Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Mr E , didn’t see you back anyone else up when every other line was getting raped not so long ago? , you lot on L2 deserve every bit of it. You brought this all on yourselves. Des Lines on this got worse shit in the past for FAR FAR less than getting a man sacked … so mr E , open your eyes to your surroundings on that line , and be careful… unless you are one of the women who got that lead the sack. Typical Karen.
I am a Mr and you have to stop talking bullshit about line 2 they don't need this shit you and other people on here are horrible you can say what ever the fuck about me I don't give a fuck but leave line 2 alone they don't deserve the shit I see on here

I am a Mr and you have to stop talking bullshit about line 2 they don't need this shit you and other people on here are horrible you can say what ever the fuck about me I don't give a fuck but leave line 2 alone they don't deserve the shit I see on here
Look .. Luv .. I no u work in abbott and maybe u don’t have a fully workin brain , but callin u self Mr.E and sayin ur a mister , clearly tell us all ur one of the females from L2.. u really are a dummy.. can’t beleive that Lead even tried it on with u lot. He should have tried it on with them Talbot hotel Waitresses , at least them yung ones actulely have brains and give him sum bang bang time… DUMMY. go bck to skwl and read some boooks. Maybe lern how to spell while ur at it.

go bck to skwl and read some boooks. Maybe lern how to spell while ur at it.

Look .. Luv .. I no u work in abbott and maybe u don’t have a fully workin brain , but callin u self Mr.E and sayin ur a mister , clearly tell us all ur one of the females from L2.. u really are a dummy.. can’t beleive that Lead even tried it on with u lot. He should have tried it on with them Talbot hotel Waitresses , at least them yung ones actulely have brains and give him sum bang bang time… DUMMY. go bck to skwl and read some boooks. Maybe lern how to spell while ur at it.
I am a man a guy and if I wanted to listen to you talk shit I would cut out your tongue and stick it up your fuck off

We all know this about them two clowns. Driving down the road in the merc before going home to the family to have a quickie with Amy , Vc has some right secrets , worse than DES even. The wannabe Mcregor with the Man bun driving the BMW also cheating with the slag who wears the skirts so short , while standing at her locker drawing attention to any guy she can. Man bun guy enjoys her company everyday , more cheaters. Then you have Foreign Vytas going about our Line in VC , up by the Can ban slapping girls ass with his Silly wife in DES. Silly people in this factory. Thank god I left this site.
There's absolutely no need to call her a slag she's one of the nicest people

Hi what do you guys think of the 6.4% bonus. Happy vibes or unhappy? , this morning for my free brekkie , at the table this morning , I made eye contact with one of the girls mentioned on here previously. I am in love and I do not know how to tell her. I always fanaticise about her while I’m at work and think about the disgusting things I would do to her all over her body. She has an ass , that could swallow up a G string. She is young. She is stunning. She can take advantage of me anytime, anywhere. I am in Love, and I don’t know what to do about it. I want to fuk her against the packing station. I will take them panties home as a trophy and she will never forget me. Mmmm the day will cum , and we both will also.

They shafted that poor young lad today no need for it but an example had to be made yet on line 1 in the space of 2 days another 2 operators were caught not following procedure swept under the rug again

They shafted that poor young lad today no need for it but an example had to be made yet on line 1 in the space of 2 days another 2 operators were caught not following procedure swept under the rug again
Would ya go way its quality fault they won't stand upto the sups and leads and insist on putting a person on the station full time if quality won't do job then why should ops they only made an issue out of it over the audit be back to normal again in a few months. It has been going on for years you reap what you sow. All they care about is numbers they don't have the staff blah blah short cuts have to be taken its a shit product anyway and it's pointless pulling a stupid wire through a hole for a less than 1% scrap rate complete waste of resources and time. Clowns are too lazy to submit paperwork to fda to have it removed as it is not being done anyhow. Our shift leaders don't even assign people to do it so how is it supposed to be done. Storm in a teacup if they keep pushing to do it then reduce the numbers can't see the powers at be accepting that.

If that Pri*k LOD thinks he can take my smed off me he has another thing coming! I have a child to get up to and I’m already fighting with enuff ops as is on my line , now there gonna be more unneeded drama , jokers.

If that Pri*k LOD thinks he can take my smed off me he has another thing coming! I have a child to get up to and I’m already fighting with enuff ops as is on my line , now there gonna be more unneeded drama , jokers.
They love Drama up here , they feed off it in this place lol.. No drama No fun in abbott Vascular

If that Pri*k LOD thinks he can take my smed off me he has another thing coming! I have a child to get up to and I’m already fighting with enuff ops as is on my line , now there gonna be more unneeded drama , jokers.
The reason ppl are walking out , how many Ops left for Boston over him? , concentration camp he thinks he’s running , not a worksite. He must have German relations. Sumday I am going to walk into his office , throw him the mikkle finger and bust his ass cheeks in 2. See how he likes it.

Does anybody know why Abbott is run so badly ? Why are people up here so angry, stressed, depressed, what is the main reason everybody feels like this in abbott? Is it the people? Is it the repetitive nature of the job? Is it how you are treated by all the higher ups/ managers? , why are abbott hiring like never before , and nobody wants to come to this company? It has the worst reputation around for big company’s, why is this? Is it a mixture of all of these? .. genuinely interested on people’s opinions.

Speaking of priks warning to the Vc line by implants . Ye have a new sup there now
Watch yourself he’s dangerous
Sell his mother to try make him self look good . Friendly warning.

Does anybody know why Abbott is run so badly ? Why are people up here so angry, stressed, depressed, what is the main reason everybody feels like this in abbott? Is it the people? Is it the repetitive nature of the job? Is it how you are treated by all the higher ups/ managers? , why are abbott hiring like never before , and nobody wants to come to this company? It has the worst reputation around for big company’s, why is this? Is it a mixture of all of these? .. genuinely interested on people’s opinions.
the war Veterans in this place like making eachother feel bad , judgmental horrors in that place , to much cowboys not enough Indians. You do bad .. they judge and critique on you... you do well.. they get jealous .. they judge and gossip and pray for your downfall… can’t win in this place.. concentration camp would’ve been better … at least they were actually a team in that place and wouldn’t see them gossiping … Heinrich never complained about Smul having the first shower , in DES they’d give out about it though.. miserable low life wank*rs. Some of them are better off going back to the sewers they come from… most can’t even drive so get your wife’s to drive ye back to the hole ye crawled out from.. . call yourself Men when all you do is bi*ch like Women. Some men up here are worse than the women. fannys

In other news , I just Hit an eagle on the Par 5 In slievnamon. Good start to the day. I’m high on life in the sunshine , on the golf course. I’m sure abbott will bring me back down to being depressed later.

Hi I am just asking if anybody knows any good Electricians or Plumbers? Between clonmel and fethard Area , please and would much appreciated.
I have a freind I can call if you don’t mind waiting , he’s only 5 minutes down the street and can be here to give us some more information. Would that be cool? Hang around for a bit and I’ll give him a call.