access challenge

i am stockpiling samples and holding onto them. Without Lexapro, there is no way I will have the signatures require to make everyone happy. At least this way, I will have some samples of Lexapro when nobody else does. I will be every docs favorite rep!!! well, until it finally goes generic. But until then, I will have all of my signature calls!!! Take that Mr. DM. :)

they are checking inventories by the MFO

you will have to be rid of your lex samples in the next 4 to 6 months, then bye bye access!

Goodbye Reach and Frequency, as if it was there before! I'm sure the DMs are excited about this! At least mine....more write ups and firing! They must get B&C for all the write ups. It's funny to me....several of nt buddies are in PC now. Their DMs leave them alone, never talk about R&F, or any of the other bullshit. Makes sense to me. The DMs that make you do tracker forms, weekly call ins to listen to them talk and not listen to what you, the rep, needs, and talk down on you will NEVER get their teams to PC. Forest needs Leadership 101. The great DMs are what make this company, unfortunately they leave because of the bs!

Goodbye Reach and Frequency, as if it was there before! I'm sure the DMs are excited about this! At least mine....more write ups and firing! They must get B&C for all the write ups. It's funny to me....several of nt buddies are in PC now. Their DMs leave them alone, never talk about R&F, or any of the other bullshit. Makes sense to me. The DMs that make you do tracker forms, weekly call ins to listen to them talk and not listen to what you, the rep, needs, and talk down on you will NEVER get their teams to PC. Forest needs Leadership 101. The great DMs are what make this company, unfortunately they leave because of the bs!

i love my 3 product details -the docs love standing by the sampling closet while i ramble on about my products- i ask probing questions-they seemed wowed by charm-they look at me with such keen interest-i stun them with my product knowledege-Dr Wihite even said tell me more Mike- i'm learning so much from you, my patient's will have to wait..

To the last poster. I think you are a genius. I too often often stun Drs with my product knowledge. A trifecta of effective messaging if you will. One doctor recently fell to his knees riveted by the key elements of safety. He said he had never heard something so fair and balanced. I then wheel away my cart knowing I have shifted market share and made a true difference.

Lmao! Damn, now that kind of sense of humor is what can get rxs....nice. I love explaining to new reps I work with that we are dumb asses and one of the worst things we can do is try to match wits with the docs. Uh, do you think they prescribe our meds because we're smart? Ha! A lot of you men don't get this, FYI, they think we are idiots. No matter how nice your suit is, yes, even then. No matter how you talk to them, yes, they see you as an inferior being. No matter how helpful or smooth you are compared to the hot female reps, yes, you are still a lackey. I like being a lackey, but it's painful to see those who don't accept it.

To the last poster. I think you are a genius. I too often often stun Drs with my product knowledge. A trifecta of effective messaging if you will. One doctor recently fell to his knees riveted by the key elements of safety. He said he had never heard something so fair and balanced. I then wheel away my cart knowing I have shifted market share and made a true difference.

Thank you I know I'm a genius all the doc's at the teaching hospital remind me- despite the fact i am a former rental car agent!

Do the docs at the teaching hospital keep patients waiting as well in order to hear you infinite product knowledge? I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at your post and I am happy you embrace your genius and mastery of probes

Do the docs at the teaching hospital keep patients waiting as well in order to hear you infinite product knowledge? I cannot tell you how hard I laughed at your post and I am happy you embrace your genius and mastery of probes

Your praise has been noted, i am anxious to extend a hand of friendship to my FRX brothers-only when you can make your doctors drool with anticipation to hear the wisdom of my 3 product sample detail-will you make real impact in your ranking reports!

Goodbye Reach and Frequency, as if it was there before! I'm sure the DMs are excited about this! At least mine....more write ups and firing! They must get B&C for all the write ups. It's funny to me....several of nt buddies are in PC now. Their DMs leave them alone, never talk about R&F, or any of the other bullshit. Makes sense to me. The DMs that make you do tracker forms, weekly call ins to listen to them talk and not listen to what you, the rep, needs, and talk down on you will NEVER get their teams to PC. Forest needs Leadership 101. The great DMs are what make this company, unfortunately they leave because of the bs!

not only do the docs drop to their knees, often they grab onto my leg-and say ,please don't leave-I'm learning so much from you!

This whole thread has made me laugh and smile...I no longer feel alone. Hahahaha at least I know I'm not the only one who has these thoughts about my job! Hahahaha! Keep it coming, I could use a little more humor to get through these dark days.

This whole thread has made me laugh and smile...I no longer feel alone. Hahahaha at least I know I'm not the only one who has these thoughts about my job! Hahahaha! Keep it coming, I could use a little more humor to get through these dark days.

love the spec rep led meetings, this cracker is a drone of upper management!

.... one says to the other, "what do you think is the best way to increase the moral of our sales reps and really get them pumped up to do a good job"?...

Well, let's have them do more spreadsheets of targeted doctors that were targeted 3 qtrs ago. They need to send in R&F spreadsheets of all their target panel. Every week we will have call ins going over the same bullshit. And then we will tell them "we are worried about your performance." We will give them 2.0s on their FTE even though we didn't really see any of the calls because we had 1. Already saw that dr before 2.texting 3. Talking on the phone 4. In the bathroom. We will then ask them about their partners, to stir up drama in the team and then.......PUT THEM ON PROBATION and anyone else who doesn't kiss ass. As for the numbers though.....still not quite sure how to help them on that, but at least we have something to show the RDs that were doing "something."meanwhile, we'll go home and collect our hard earned salary.