Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Let's reward bullying in Abbott by giving bully's DVP awards. Scare new people to even be a minute late back on their breaks. Imagine a girl that only started in January had to leave because her supervisor wouldn't stop following her around. Is A shift the same as B shift? B shift is complete poison at the minute

I just heard that gabby the mouth has moved downstairs to the star close line
Be very careful she’s a witch
All she wants to do is blame people and make up stories and cause more hassle
Be very weary of her girls down there
She’s bad news

Hello ‍♂️ come to my country we treat you better. Just ask Otto Warmbier. He enjoyed his time over here. Come and experience 1st class citizenship. We luv Americans.
No need for us to go all the way to North Korea Kim. We work for abbott in clonmel over 40 hours a week although it would be easier to spend 5 or 6 years in one of your prison camps im sure you have better human rights records and better food but that wouldn't be hard in all fairness.

How to report almost being role over in car park please? Ghy with sun glasses and them white electrical deslas? I think he a manager here and almost ran me over , I could not hear him cum as he got closer and I thought it was a hair dryer, almost took the legs from undernead me. Assholhe.

How much did Abbott make on Pancake Tuesday today? You robbing shower of cunts , €2:70 for a lousy pancake sold by the angry looking elf man in the canteen. The dirty bastert can’t even smile and I am paying his rough looking ass to cook me a pancake , for more than it cost to buy a full bottle of pancake mix? Fuckn disgrace, once a year and can’t even give me a free pancake. I hope the interview for Boston comes through as they actually look after the employees, not rape them. Disgusting profit making vile basterts.

How much did Abbott make on Pancake Tuesday today? You robbing shower of cunts , €2:70 for a lousy pancake sold by the angry looking elf man in the canteen. The dirty bastert can’t even smile and I am paying his rough looking ass to cook me a pancake , for more than it cost to buy a full bottle of pancake mix? Fuckn disgrace, once a year and can’t even give me a free pancake. I hope the interview for Boston comes through as they actually look after the employees, not rape them. Disgusting profit making vile basterts.
Hahaha loser. Imagine leaving a job because you chose to pay 2.70 for a pancake. You won't get into Boston if you're going to cry over a pancake online, it's playschool you need to get into

its the most essential station in the whole company
Is that the station that all the lads have been skipping and clowns only figured it out now. It not the only station like that can you guess the other 3 stations where important steps are skipped deliberately!! Come on lads this is a question for Abbotts World class engineering team!!!

Is that the station that all the lads have been skipping and clowns only figured it out now. It not the only station like that can you guess the other 3 stations where important steps are skipped deliberately!! Come on lads this is a question for Abbotts World class engineering team!!!
Needle alignment, suture force, guide wire or laser and final

Hey Liamo here , all I want is peace , I want to bring back the summer of love this summer. You will all feel as if you are back in 1969 this summer , with how I run things. I am always on Acid so I am always happen. Pitty some of you operators couldn’t be the same. Miserable with how all you live for is Goss. I wonder what the Goss will be today.? You would think some of you could get on with your work and stop complaining about us Bosses and about little things? You must really have nothing going in your own personal lives to be giving out about us BOSSES. We own you and I know that may be hard to understand , and take, but the sooner you come to terms with yourself and your peasant lives , it’s easier to like me. So here’s to a good summer and cut out the negativity and stories. Thanks gays.