Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Abbott are put to shame by Boston Scientific decision, fair play to Boston for putting the health of workers first. Hopefully this will get Boston Scientific Clonmel the shingo prize. They deserve it for showing courage. It's not all about money. Boston are leading by example. Pity Abbott Clonmel don't do that to.
I'm guessing today they are going to have a meeting to see what they can do. Only out of shame. SHAME ON ABBOTT CLONMEL .
The media will hear about this,

To say we are marching to our deaths is utterly disrespectful to the actual front line staff dealing with patients who are confirmed. I'm not happy with their approach but if ye feel that strongly about staying at home maybe ye should just do that.

staying at home is not an option if you are sick u get a warning even if it’s a hospital appointment, it’s a culture of fear, I personally know one person who has all the symptoms but won’t see a doctor cause he’s afraid he will get in trouble and lose his job and he works in Abbott!! Stay at home haha don’t make me laugh!!!

Some disgrace in there today, all about money FUCK U ABBOTT , Boston hold yer head up high at least ye care about yer workers, oh and we got the letters saying were essential workers, oooh fuck off so are Boston hellooooo, luckily I have a job lined up for a bank once this is over, more money and god dam for respect

staying at home is not an option if you are sick u get a warning even if it’s a hospital appointment, it’s a culture of fear, I personally know one person who has all the symptoms but won’t see a doctor cause he’s afraid he will get in trouble and lose his job and he works in Abbott!! Stay at home haha don’t make me laugh!!!

If the person you know went to the doctor he might be told to self isolate and theres nothing work can do.

The person would also probably be told by the doctor that they are in fact a r***** for knowingly hiding symptoms.

If you watch Claire Byrne live showed 30th of March Yvonne a woman with covid 19 did a video from the hospital. That is why workers are worried.

It is very worrying that our thick leaders are hiding about us being essential workers. Our near neighbours next door make essential life saving devices also and they closed to protect staff and their families and paid all staff.

If anyone in work put the amount of people they have put in harms way they woukd be sacked and so should our leader. Her handling of this has created a toxic work environment especially in operations.

I mean I know she is blonde but I didn't think she was stupid. She is not taken this seriously enough, if she cared about us she would of done the right thing. It's fine for them being at home safe with family and we going in like clowns not knowing what we walking into.

The social distancing is not good enough on the lines still people are way to close for my comfort anyway. You can get all the social distancing champions you want these guys are all sheep anyway. They are not public health doctors and microbiologist who can see how long this virus lives on a surface. I think alot of people going to leave after this when other companies start hiring again.
Anyone know who I can report a dangerous workplace to should I go to health and safety authority? They not listening inside so have to go further about it.

I have to come on here and say how much I feel Abbott has let down it’s staff and it’s reputation in this town will forever be tarnished, are they waiting for someone to catch the virus before they close or what is their strategy???

There is no strategy, they won't close. No PPE masks provided even at this stage and no social distancing behind closed doors. Head down work on and u do not dare mention Covid-19.I salute u Boston for what u have done.

Abbott is a global healthcare company, manufacturing medical devices, diagnostics, medical nutrition and other healthcare service in Ireland for the use by the HSE and other healthcare systems globally

What products in the clonmel site are used by the HSE??

So with all the doors open along the corridors what will happen now is, insects will get into the clean rooms.

Bet they would have to close up if that happens because product would be compromised.

But don't worry if Abbott staff are compromised.

Flies Beatles spiders

If anyone cares for their health on this so much then why aren't the taking their option of annual or unpaid leave???? Surely your health is more important than a few days holidays????? Shower of whinging babies on this.

If anyone cares for their health on this so much then why aren't the taking their option of annual or unpaid leave???? Surely your health is more important than a few days holidays????? Shower of whinging babies on this.

You have to let people vent because it is obviously an issue that is bothering them. It doesn't affect you, you can simply not come on this site if it bothers you that much by reading posts by these 'whinging babies'. People are going to be annoyed by this and let them be annoyed.

Just be thankful you still have a job. If you feel threatened by the virus QUIT your line job and see how that will work out. The grass isn’t greener and job market will be tough. Count your blessings!!! Do your job and this will be all gone in a few months.

Why is everyone's response ' Just quit your job if you are so afraid of the virus'
how is that going to solve anything? It's not going to take away the danger that is up there of people potentially contracting the virus and dying. Getting angry at each other for voicing opinions isn't going to help anyone. This is a tough time, everyone is more or less in the same boat.
Just because a person is voicing an opinion doesn't mean they want to lose their job or quit. It just means they are angry, scared and just fed up. So why attack each other, when it's now more than ever that people should be pull together to get through this.