Abbvie pushing out people over 45

Exactly. I was hired 3 years ago at age 55. If this isn’t this place for you, find somewhere you believe you will be happy. I really don’t understand the entitlement discussion. Work hard and make your own success.

i am and I bet I make more than you. What a silly thing to say.
You’re doing the same job as someone 6 months out of college could do. I’ve been here 2 years and have already moved up. I see you old flabby low energy types at the meetings and I just shake my head and laugh. The 2009’s are over buddy! Time to move on

Abbvie/Forest is a joke. No one takes you seriously. Everyone I know who has left and moved on, we all laugh at how pathetic the culture was/is at Abbvie (Forest). Low pay, shitty 20-something "DMs", primary care mentality.

These bitches in AbbVie both sales and medical Immunology are really driving the culture to SHIT. They have no f'ing clue what pedigree means. The most tenured reps and MSL's being forced out on stupid BS. Wait till they all show up one day on a different team and kick ABBV ass. Idiots are f'ing crazy !!

These bitches in AbbVie both sales and medical Immunology are really driving the culture to SHIT. They have no f'ing clue what pedigree means. The most tenured reps and MSL's being forced out on stupid BS. Wait till they all show up one day on a different team and kick ABBV ass. Idiots are f'ing crazy !!

Good point …recruiters call every week and if the culture is toxic or a local manager is “off” then people move on to better opportunities.

Forced ranking has been around for a long time. We save a ton on salaries. Your so-called relationships are not worth much anymore and haven’t been for years. At one time they were, but no longer. Yes, we can hire a pretty face and the territory will just keep on going as if nothing happened. Reps are not worth what they once were.

Never worked for Abbvie, but I scan CP every now and then. I have over 30 years in the business and the above post may be the most accurate I have seen in awhile. 100% truth.

Never worked for Abbvie, but I scan CP every now and then. I have over 30 years in the business and the above post may be the most accurate I have seen in awhile. 100% truth.

you dont even work at this company, and youre trolling it's cafe pharma board? Get a life, you pathetic loser...go make some calls

If you’re over 45 and still working in primary care, you should be really embarrassed and just resign on your own.
Are you kidding me!! Primary care rep is a great job for someone over 45. Climb your way up the ladder as high as you can, make great cash and equity along the way…build a nice 401K and when the time is right, slide back into a primary care job somewhere. It’s practically early retirement minus the occasionally DM visit dog and pony show. But, as we all know, if you just do the bare minimum, you can last a long, long time in a primary care role, relatively stress free.

Are you kidding me!! Primary care rep is a great job for someone over 45. Climb your way up the ladder as high as you can, make great cash and equity along the way…build a nice 401K and when the time is right, slide back into a primary care job somewhere. It’s practically early retirement minus the occasionally DM visit dog and pony show. But, as we all know, if you just do the bare minimum, you can last a long, long time in a primary care role, relatively stress free.

Good point! Usually the territories are not monster size and require extensive travel. Doctors that are accessible can be appreciative of the reps calling on the clinic with educational resources and medical updates. If you have professional relationships with them it makes the job even more enjoyable. If I was a DM I would be happy to have an older mature employee that is stable and not a job jumper or drama king/queen.

Sorry its true. Im a former cardiocare DM and iI made some really good money off downsizing half my district
This is absolute BS. I’m a DM-26 years- never have I been asked to eliminate anyone for anything. I have had to fire a couple of people for very specific reasons, but age has never been a cause.

Abbvie/Forest is a joke. No one takes you seriously. Everyone I know who has left and moved on, we all laugh at how pathetic the culture was/is at Abbvie (Forest). Low pay, shitty 20-something "DMs", primary care mentality.

Forest DM’s are the joke. They don’t listen. They speak over my physicians at lunches as if they know better. Disrespectful. Female DM is costing me business because she can’t help but be a hillbilly.