ADHD Contract

Sorry to all who were let go. It happens. They were wrong for hiring that many reps in the first place but to lay off that many employees in such a short time frame during a launch shows what kind of company Ironshore n Iqvia is. I’m sure everyone will find elsewhere they’re valued. I’ve been on both sides of the table and this isn’t a company worth investing in. I’ll be looking for something else even though I was kept. 3 lay offs in 6 months into launch is just madness. Company ain’t worth *hit. Good luck to all.

Sorry to all who were let go. It happens. They were wrong for hiring that many reps in the first place but to lay off that many employees in such a short time frame during a launch shows what kind of company Ironshore n Iqvia is. I’m sure everyone will find elsewhere they’re valued. I’ve been on both sides of the table and this isn’t a company worth investing in. I’ll be looking for something else even though I was kept. 3 lay offs in 6 months into launch is just madness. Company ain’t worth *hit. Good luck to all.
Another reason why I left the industry a couple years ago - the inherent job insecurity in the industry, even with manufacturers (I worked for them, too), regularly throwing the monkey wrench of uncertainty into my life. Made the decision it was no longer worth it to continue on the hamster wheel of Pharma.

Wow only one person left in the district I was in!! Even the top 3 reps leading the district left. Everybody has ditched this sh*thole of a company!! LOL. Glad I got out. DM was an idiotic micromanager and the leadership team were a bunch of lying dumb and dumbers who can’t run a start up. I made it through two cuts and got the hell out the first chance I could. Good riddance b*tches!

Agreed ^^^^^ now I have this shit stain of a company on my resume that I'll have to explain :rolleyes:
I totally agree...what a blemish on my resume. Total shit show. Worthless managers and RDs, flirtatious calls from top brass with too much awkward laughing when the company performance was abysmal at best. The company celebrated 2004 scripts after several months on the market. Are you kidding me? Nothing funnier than the anecdotes of Lickrish and Bev riding around in the field, lickrish chain smoking after hearing it isn’t a game changer by customers. ‘But it is methylphenidate, what’s the problem?’ You’re right lickrish, it’s just methylphenidate-overly priced for that delivery system that at best will be licensed for other shit....unless that’s another bullshit fairy tale like the jpm launch.
Scottsdale was at least a great vacation.

At the launch meeting, Scott Evangelista bragged that it was his idea to hire
370 reps to start. I think Licorice said they were going to hire around 100-150
and Scott proudly said: "No, you're going to need way more than that." Everyone
clapped and cheered like he was a genius. Why does this guy still have an
(overpaid) job?

They hired too many on use those let go as a "first stage" Just like a rocket. ALL the managers knew. That's why our RVP was so distant during our team meeting. Knew that there would be half of us left. Then those of us selected knew that the writing was on the wall, and many of us left. This "stay at home" thing is going to kill this company. I predict many more laid off. This company can't sustain this kind of break in detailing.

They hired too many on use those let go as a "first stage" Just like a rocket. ALL the managers knew. That's why our RVP was so distant during our team meeting. Knew that there would be half of us left. Then those of us selected knew that the writing was on the wall, and many of us left. This "stay at home" thing is going to kill this company. I predict many more laid off. This company can't sustain this kind of break in detailing.

You were right. IQVIA, a company you certainly can't count on during uncertain times.

Rumor has it Ironshore downsized again and those left were furloughed for at least the next 30 days. If that’s true, sadly it sounds like the end of the road. It was a short Journey!

At the launch meeting, Scott Evangelista bragged that it was his idea to hire
370 reps to start. I think Licorice said they were going to hire around 100-150
and Scott proudly said: "No, you're going to need way more than that." Everyone
clapped and cheered like he was a genius. Why does this guy still have an
(overpaid) job?

Clearly your not around any longer or are just a troll. Scott was cut with the 1st round back in October