Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Not sure were these people are getting their information from but if you weren't their then you don't have a say in the matter. I was there and also I was stone cold sober. The comments made towards these women was disgraceful and disrespectful and I hope you people who are commenting on here, downgrading these poor girls. I hope you never have to watch your sister, mother or daughter go through this because I no for a fact you wouldn't be happy about it and wouldn't stand by and say nothing about so be quiet and give it a rest trying to bully these girls. Only ye and I won't hide behind annoymus name(Ross Connery) peace out.
Wow.. can’t imagine how much of them slappers will fall in love with you after this. They are all easy to get on that line anyways. You did not have to post that on here to get with them , just please wear protection .. I bet the lead they got sacked is regretting riding them all now seeing what they did to him afterwards.

If the accused person in question is reading this it would be advisable to get a solicitor and write down everything these girls were doing on that night and arrive to HR with your solicitor.What you have here is a classic case of slander and defamation of character.This is after being handled so badly they haven't a leg to stand on.They are procedures to follow which haven't been followed by the supervisor.She should have tried to resolve this issue BEFORE ever going to HR and a man's reputation is ruined because of a sloppy investigation.

I really hope he takes ye all to the cleaners.

If the accused person in question is reading this it would be advisable to get a solicitor and write down everything these girls were doing on that night and arrive to HR with your solicitor.What you have here is a classic case of slander and defamation of character.This is after being handled so badly they haven't a leg to stand on.They are procedures to follow which haven't been followed by the supervisor.She should have tried to resolve this issue BEFORE ever going to HR and a man's reputation is ruined because of a sloppy investigation.

I really hope he takes ye all to the cleaners.
I agree but abbott always do illegal shit and ALWAYS get away with it. It’s bullshit. And the girls will continue on that line laughing about it and in some weeks time it will be swept under the carpet and forgotten about. It’s a fucking disgrace that place.

The guy was a creeper and it was his fault and the girls on line 2 did nothing wrong they are nice, beautiful and a fun group to be around, none of them wanted to be creeped on by him and if he cared about his family he wouldn't be creeping on woman so it's his damn fault and if I saw that creeper on the night doing creepy shit to someone I would have knocked him the fuck out, I stand by the woman on line 2 and I know everything you say on here is utter bullshit
Mr E. The way you are the only one , backing this group of vile people up, you would almost have to think , you are one of them

Maybe because anyone that knows the actual truth doesn't have to come online on an anonymous page and explain what happened to some losers spreading misinformation that clearly have no life?
Just a thought. Everyone knows who's writing these comments. Not one single rumour written up on this page has been true, just a few low lives on here spreading awful rumours and relentlessly bullying a group of girls for the fun of it. If you weren't personally involved then fuck off and keep your nose out of it.

Maybe because anyone that knows the actual truth doesn't have to come online on an anonymous page and explain what happened to some losers spreading misinformation that clearly have no life?
Just a thought. Everyone knows who's writing these comments. Not one single rumour written up on this page has been true, just a few low lives on here spreading awful rumours and relentlessly bullying a group of girls for the fun of it. If you weren't personally involved then fuck off and keep your nose out of it.
Oh look another girl from L2 defending her vile behaviour on the night of the 29th.… you must not have a life reading this page everyday and getting offended by all the truth being told , even taking the time to comment. Everyone knows the truth about what went on , there isn’t a point in trying to defend anything because all of DES know about yous lot so please .. move on now and get a life and focus on setting up the next sports and social night for summer , where you can attack your next victim…

Maybe because anyone that knows the actual truth doesn't have to come online on an anonymous page and explain what happened to some losers spreading misinformation that clearly have no life?
Just a thought. Everyone knows who's writing these comments. Not one single rumour written up on this page has been true, just a few low lives on here spreading awful rumours and relentlessly bullying a group of girls for the fun of it. If you weren't personally involved then fuck off and keep your nose out of it.
Why did one of you *girls* , not pull him to the side and have a chat tell him to go home ? or anyone just tell him he was a bit drunk and needs to calm the f down , to drink some water or to go home , why does every fuckn thing in this cunt of a place have to be such a big deal made out of it , I know for sure you girls aren’t no angels and have done some bad shit on nights out. No one bats an eye lid when it’s women though. When it’s a ghy all the women leave him do it , then get together in packs and cut the back of the man. Destroying someone’s life is a lot worse than writing some truthful comments on a website, that everyone knows anyways. We all know drink can cause ppl to do strange things , as all of you girls well know I’m sure. No need to destroy the man’s life , just my opinion on the issue , and all of DES seem to think this. Peace ✌️

Oh look another girl from L2 defending her vile behaviour on the night of the 29th.… you must not have a life reading this page everyday and getting offended by all the truth being told , even taking the time to comment. Everyone knows the truth about what went on , there isn’t a point in trying to defend anything because all of DES know about yous lot so please .. move on now and get a life and focus on setting up the next sports and social night for summer , where you can attack your next victim…
If you’re going to come on here and claim to know the ins and outs of an incident you had no part in, and spread complete bullshit about the people involved, at least get the date right. Shows how much information you actually know

If you’re going to come on here and claim to know the ins and outs of an incident you had no part in, and spread complete bullshit about the people involved, at least get the date right. Shows how much information you actually know
U go gal ❤️ so true us women are not just for the streets as people in des claim. We need more than some beer for men to go off with us.. maybe if he offered us some vodka and waited an hour or more , he could have got lucky and went back to the room for some fun. But us women must stick together, we are a wolf pack on L2 . We must back one another up. We are hard to get on that line , so keep your distance and just because we act like we want attention , does not mean we will not cost you your job for giving us some attention after we want it. Us women must protect one another from you men in DES. Perverted monsters.

We all know this about them two clowns. Driving down the road in the merc before going home to the family to have a quickie with Amy , Vc has some right secrets , worse than DES even. The wannabe Mcregor with the Man bun driving the BMW also cheating with the slag who wears the skirts so short , while standing at her locker drawing attention to any guy she can. Man bun guy enjoys her company everyday , more cheaters. Then you have Foreign Vytas going about our Line in VC , up by the Can ban slapping girls ass with his Silly wife in DES. Silly people in this factory. Thank god I left this site.
Sure, I won't be naming names 'cause everyone knows already. That lad from boxing is shagging one of the supervisors from Shift A, the blonde one who's a bit chunky and not that pretty. This lad, you know him, the foreigner with the blue Merc (what a clown).

But here's the kicker: at the last bash, he got a bit sloshed as usual, and his tongue got all loose. He was blabbing about what he does with her, and she's selling him every bit of info about what's happening in Abbott and what the future plans are. Seems like he knows everything about plans in the company and spills the beans wherever, especially when he's high and drunk. It's a real mess. Can't believe this incident can't be stopped. It's pathetic. Plus, everyone hates him, but he thinks people like him. What a joke, seriously.

And about that blonde one—I've heard plenty of stories about her too. Trust me, there's more to say, but sure, you probably know yourself.

Maybe because anyone that knows the actual truth doesn't have to come online on an anonymous page and explain what happened to some losers spreading misinformation that clearly have no life?
Just a thought. Everyone knows who's writing these comments. Not one single rumour written up on this page has been true, just a few low lives on here spreading awful rumours and relentlessly bullying a group of girls for the fun of it. If you weren't personally involved then fuck off and keep your nose out of it.
Boohoo....wahwah....whinge whinge.

Oh look another girl from L2 defending her vile behaviour on the night of the 29th.… you must not have a life reading this page everyday and getting offended by all the truth being told , even taking the time to comment. Everyone knows the truth about what went on , there isn’t a point in trying to defend anything because all of DES know about yous lot so please .. move on now and get a life and focus on setting up the next sports and social night for summer , where you can attack your next victim…
Just leave L2 alone it's getting fucking old now you are just fucking pathetic just shut the fuck up...................

Just leave L2 alone it's getting fucking old now you are just fucking pathetic just shut the fuck up...................
Mr E , didn’t see you back anyone else up when every other line was getting raped not so long ago? , you lot on L2 deserve every bit of it. You brought this all on yourselves. Des Lines on this got worse shit in the past for FAR FAR less than getting a man sacked … so mr E , open your eyes to your surroundings on that line , and be careful… unless you are one of the women who got that lead the sack. Typical Karen.