Accurate Labs

Start believing my friend, the time has come. RP just called for a meeting this week with key employees which means an announcement is imminent. Can't wait to see what they are offering.

RP called meeting with key employees to tell them all the rumors on are BS, no sale is imminent and start producing or your ass is fired!

Rumor is Med Screen Labs in Clifton is next. Any truth to this? I keep hearing mixed messages. I hear is is LCA and other times I hear it is ProPhase. Anyone have insights since you are all in the know?

Rumor: Prophase will have all NY insurers including managed medicaid after acquisition. Hiring reps with expired NC, over $75m revenue. Lots of cash on hand to build.

Medscreen is primarily a tox lab in NJ and has ZERO NY managed medicaid plans and ZERO NY clients. You have no clue on the b.s. you're spewing.

The government is going to throw a giant net around all of you. And you all asked for it. Hope this helps

Government won't do anything. They are encouraging LC & Q to buy as many labs as possible so they have only 2 non-hospital labs left. They want little competition as possible. In case everyone missed it, the Medicare and SS are running out of money. They need large labs with low costs. This is why LC & Q are overpaying for sh*t labs! They will make it up on the back end when it is jus the two of them!