Abbvie pushing out people over 45

You play the victim, I’ll play the disinterested bystander.
I am one of those over 45 gladly retired when Androgel went generic and they offered a generous continuation package. I was planning to retire anyway but was holding off until the details of the alignment came forward. It was nice to retire with 10 months pay and benefits that coincided with my eventual retirement. I didn’t want to sell the dog drug that women’s health ended up selling much less work with any of the individuals concerned. In between the phone call from Frank and my worthless DM, I was celebrating my good fortune.
There is life after Abbvie and it is great with no more national meetings, POA meetings, meetings in Atlanta or endless moronic teleconferences and Webex conferences.

Now cue the snarky, puerile and rude replies….

Seems like Abbv is pushing out people over 45 by starting OEC investigations and expense report issues. They harass you till you leave.. especially if you are colored. Makes no sense.. these millennials can’t sell if their life depended on it.

currently happening in our district. They should be careful on how they go about this.

Seems like Abbv is pushing out people over 45 by starting OEC investigations and expense report issues. They harass you till you leave.. especially if you are colored. Makes no sense.. these millennials can’t sell if their life depended on it.

Abbvie bends over backwards for People of Color. If you are white, male, over 45 there is no place for you here. Just look at who gets recognized.

Seems like Abbv is pushing out people over 45 by starting OEC investigations and expense report issues. They harass you till you leave.. especially if you are colored. Makes no sense.. these millennials can’t sell if their life depended on it.

Seems like?

Of course they are.

All corporations do this. Its how they run their business.

There is nothing you can do but put up with the BS, and watch your back. Let them give you a severance. Or, if they royally screw up and wrongly terminate you, then you have a good lawsuit.

It is what it is. Teach the youth about this every step of the way. Teach young people to start a business and not go to college unless you are going for something you are passionate about and need a college degree to pursue like doctor or nurse or lawyer, etc.

Best to you.

Almost all states are considered right to work states...which means a company can fire you for literally any reason. So unless you can prove that every employee in the company that is over a certain age was let go or in the process of being let go due to age have no case. We all know this is happening but it is happening everywhere and probably in most industries...I just turned 55 and I have resigned myself to the fact that when this runs its course...I will gladly walk away and do something else until my eventual retirement. This industry has been on fumes for so many years...but it was a hell of a way to make a living for a while.

Almost all states are considered right to work states...which means a company can fire you for literally any reason. So unless you can prove that every employee in the company that is over a certain age was let go or in the process of being let go due to age have no case. We all know this is happening but it is happening everywhere and probably in most industries...I just turned 55 and I have resigned myself to the fact that when this runs its course...I will gladly walk away and do something else until my eventual retirement. This industry has been on fumes for so many years...but it was a hell of a way to make a living for a while.

I agree, it has been a great way to make a living and it’s been a fun ride. I am hoping this is my last pharma job and I have a few years left! So much complaining on CP, it’s the best job.

This is just the way this company operates. They pay DM's a bonus to eliminate employees when they need to downsize. That way they don't have to pay severance. When they downsized Cardiocare they offered DM's $5000.00 for every person they could get fired. Im sure the price has gone up. I know this will get deleted , but sadly its the truth.

This is just the way this company operates. They pay DM's a bonus to eliminate employees when they need to downsize. That way they don't have to pay severance. When they downsized Cardiocare they offered DM's $5000.00 for every person they could get fired. Im sure the price has gone up. I know this will get deleted , but sadly its the truth.
Big Lie!

Almost all states are considered right to work states...which means a company can fire you for literally any reason. So unless you can prove that every employee in the company that is over a certain age was let go or in the process of being let go due to age have no case. We all know this is happening but it is happening everywhere and probably in most industries...I just turned 55 and I have resigned myself to the fact that when this runs its course...I will gladly walk away and do something else until my eventual retirement. This industry has been on fumes for so many years...but it was a hell of a way to make a living for a while.

it is based off the corporate address …is Illinois ‘right to work’?

I worked 20 years at another pharma company and this happened to me just 2 years away from full retirement and believe me, I was counting down. The manager began criticizing my expense reports saying I was spending too much per person. This was a lie and I came back with documentation I had kept for several years showing I was in compliance. I had always kept a notebook of lunches and cost per person for my own knowledge, but it came in handy once the accusations came. He never apologized or said oops my mistake. Just went on the the next item which involved sales techniques which I crushed but he denied me on 3 field rides at a critical time. Then he and my regional decided to expand my territory to have me overlay 3 territories and when that didn't get me to retire, they increased my territory to 4 territories which made overnight travel necessary - something he knew I would hate. Lucky me, he said - I was the only one in our company with 4 territories to cover. I decided that life was too short to deal with this jerk. I had had 6 other managers who loved me and then I get this jerk. I didnt change except I got older. How do these people sleep at night? Oh well, I retired and completely changed careers. Age discrimination is very real but I probably would not have believed it had I not lived it. I loved my company and was so proud to be a part of it. I loved my products - they were excellent! My numbers were great (left just shy of 150% to goal.). This manager must have had some motivation to push me out.