access challenge

so true, the famed three product detail in the sample closet- brings such value to the docs- i know when the doc smiles at me and says "please tell me more", I know I've done my job. As I bridge into the third product after taking him to new heights with my second product- his eyes burst in anticipation-senses heightened -pulse rate elevated-my close brings him down a smooth mountain of calm - tears run down his face -as I bid farewell....I remember a line from Johnny Carson-"always leave them wanting just a little more".

so true, the famed three product detail in the sample closet- brings such value to the docs- i know when the doc smiles at me and says "please tell me more", I know I've done my job. As I bridge into the third product after taking him to new heights with my second product- his eyes burst in anticipation-senses heightened -pulse rate elevated-my close brings him down a smooth mountain of calm - tears run down his face -as I bid farewell....I remember a line from Johnny Carson-"always leave them wanting just a little more".

you are a genius

Well, let's have them do more spreadsheets of targeted doctors that were targeted 3 qtrs ago. They need to send in R&F spreadsheets of all their target panel. Every week we will have call ins going over the same bullshit. And then we will tell them "we are worried about your performance." We will give them 2.0s on their FTE even though we didn't really see any of the calls because we had 1. Already saw that dr before 2.texting 3. Talking on the phone 4. In the bathroom. We will then ask them about their partners, to stir up drama in the team and then.......PUT THEM ON PROBATION and anyone else who doesn't kiss ass. As for the numbers though.....still not quite sure how to help them on that, but at least we have something to show the RDs that were doing "something."meanwhile, we'll go home and collect our hard earned salary.

access here in northeast is a joke-cut some reps its nuts going in right after each other!

so true, the famed three product detail in the sample closet- brings such value to the docs- i know when the doc smiles at me and says "please tell me more", I know I've done my job. As I bridge into the third product after taking him to new heights with my second product- his eyes burst in anticipation-senses heightened -pulse rate elevated-my close brings him down a smooth mountain of calm - tears run down his face -as I bid farewell....I remember a line from Johnny Carson-"always leave them wanting just a little more".

this happened to me today!

Well, let's have them do more spreadsheets of targeted doctors that were targeted 3 qtrs ago. They need to send in R&F spreadsheets of all their target panel. Every week we will have call ins going over the same bullshit. And then we will tell them "we are worried about your performance." We will give them 2.0s on their FTE even though we didn't really see any of the calls because we had 1. Already saw that dr before 2.texting 3. Talking on the phone 4. In the bathroom. We will then ask them about their partners, to stir up drama in the team and then.......PUT THEM ON PROBATION and anyone else who doesn't kiss ass. As for the numbers though.....still not quite sure how to help them on that, but at least we have something to show the RDs that were doing "something."meanwhile, we'll go home and collect our hard earned salary.


Thank you for this post. Please don't stop. I love it!

during my bystolic opening i use the visuals in such a manner that the doctors can not hold back their unadulterated joy... when i speak to them about using byst in combination with other anti=hypertensives- they nod and agree with everything i say....leading cardiologist Dr"K" said this information is so valueable, i want to run into my waiting room and burst out in a broadway show tune in front of all my patients!!!!!!!