel less than, or nervous, about entering a job like this. Focus on all of the good things you have going on when you are not at work.